Posted: 09/02/08; Updated: 12/08/08

TechnicalCollege System of Georgia
State Board Approved Date: / December 4, 2008
Implementation Date: / Summer 2009
Last Updated: / December 8, 2008
Technical Certificate of CreditConsolidation Probe
Recommended Action – TCSG Staff:
TCSG staff recommends the consolidation of the programs listed into the consolidated TCC.
Recommended Action – VPI Council:
Supports recommendations as proposed by the TCSG system office staff.
Recommended Action – Presidents Council:
Concurs with recommendations as proposed by the VPAA Council.
Recommended Action –TCSG Board (if necessary):
Approved proposed consolidation to the Program Standards of Automotive Collision Repair Technical Certificates of Credit as recommended by the Presidents Council be approved. Institutions may implement the revisions immediately and must implement them by Spring Quarter 2010 (201103).
Program Name: / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant
Major Code: / 5DU1
CIP Code: / 470603
PAS Code / PAS Group Name: / 0160 / Auto Collision Repair
Proposed Implementation Date for Newly Consolidated TCC: / Summer 2009
Proposed Termination Date for Consolidated TCCs: / Summer 2010
Curriculum Program Specialist: / Larry Roberson (Interim)
Program Description:
The Auto Collision Major Repair Assistant program is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge to become entry-level assistant technicians. The skills taught include damage assessment, frame repair and straightening, welding, panel repair, panel removal and replacement, and suspension and steering damage assessment and repair.

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Posted: 09/02/08; Updated: 12/08/08

Code / Course Title / Class
Hours / Demo
Hours / Practical
Hours / Contact
Hours / Credit
Hours / Course
ACR 100 / Safety / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / Standard
ACR 109 / Damage Identification and Assessment / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4 / 3 / Standard
ACR 120 / Conventional Frame Repair / 1 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 3 / Standard
ACR 121 / Unibody Identification and Damage Analysis / 1 / 2 / 2 / 5 / 2 / Standard
XXXxxx / Unibody Measuring, Fixturing, and Straightening Systems / 3 / 4 / 3 / 10 / 6 / Standard
ACR 125 / Unibody Structural Panel Repair and Replacement / 1 / 2 / 3 / 6 / 3 / Standard
ACR 126 / Conventional Body Structural Panel Repair / 23 / 2 / 63 / 108 / 5 / Standard
ACR 127 / Unibody Suspension and Steering Systems / 2 / 1 / 2 / 5 / 2 / Standard
ACR 128 / Bolt-On Body Panel Removal and Replacement / 2 / 2 / 3 / 7 / 4 / Standard
TCC Minimum Required Hours: / 16 / 17 / 19 / 52 / 29

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Posted: 09/02/08; Updated: 12/08/08

Required Age: / 16
High School Diploma or GED Required: / Yes
Test: / ASSET
Scores / Reading: / 38
English: / 35
Mathematics: / 35
Algebra: / 0
Other Conditions for Admission (if any): / No
If yes, explain:

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Posted: 09/02/08; Updated: 12/08/08

Replacing TCCs: / Offered at Technical College(s):
Code / Replacing TCC(s) / College(s) Offering
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Atlanta
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Athens
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Griffin
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Moultrie
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Okefenokee
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Savannah
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / South Georgia
AUF1 / Automotive Collision Major Repair Assistant / Valdosta

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