2010-2011 Cottage Grove Hockey Association

General Membership Minutes:

March 7th, 2011

Meeting called to order. Board members present: Randy Lynch, Adam Palodichuk, Jeff Miner, Colleen Gutwein, Kelly Hein, Scott Pierre and Jim Anderson

Approval of February 7th Minutes: Kelly Hein made a motion to approve minutes as written. Jeff Miner second the motion, motion carried

Call for New Business: President, Adam Palodichuk reminded everyone in attendance that the board would have four open board positions available starting next year and ask if there were any nominations. The following people were nominated.

Secretary / Registrar – Mike DeVann was nominated by Jim Anderson and seconded by Colleen Gutwein. Mike accepted the nomination.

C Director – No nominations were presented at the meeting.

Mite/Termite Director – No nominations were presented at the meeting.

Vice President - No nominations were presented at the meeting.

Nomination will be open again at the April general membership meeting along with voting for each position.

Call for Old business: None

Member Attendance: A total of 9 members attended the March meeting.


Committee Reports:

Hockey Fest: Kelly Hein, Diane Janske & Courtney Pierre

No Report

Fund Raising Manager: Jenny Perry

No Report

Tournament Manager: Dan Severson

CG is hosting some post-season tournament that will help eat up the ice time that CGHA needs buy to fulfill our ice contract with the city. In addition, there are still volunteer opportunities available on the DIBS portion of the website. Anyone yet to complete their hours, should sign up via DIBS.

Equipment Manager: Kim Scollick:

No report

District 8 Rep: Jackie Norbury

No meeting in February – No Report. However someone did ask the board what is happening around the proposed no checking policy. It was stated that CG has a vote that would need to get to the District 8 director and they would then rely the vote for District 8 to the MN Hockey who would then give a vote to USA Hockey. It was discussed that we should add more information around the proposed no checking policy on the website. The board will ask Mike DeVann to post information regarding this on our website.

Ice Manager: Bruce Hill:

No Report

Green Line Editor: Vacant

No report

ACE Coordinator / Player Development: Steve Morse

Steve mentioned that the player development committee would be working with all the H.S. coaches to continue building the player development program.

Board Member Reports:

President: Adam Palodichuk:

Adam mentioned that the City of CG would be adding a new parking lot by the arena near the tennis courts. It is anticipated that it will provide an additional 40-50 parking spots but also will be used for snow removal.

The Ice Arena is also going to try and keep the studio rink open during the summer along with the north rink. The west rink will be removed.

Vice President-Dan Severson:

Dan reiterated that CGHA has many open committee positions for the upcoming year and would like the general membership to help fill them. Current open positions will be :District 8 Rep, Tournament Manager, Fundraising Manager and Greenline Editor

Budget Director: Colleen Gutwein

Colleen mentioned that by 3/31 each family would know whether they have a refund or owe additional money for their season bill.

A/B Director: Randy Lynch

Randy gave a recap of the season at the A/B level. Overall, all teams played well and multiple teams did well in tournaments to bring home some hardware.

End of year evaluation should be coming out soon and it was encouraged that members fill them out to give feedback on the season.

Mite/Termite Director – Kelly Hein

No Report

Girls Director –: Jim Anderson

Jim Anderson also recapped the girl’s teams. All teams did very well this year in league play and playoffs.

C Director – Scott Pierre:

Scott mentioned that the C Bantams are starting district playoffs within the week while other teams are just finishing up.

All panoramic pictures have been ordered and will be delivered soon along with sponsorship photos.

Secretary / Registrar – Jeff Miner:

Jeff asked that all team managers return their team book to the arena office.

General Membership Concerns / Discussion:

Member Jeff Fye asked if CGHA could use the Wolfpack name along with the High School. Board was aware of no issues.

Motion to adjournmade by Jeff Miner. Second by Kelly Hein: Meeting Adjourned