Missions Prayer

May 2018

1.Aaron and Emily Moore – FMI Missionaries/SE Asia – Thank the Lord for the good friendships they have been able to develop and for the help they are receiving as they learn language. Also, thank the Lord for a wonderful VBS held by the church with over 100 community children attending – pray for opportunities for follow up with them.

2.David and Danielle Bickley – FMI Missionsaries/Fiji –Pray as they continue to work with leadership development, for many to respond to God’s call on their lives, for pastors needed for the new churches that are being started, and for the Lord to generously provide for those whose homes were damaged by flooding from the recent cyclones. Pray for safety for their family as they travel and visit loved ones here.

3.Mark and Lisa Jones – FMI Missionaries/MENECA – Thank the Lord for the opportunity to attend strategic area meetings looking at potential future ministry partnerships. Pray for safe travel as they attend the Foursquare Convention 5/28-31 and have opportunity to see family and friends. Continue to pray for protection as they live in a volatile area – many protests and unrest especially in the evening.

4.Corb and Jan Morgan – Many Tribes/Montana – Pray for the outreach to the Rocky Boy reservation 5/26&27 - for the 2 discipleship class students from that reservation who will be sharing with their own people. Continue to pray for the Lord to supply what is needed to make good connections on the various Indian Reservations.

5.NW District Medical Team to Cote d’Ivoire – Pray for them as they have their second team meeting this afternoon – for unity, team development, and vision for the outreach in June.

6.NWC Young Adults with YWAM DTSs – Pray for Lisa as she continues with the outreach in the Middle East, for Bailey as she continues in Cambodia and will return the end of May, and for D as she leads ministry in SE Asia. Pray for protection for them, clear ministry guidance, divine appointments, and health.

7.Federal Way Schools – Pray for the teachers and staff to know how best to engage their students in their studies;for the best educational opportunities to be available for the students to learn, to be challenged to do their best as they prepare for their futures;and for peaceful environments, and safety on every school campus.

8.Jason and Victoria - FMI Missionaries/SE Asia - Thank the Lord for open ministry doors and strategies in this very diverse part of the world. Pray for the safety, wisdom, protection, and discernment for each step. Thank the Lord for providing the needed funds for pastoral training in one of the countries Jason serves and also thank Him for covering the family,as Jason has to travel frequently and for family unity when he is home.

9.Missions Council – Pray for the Council as they meet this evening. They have oversight of all NWC outreach activities and need wisdom, clear direction and unity as they make the necessary decisions.

10.Experience Foster Care Awareness Event –Pray for this conference tomorrow evening at Christ’s Church in Federal Way as Olive Crest presents a wealth of information about foster care in Washington – from becoming a foster parent to the many ways you can help foster families and agencies. Pray for many hearts to be touched for these children in need through no fault of their own.

11.Federal Way Young Life – Pray for the annual Dessert Auction this evening that raises funds for students to attend a Young Life camp this summer. Also pray that each and every student who needs to go to camp this summer will be able to do so.

12.Gary and Paula Hays – thinkSMALL/Thailand – Pray for this powerful evangelism ministry to children that has successfully reached and discipled thousands of children in Thailand and is now starting work in the Congo and India. Pray as they develop their local team of leaders and teachers – so essential for the work to continue for many seasons. Also thank the Lord for the doors that have opened to bring this ministry to children in Burundi.

13.Bruce and Kara Sanders – YWAM/Perth,Australia –Pray for favor for Bruce as he writes and directs Biblical films for unreached people groups. Pray for continued healing for his ankles and Esperanza’s tumor, for breakthrough with the homeless girls in the ministry home that Kara helps to run, and for their monthly expenditures to be fully covered.

14.Food Pantry – Pray for this outreach on Wednesday mornings to our church family and our community. Pray that those in need will be aware of this resource and thank the Lord for the wonderful volunteers who serve faithfully each week.

15.NWC Summer Mission Team – Thank the Lord for covering each need for this outreach in July to Burley, Id. Pray for the team meeting today as they finalize their smaller teams around specific tasks. Pray for team unity, wisdom for each decision and for any permits to be done in a timely manner.

