2010 Staff Development Day
June 9, 2010
8:30 – 9:15CA Atrium / Registration and Refreshments
CA 109? / Welcome and Announcements
Dan Heckaman
9:30 – 10:30
MA 169
Office Productivity / Microsoft Word – Basics:Even though most of us have been using Office 2007 for a while now, some of us may still be stuck in the Word XP/2003 days. Get an overview of the ribbons in 2007, some of the basic functions that will save you time and frustration as well as some of the help and training resources available to make your life easier.
9:30 – 10:30
CB 200
Communication Tools / LimeSurvey:MSUM has a free web-based survey tool available to all staff.Does a grad student need a survey to collect data on the web? Or do professors want to send out anonymous surveys to students to evaluate their classes?
9:30 – 10:30
CB 212
Web Based Document Creation / SoftChalk:Learn how to use SoftChalkLessonBuilder to create interactive web pages and content without having to learn HTML or programming. Create engaging content for your department's web site or assist faculty in the development of their courses with this easy-to-use tool. Using SoftChalk, you can create professional-looking web pages that include embedded videos and slide shows, pop-up text annotations, self-assessment quizzes, and interactive learning games. You can package your presentation for delivery via CD disc, Internet, or IMS tool such as Desire2Learn or Moodle. Soft Chalk was designed for instructors and content-experts who don't have time to learn complex software. Come learn how to use this simple, yet powerful tool.
9:30 – 10:30
CB 209
Potpourri / lynda.com:Do you ever get stuck in a Word document or Excel spreadsheet and wonder where you can get help? Or do you have questions about using features in Acrobat Pro or Outlook?Lynda.com Online Tutorials offer solutions these questions and much more.
10:30 – 11:30
CB 212
Office Productivity / Microsoft Access Basics:Learn how this easy-to-use database program can organize and present information. This hands-on session will cover the creation and management of basic tables, queries, forms, and reports. Excel users will find the session useful in discovering how the two programs can be used together effectively.
10:30 – 11:30
CB 109
Communication Tools / Web Conferencing:Many people are electing to attend meetings via web conferencing, saving time and travel costs. At MSUM, we have licensed a web conferencing application called Wimba. In this hands-on session, the primary features of web conferencing systems will be demonstrated. Participants will see how to use a headset/microphone to talk to others located anywhere in the world via the internet. Learn how to raise a virtual hand, record the session for later viewing, use a chat to type comments about the presentation, and share what's on your computer screen with others.
10:30 – 11:30
CB 200
Web Based Document Creation / Respondus:Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams. Exams can be created in Respondus or imported from a MS Word document or even from a publisher’s test bank. From there it can be converted into a format used in web-based testing environments such as Moodle or D2L. Whether you are a veteran of online testing or relatively new to it, Respondus will save you hours on each test and keep your question bank mobile for a variety of uses.
10;30 – 11:30
CB 209
Potpourri / Business Office Online Reporting:Take a step-by step walk through e-timesheets, credit card statements, travel requisitions and employeeexpense reports.
11:30 – 12:30
CB 209 / Box Lunch and Keynote Address:
“State of Technology” by Dan Heckaman, CIO
Door Prize Drawings
12:30 – 1:30
CB 212
Office Productivity / Adobe Acrobat:Learn to create interactive forms and efolios. Efolios are a combination of documents, drawings, email, etc in a single compressed PDF. Use professionally designed templates that can be branded with your logo and include descriptions to guide recipients through the contents.
12:30 – 1:30
CB 103
Communication Tools / MSUM Telephone System:Tips and techniques for using the MSUM telephone system's many features including call forwarding, directories, voice mail and more.
12:30 – 1:30
CB 200
Web Based Document Creation / Overview of D2L: Desire2Learn is used for delivery of instruction here at MSUM and throughout the MnSCU system. This session will provide an overview of the capabilities of this system, including online testing and gradebooks, electronic dropboxes, and communication tools including chat, discussions, internal email and news.
12:30 – 1:30
MA 169
Potpourri / Virtual EMS: The scheduling of your event is essential to doors being locked and unlocked, table and chair setup, heating and cooling schedule and audio/visual needs. In this short session we will go over using Virtual EMS to reserve/find space for your event.
Doodle & Calendar:Ever tried to come to a consensus with a large group of people on a date for an upcoming meeting? Would you like to use an online calendar to better organize your schedule for the next few weeks? If so, come learn how to use the powerful scheduling features of Doodle and Dragon Mail Calendar to take care of your calendaring needs.
1:30 – 2:30
CB 212
Office Productivity / Microsoft Word – Intermediate: Are you comfortable with the basics of MS Word but want to learn some features that will save you a lot of time in document creation and formatting? You will have the opportunity to learn about applying styles, using styles to create tables of content and indexes and mail merge for quickly creating personalized mass mailings and labels/envelopes
1:30 – 2:30
CB 103
Communication Tools / Using MSUM Resources Away from Campus:This session demonstrates how to connect to your campus services from your MSUM laptop while off campus. This will include instruction on how to use the new VPN client and the SSL VPN Portal. Services that will be covered are ISRS, personnel and department shares, sharepoint and printing to department printers.
1:30 – 2:30
CB 200
Web Based Document Creation / Overview of Moodle – It's Not Just for Instruction:Moodle is an application that has been used at MSUM for several years to deliver workshops and instruction (both face-to-face and online/hybrid classes). But there are other interesting ways to use this powerful application -- departments, student organizations, and other groups of people are using this system to organize documents for their group and collaborate via polls, discussions, blogs, and chat. Come and see what Moodle can do for you!
1:30 – 2:30
CB 109
Potpourri / Business Office Training:The ultimate Q & A session on ISRS: Purchasing (PCS), Web-based and Legacy accounting, System Access Request and more.
2:30 – 3:30
CB 200
Office Productivity / Microsoft Excel:Learn the basics of functions (predetermined formulas) and formula construction to help you when it comes to working with numerical data that needs to be manipulated and analyzed. The advantage to using functions and formulas is that when variables are changed, the outcomes are automatically updated. Once the data has been entered and outcomes calculated, it can be displayed visually in a very professional and engaging manner through the use of charts. We will explore some of the basic chart types and the basics of manipulating them.
2:30 – 3:30
CB 103
Communication Tools / Managing the Email Dragon:Tips & tricks for efficiently handling email, attachments, local folders, Thunderbird and Outlook clients.
2:30 – 3:30
MA 169
Web Based Document Creation / Sharepoint Designer & Savvy Content Manager:Learn how to use Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer and Savvy Content Manager to create and maintain your content on the MSUM web site. During this workshop, you will learn how to log in, access your site, create and edit content pages, and use the web publishing features of Sharepointand Savvy.
2:30 – 3:30
CB 212
Potpourri / Microsoft Access Basics:Learn how this easy-to-use database program can organize and present information. This hands-on session will cover the creation and management of basic tables, queries, forms, and reports. Excel users will find the session useful in discovering how the two programs can be used together effectively.