Quick Call for Proposals
State of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Quick Call for Proposals (“Quick Call”)
Public engagement planning demonstration
April 20, 2015
· Proposals must be received no later than 2:00PM, Central Daylight Time, on April 29, 2015
· Late proposals will not be considered
SPECIAL NOTICE: This Quick Call for Proposals does not obligate the State of Minnesota or the Minnesota Department of Transportation (“MnDOT”) to award a contract or complete the proposed program and the State reserves the right to cancel this solicitation if it is considered in its best interest.
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Table of Contents
Steps for Completing Your Proposal / Follow the steps below to complete your response to this Quick Call:Step 1: Read the solicitation document and ask questions, if any
Step 2: Write your response
Step 3: Sign and Submit your response
Submittals / A proposal must be submitted along with any required additional documents. Incomplete proposals that materially deviate from the required format and content may be rejected.
How to Ask Questions / The contact person for questions is:
Kelly Arneson, Contract Administrator
Questions must be e-mailed to the contact person by 2:00PM, Central Daylight Time, on April 23, 2015. Other personnel are not authorized to answer questions regarding this Quick Call.
Quick Call for Proposals / The Quick Call starts on Section 3. Insert your response to the questions as asked or provide content as requested. By signing this response, your firm is making a legal, binding offer for a contract to provide services to the State of Minnesota.
Where to Send Your Proposal / Responders must submit 1 hard copy of the proposal, along with one copy of the entire response in electronic format (CD-ROM or flash drive). Proposals must be submitted in a sealed mailing envelope or package, clearly marked “Proposal” on the outside. All proposals must be mailed (United State Postal Service), expressed (UPS, FedEx or similar express carrier) or dropped off to the attention of:
Kelly Arneson, Contract Administrator
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155
Faxed or e-mailed proposals will not be accepted.
Proposal Submission Deadline / Proposals must be received no later 2:00PM Central Daylight Time on April 29, 2015. Please note that MnDOT Offices do not allow non-MnDOT employees to have access to the elevators or the stairs. You should plan enough time and follow these instructions for drop-off:
· Enter through the John Ireland Boulevard side of the Transportation Building (Ground Floor).
· Once you enter through the doors; walk straight ahead to the Information Desk.
· Responses are accepted at the Information Desk only. The receptionist will call the Contract Administrator to come down and to time stamp the response.
Description of Project / The Minnesota Department of Transportation is seeking proposals from public engagement consultants to assist the agency, through some select metro projects, to better understand and effectively demonstrate new methods of engagement preferred by Minnesota’s growing and changing population.*The public engagement approach MnDOT seeks will require particular emphasis on employing a diverse array of strategies to expand the overall number of participants and facilitate engagement intended to avoid “disproportionately high and adverse” effects on minority and low-income populations. MnDOT intends to advance it’s understanding of the public’s changing expectations and preferences regarding public participation, engagement and information planning, service delivery and public communications.
Deliverables include the development of an engagement plan and strategies through which MnDOT can build and test new public engagement methods to be used in current projects and as best practices across the state.
Projects identified as strong candidates for public involvement planning and demonstration of new engagement methods will likely include the Hwy. 149 High Bridge redecking in St. Paul, and the I-94 roadway (including multiple bridges) reconstruction between I-394 and I-694 in Minneapolis and Brooklyn Center. The intent is to begin a planful approach to work the affected communities through engagement methods intended to yield high interest and participation. We recognize considering the timing and the budget, that this contract will both introduce and launch the engagement that will carry forward in years to come (through project completion).
This public engagement planning project will serve to demonstrate best practices in engaging a broad range and segmentation of citizens and stakeholder impacted by select state construction projects. It is intended to advance MnDOT’s understanding of the public’s changing expectations and preferences regarding public participation, engagement and information planning, service delivery and communications.
*MnDOT reserves the right to award multiple contractors. This contract will conclude on or before June 30, 2015.
Sample Tasks / 1. Develop a segmentation and engagement plan using best practices in driving up public and stakeholder engagement.
2. Expand the overall number of participants and facilitate participation by traditionally under‐represented populations.
a. Employ strategies to expand the overall number of participants and facilitate engagement intended to avoid “disproportionately high and adverse” effects on minority and low-income populations.
b. Identify the languages spoken in the corridor and how the non-English or English as a second language communities will be activity engaged.
3. Spark conversation about community access, bike and pedestrian needs on key corridors.
4. Propose measures that demonstrate reach and quality of engagement efforts.
a. Test and measure 2 to 3 engagement techniques, per project.
b. Conduct citizen focus groups and/or interviews with community leaders and other methods of research to identify preferred methods of engagement including but not limited to open houses, newsletters, web postings, email, neighborhood meetings, community feasts/events, roundtables, small group/focus group meetings, etc.
c. Track level of participation, scope of public comment and how the engagement influenced MnDOT decision-making or response.
5. Initiate and build relationships with communities along transportation corridors.
6. Provide a “lessons learned” summary to guide future public engagement investments.
Responders are encouraged to propose additional tasks or activities if they will improve the results of the project. These items should be separated from the required items on the Cost Proposal.
Minimum Qualifications Required / The following skills are required of the responder, and must be clearly demonstrated within the technical proposal. These skills will be rated on a pass/fail basis.
• Knowledge of and experience in the legal and regulatory requirements of Environmental Justice
• Demonstrated experience in public and stakeholder relations and public engagement/public involvement planning and how this engagement has positively impacted project(s)
• Demonstrated experience in working with traditionally under-represented communities
• Ability to communicate in plain language -- clearly, meaningfully and inclusively
Desired Skills / While not required on a pass/fail basis, demonstration of the following desired skills will be taken into consideration when rating responders’ qualifications and experience.