16.Faith Root – Tanzania/Assisting Foursquare Missionaries – Pray for Faith as she finishes her time in Tanzania the end of May. Pray for good relationships to continue, for protection for her health and for safety as she travel

17.Sports Ministry – Pray for Ron and his team as they have opportunity to speak well into the lives of those who come to play basketball on Tuesday evenings. Ask the Lord to show each one that He knows their need and has a plan for each of their lives.

18.Police & Fire Personnel in Federal Way/King and Pierce Counties Pray for protection, wisdom, and strength and courage as they serve their communities – often in very challenging situations. Also remember our Foursquare Chaplains, who minister to those in the departments where they serve, that the Lord will give them the grace and gifting for each situation. Specifically pray for our Chaplains: Will Ghere – head of Foursquare Institutional & Industrial Chaplains, Lew Cox – Des Moines Police/Fire, Julie Westfall – Pierce Co. Fire, Gwen Bagne – Fife Police, Rick Bulman – Pierce Co Sheriffs, Greg Moore – WA State Patrol, Fran Graham – Pierce Co Sheriffs/FDR, Sandra Little – Hospice, Joe Latos – Tacoma Fire, Greg Clementz – Foursquare Air National GuardChaplain, and Fredrick Mumford – Specialized.

19.Cesar and Ana Crisostomo – Foursquare Guam –Pray for relationships on several levels and for the unique ministry situation of living on an island. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as decisions need to be made and for safe travel as they come to the Foursquare Connection and to visit with family and friends.

20.Salishan Outreach Pray for the team as they have their monthly outreach in the Salishan community-in Tacoma – for continued ability to share the love of Jesus effectively and for wisdom for each interaction.

21.The Persecuted Church – Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who suffer solely because of their love and commitment to the Lord. Pray for His presence and strength to sustain them, and for the/opportunity to share the Gospel safely with those who need to hear.

22.AshaMeloottu – Fellowship of Christian Optometrists – Dominican Republic 5/22-29 – Pray for Asha and a team from her school of 3 doctors/16 student doctors as they serve those in desperate need of eye care in the DR and possibly Haiti. The clinic operations will include eye testing, diagnosing, treatment, and dispensing of glasses and medications. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move beyond their skills to bring healing and provide divine appointments for ministry.

23.One Hope Foursquare Church –Pray for the community meal they offer monthly – for a continued welcoming spirit, for every needed provision, and for those who attend to have soft hearts to hear the gospel. Also pray for adequate support for their missionaries and for the church.

24.NWC Ministries – Pray for all the various ministries and volunteers who serve the members of NWC as well as our community in so many ways – this includes caring for children, adults and families via outreaches, food pantry, AWANA, Children’s Ministry, Youth, Stephen Ministry and so many others. Thank the Lord for their loving, caring hearts and their dedication.

25.Foursquare Disaster Relief – Pray for this branch of Foursquare Missions that responds to disasters here in the US and around the world - for open doors to demonstrate the love and care of the Lord, for opportunities to be His hands and feet in practical ways, and for wisdom to partner well with other volunteers who are serving in the various locations.

26.Will and Linda Ghere – Endorser for hospital and prison/jail chaplains. Thank the Lord for their heart for their chaplains. Pray for them as they support those in their care- for safe travels, divine appointments, wisdom and provision. Also pray for Linda as she continues to recover well from shoulder surgery.

27.Lew and Susanne Cox – Violent Crime Victim Services – Pray for all those in leadership with this ministry to people experiencing one of life’s most difficult situations. Pray for the strength, wisdom and courage to partner with the Lord as they meet each need well. Thank the Lord for the amazing blessing of this team to those who are in such devastating need.

28.Churches of King and Pierce County – Pray for our churches that are sharing the good news of Jesus in these difficult times – that those who are hungry for a relationship with the Lord will be drawn to them, experience the love of God,hope, and healing. Pray for wisdom in each ministry situation, the courage to speak the truth in love, and for every need to be covered

29.Foursquare International Connection – 5/28-31 - Pray for this yearly gathering of the Foursquare family from around the world – this year in Seattle. Pray for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit in each gathering and session, for His kingdom to come and His will to be done, and for safe travel and protection for all those who will be attending.

30.Unreached People Groups –Pray for the over 1000 people groups around the world who have not yet had the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ – pray for open doors to every one.

31.Thank you, Lord, for your amazing faithfulness in every area of our lives. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Thank you, Intercessors!