CorktownNeigbhourhood Association
General Meeting
Thursday, January 14, 2016, 7-9 pm
Queen Victoria Elementary School
- Welcome
Amy Batchelor, new member of the Corktown Neighbourhood Association Executive and chair of this meeting, welcomed residents and guests. Amy introduced members of the Executive present at the meeting (Jenn Friesen, Tima Hussain, Trevor Hickey, Rebecca Costie, PeggyCostie)
- Councillor Jason Farr and Neighbourhood Updates
- Sunil Angrish will be continuing in the role of Ward 2 Animator (outreach worker)thanks to funding from the Ward 2 Office.
- The speed hump scheduled to be installed on Young Street, in front of the Corktown will be installed in Spring 2016.
- Residents have noted the poor location of the speed hump on Young, east of Ferguson. The speed hump can and will be repositioned to improve visibility/sight lines.
- The timeline and next steps of the traffic/pedestrian safety improvements discussed at the Traffic Issue Walkabout on October 19, 2015 will be shared when David Ferguson, Superintendent of Traffic Engineering, returns from vacation.
- If residents face on-street parking issues, they are welcome to send Councillor Farr requests for by-law enforcement to increase patrols in the area
- Residents have expressed concern about the dirt and mud associated with the construction of the townhouses on the corner of Augusta and Catherine. If the project in question is a Site Plan application or an infill lot (demo/re-build) i.e. commercial buildings, street towns on existing roads etc. then MLE should be contacted for enforcement. Councillor Farr noted he addressed this issue and I have not heard of any issues since. This would have been two months to 6 weeks ago.Residentswere instructed to let Councillor Farr know if the problem persists.
- City staff will be issuing Zoning Violation Notices for 119/121 Young Street requiring that the 50% landscaping be returned to the front of the properties. Once issued, the Ward 2 Office will confirm the compliance date
- The lack of green space (43.7% required)at the front of 167 Walnut Street South cannot be addressed until the work is completed. The building permit is still in use at this time.
- No new information about the Spallacci development (Wellington and Charlton). The planner can attend a future General Meeting.
- Councillor Farr announced that a dog park (fenced) will be created on the triangular parcel of land east of 195 Wellington, south of the rail trail. It requires a motion to amend the dog park size requirements.
- Eileen Tallach, Keller Williams Complete Realty, Area Real Estate Market Snapshot
Eileen delivered a presentation on the real estate market in Corktown. She provided information on active listings, price range, and properties sold between July 14, 1015 and January 14, 2015. Sixty-one percent of houses sold in under 30 days. The average sale takes 33 days. She provided helpful tips for preparing your home for a sale.
- Area Crime Manager Updates and Q & A
The new area Crime Manger is Jennifer McFaggen. She was unable to attend this General Meeting, but she will attend future meetings. Beat officer Andrew shared the most recent crime statistics for the area. Overall, crime is down. A resident expressed concern about criminal activity on the hill in Shamrock Park South and asked if the addition of more lighting might help. Andrew recommended the Association request more monitoring of the area in question.
- Participatory Budget Ward 2 (PBW2) 2016
Frances Murray, PB Renewal Committee member and Chair of the Durand Neighbourhood Association, gave a brief overview of participatory budgeting and an update on the proposed process for PBW2 2016. Information will be shared via Corktown NA’s Facebook page and Twitter as it becomes available.
- Corktown Neighbourhood Association News and Events
- Amy thanked the residents who volunteered to deliver flyers.
- The Corktown NA will be working with the Church of the Ascension to host a family-friendly movie night on March 12, 2016.
- Our next General Meeting will take place on Thursday, April 14 (7-9 pm, Queen Victoria)