The Top Ten Reasons To Give To The Wesleyan Fund!
#10. If you don't, we'll tell everyone that the Christmas reception is being
held at your house this year.
# 9. Because, William Shakespeare said, "Action is eloquence."
#8. Because we're worth it!
#7. We've found a guy who swears he can fix Wesleyan Street. Sadly, Superman doesn't come cheap these days.
#6. There are more than 2,600 students counting on you and your annual
#5. Because, Mike Ellis, Karen Cole, Miriam Espinosa, Debbie Cavitt, and Jennifer Quinn have pledged their time and support to make this campaign a success.
#4. We're just $6,000 away from our goal of $30,000.
#3. You can be entered to win three great prizes: A Night at The
Worthington, Dinner at the Ashton, or a Wesleyan Logo Jacket.
#2. It's no fun to be behind the pack. Schools like Austin College, SMU,
and TCU report faculty and staff giving of 50 % plus!
#1. Because, in a nutshell: 30% participation by faculty and staff just
isn't enough... Major foundations will not support Texas Wesleyan with such a low percentage of participation from its own employees. If you don't give, they won't give. The same is true for Wesleyan alumni and the Board of Trustees.
Please join the 95 employees who have made a gift or pledge and help us increase faculty and staff giving to over 50 percent.
Don’t’ miss out on the prize drawing! Please make your gift or monthly pledge to The Wesleyan Fund by this Friday, November 15th. Please contact Joan Canty or Rebecca Morris at ext. 4404 request a pledge card or make a gift. Thank you !
Your $5 monthly gift equals $30 by May 31.
Your $10 monthly gift equals $60 by May 31.
Your $20 monthly gift equals $120 by May 31.
Your $25 monthly gift equals $150 by May 31.
Don't miss the prize drawing!
Please make your gift or monthly pledge to The Wesleyan Fund by this Friday,
November 15. Please call Rebecca Morris or Joan Canty at ext. 4404 to
request a pledge card or make a gift.