[Grassroots Template: Customize for what works best for your agency. You can remove the n4a header/references and change up the language…or not!]

Thank Congress for Increasing Older Americans Act Funding!

April XX, 2018

Did you know Congress just increased funding for vital in-home and community services for older adults and caregivers? It’s true! Funding for most Older Americans Act programs will increase this year, some significantly, thanks to the bipartisan budget deal in February and the final 2018 spending bill Congress passed in late March. (For details, see n4a’s March 22 Legislative Update.)

Federal Older Americans Act (OAA) funding is essential in our community—funding a range of services to older adults and caregivers, such as in-home help, transportation, home-delivered and congregate meals, case management, elder abuse prevention, caregiver supports and much more. [Agency Name OR “Our community”] depends upon this federal funding to [“be able to provide X rides, X home visits, X meals” OR “run the local programs you know as X, Y or Z”].

Advocates in DC and around the country are already looking to the next fiscal year to protect and build on these increases, but first—we need your help thanking Congress.

Please take a moment to let our congressional delegation know you appreciate the increases made to these and other cost-effective, life-saving OAA programs!

How to Take Action:

  • Put Your Thanks in Writing.

Send an email to your two Senators and one Representative. You can look them up at www.congress.gov, and send them emails through their websites. [OR list the Members and their websites, phone numbers for the advocates in your area.] You can also send a hard-copy letter, but given security precautions, it’s much less timely.


  • Make Three Short Phone Calls.

If you’d rather call your Members, this is an easy way to be heard! Use the Capitol Switchboard (202.224.3121) to reach their DC offices.


  • Post Your Gratitude on Social Media.

Members of Congress live for public acknowledgement! Use our social media toolkit to give them a shout out from your Facebook or Twitter account.

Sample Email/Call Script:

[IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS A CONSTITUENT AND SHARE ANY RELEVANT PERSONAL INFORMATION YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE SHARING. For example, “I live in the town of Fairmont with my husband who is living with Alzheimer’s. I am his primary caregiver, but he also receives in-home services from Older Americans Act which allows us to be able to stay in our home of 45 years.”]

I am reaching out today to express my thanks for the increases to key Older Americans Act programs and services that were provided by Congress in the FY 2018 spending bill last month.

Thank you for increases for supportive services like in-home help, transportation and case management; meals delivered in the home or in community/senior centers; caregiver supports and services for those caring for an older adult; elder abuse prevention; and evidence-based health programs to prevent falls and manage chronic conditions. [Title VI programs should add details on the Part A and Part C funding increases.]

These Older Americans Act programs and services directly help older adults and caregivers in my community—and across the country. With more Americans living longer, investing in cost-effective locally provided programs to help seniors remain independent and healthy for as long as possible just makes sense!

Thank you.


For more information, contact AGENCY INFO or the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) in Washington, DC: 202.872.0888.