• Experience in transportation projects, public administration, community development, public affairs and/or social, political and environmental studies
• Working knowledge of MnDOT programs to be able to clearly identify and communicate potential impacts/opportunities to citizens, stakeholders and community groups
Proposal Evaluation / Proposals will first be reviewed to confirm compliance with the minimum qualifications identified above. Proposals that meet all the minimum qualifications will be further evaluated in accordance with the following:
· Qualifications 30%
· Approach to Project 40%
· Cost 30%
Page Limit / Responders must limit their entire response to 5 single-sided, 8.5”x11” pages, with no smaller than 11 point font. Excess pages will not be reviewed and evaluated, regardless of their content. Note, a cover letter and the required forms will not count as part of the page limit.
INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the information requested below.
Business Address
Contact Persons Name
Telephone Number
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
· Describe company background.
· Detail experience and qualifications of all personnel proposed to work on the project.
· Describe the overall approach to the work.
· How will the goals of the project be accomplished?
· Who will do the work?
· What are the timelines and final deliverables?
Alterations or Additions to MnDOT’s Standard Terms & Conditions / None
See attached document detailing proposed alterations and/or additions to MnDOT’s Quick Call terms and conditions.
Note: Cost information must be submitted as a separate document from your technical proposal. Cost proposals may not be reviewed by the selection committee prior to the qualifications scores being finalized. / For purposes of completing the cost proposal, MnDOT does not make regular payments based upon the passage of time; it only pays for services performed or work delivered after it is accomplished. Terms of the proposal as stated must be valid for the length of the project. Whether proposing a cost plus fixed fee (profit), hourly rate, unit rate or lump sum budget, responders must include a breakdown (labor, overhead, profit and expenses) showing how the rate was derived. Additionally, if proposing a cost plus fixed fee (profit) budget, responder’s must utilize their current MnDOT approved Overhead rate, but it may not to exceed 160%. For the purposes of this cost proposal, responders should utilize a fixed fee (profit) of 10%. Actual fixed fee (profit) will be determined/calculated by MnDOT upon selection. The responder must include a total project cost along with the following:· A breakout of the hours by task for each employee.
· Identification of anticipated direct expenses.
· Identification of any assumptions made while developing this cost proposal.
· Identification of any cost information related to additional services or tasks. This should be included in the cost proposal, but clearly identify it as additional costs and not made part of the total project cost.
Responders must have the cost proposal signed by authorized member of the firm. Responders must not include any cost information within the body of the technical proposal.
Responders must check each box to certify to the conditions required under this Quick Call. Please note that some certifications may require the submission of additional information. Sign below to finalize response.
REQUIREDContract Terms and Conflict of Interest / I have read and am aware of MnDOT’s contract terms and conditions which were sent as a separate attachment with the Quick Call.
I have completed and provided the “Disclosure of Conflict of Interest” with my proposal.
Noncollusion Affirmation / That I am the Responder (if the Responder is an individual), a partner in the company (if the Responder is a partnership), or an officer or employee of the responding corporation having authority to sign on its behalf (if the Responder is a corporation).
That the proposal submitted in response to the Quick Call has been arrived at by the Responder independently and has been submitted without collusion with and without any agreement, understanding or planned common course of action with, any other Responder of materials, supplies, equipment, or services described in the Quick Call, designed to limit fair and open competition.
That the contents of the proposal have not been communicated by the Responder or its employees or agents to any person not an employee or agent of the Responder and will not be communicated to any such persons prior to the official opening of the proposals.
That I am fully informed regarding the accuracy of the statements made in the proposal.
Certifications / I am a certified veteran-owned business, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section16C.16, subdivision 6a and Section16C.19 (d).
I am a certified targeted group business, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 16C.16, subdivision 5 and Section 16C.19 (a).
I am a resident vendor, in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 2013, Chapter 142, Article 3, Section 16
By submitting a proposal, I warrant that the information provided is true, correct, and reliable for purposes of evaluation for potential contract award. The submission of inaccurate or misleading information may be grounds for disqualification from contract award and may subject me/my company to suspension or debarment proceedings, as well as other remedies available to the State, by law.
- Purpose of this Checklist: This checklist is provided to assist proposers in screening for potential organizational conflicts of interest. The checklist is for the internal use of proposers and does not need to be submitted to MnDOT, however, the “Disclosure of Potential Conflict of Interest” form must be submitted with your signed contract or along with your proposal/letter of interest.
- Definition of “Proposer”: As used herein, the word “proposer” includes both the prime contractor and all proposed subcontractors.
- Checklist is not Exclusive: Please note that this checklist serves as a guide only, and that there may be additional potential conflict situations not covered by this checklist. If a proposer determines a potential conflict of interest exists that is not covered by this checklist, that potential conflict must still be disclosed.
- Use of the Disclosure Form: Proposers must complete the attached disclosure and submit it with their proposal/letter of interest (or separately, as directed by MnDOT, for projects not awarded through a competitive solicitation). If the proposer determines a potential conflict of interest exists, it must disclose the potential conflict to MnDOT; however, such a disclosure will not necessarily disqualify a proposer from being awarded a contract. To avoid any unfair “taint” of the selection process, the disclosure form should be provided separate from the bound proposal, and it will not be provided to selection committee members. MnDOT’s Contract Management personnel will review the disclosure and the appropriateness of the proposed mitigation measures to determine if the proposer may be awarded the contract notwithstanding the potential conflict. MnDOT’s Contract Management personnel may consult with MnDOT’s Project Manager and Department of Administration personnel. By statute, resolution of conflict of interest issues is ultimately at the sole discretion of the Commissioner of Administration.