Language Rights Support Program (LRSP)



As stipulated in the funding agreement, the applicant must submita final reportof activities as soon as possible after the closing of the hearing.

Unless advised otherwise by the Expert Panel, 5% of the total amount granted will be held back in the trustee account until the approval of the final activitiesand financial reportsby the Language Rights Support Program (LRSP).

Reports with signature can be submitted in hard copyor electronically.

PART A:General information

File number:
2. / Name of applicant :
3. / Applicant’s contact information
4. Type of application (Choose an item)
Trial / ☐ /
Leave to appeal / ☐ /
Appeal / ☐ /
Leave to intervene / ☐ /
Intervention / ☐ /
5. / Name of attorney
6. / Attorney’s contact information

PART B:Professional services

Attorney(s) and if applicable, consultant (expert, strategist, etc.)

(Answer questions you have not already answered in a previous report. However, please indicate any changes to information you have previously provided.)

1. / Describe the attorney’s or if applicable, the consultant’s knowledge and experience of constitutional language rights that are relevant to the case.
Attorney’s experience :
Consultant’s experience:

PART C:The hearing

Reminder: Undertakings according to the financial agreement:

Communicate the date of the hearing as soon as possible.

Deliver a copy of the factumseven (7) business days before filing with the court.

Note :Answer questions you have not already answered in a previous report. However, please indicate any changes to information you have previously provided.

1. / Date the applicant has officially filed his or her application with the court:
Date of start of hearing:
Name of the court:
2. / State the main steps taken so far (e.g. date of the discovery proceeding, date of the start of oral arguments presented by the applicant, etc.).
6. / Confirm whether you have applied to the court for reimbursement of costs. YES ☐ NO ☐
7. / Provide any other information you consider relevant.

PART D:Important development regarding the case

1. / Any change that has occurred in the issues in the case or to the remedy claimed (a copy of any modified pleading must be forwarded to the LRSP).
2. / Any problem that has arisen, particularly any problem arising out of strategies employed during the proceedings by other interveners or parties to the case.
3. / Any decision rendered by a court since the last report (when available, a copy of the decision must be forwarded to the LRSP).
4. / Any other important development relating to the case or its management.

PART E: Documents to be submitted

The following documents must be sent to the LRSP electronically:

Not available / Already submitted to the LRSP / Attached to report
1. / Originating process document
2. / Written legal argument
3. / Reimbursement of costs submitted to the court
4. / Decision rendered
5. / Any other document you consider relevant (specify):

By signing this report, I confirm that the information provided is true.

On behalf of ______(Applicant)



Signature date: ______

Name: ______

Title: ______

PARTF:Level of satisfaction with the services of the Language Rights Support Program

  1. How did you find out about the Language Rights Support Program (LRSP)? Mark all the answers that may apply :

By a professional recommendation (lawyer, colleague or other)

By a non-profit organisation

During a presentation of the LRSP

During theLRSP’S ADR Professionals’ Training Session

The LRSP Web site

Other ______

  1. Have you visited the LRSP Web site? Yes No

If your answer was No, continue to question number 5.

Completely / Sufficiently / Partially / Not at all
3. / Did you find all the information you were looking for on our Website?
4. / Did the section "Making an Application" facilitate your request for funding?
5. / Did the steps on how to make an application for funding with the LRSP seem clear to you?
6. / Was the LRSP personnel able to answer all your questions and address your concerns?
7. / Did the LRSP exercise due diligence and keep your personal and professional information confidential?
8. / In general, are yousatisfiedwith the services provided by the LRSP?
9. / How could we improve the section "Making an Application" on our Website?
We would like to receive your comments and suggestions to serve you better.


Last update:October 3rd, 2012