Health Science I Table Contents
Page # / Page Title / Date AssignedCover / Your cover should be a collage of your future career. Your first and last name should be on it so that I can easily see it. / 8/25/15-due 8/28
1st sheet / Interactive notebook guidelines / 8/26/15
2nd sheet / Blank (scrapbook guidelines-may place on front and back / 8/26/15
3rd-14th sheet / Table of Contents tab (6 whole pages front and back) / 8/25/15
Page 1 / Syllabus-put page 1 in top right corner / 8/25/15
Page 2 / Copy of parent/student letter / 8/25/15
Page 3 / Progress report 1
Page 4 / Progress report 2
Page 5 / Unit page 1.01 Body Systems (structural organization) Five colors, pictures, facts and unit question. Draw a picture of your favorite character/person and divide this person into transverse, frontal, mid-sagittal, outline and label the area of 2 body systems with 2 different colors, show and label 2 body cavities. Tape and date page and BS tab with chapter name. **Five facts should be in five different colors and five pictures should match five different facts. / 8/25/15-due by 8/28
Page 6 / Chapter grades. I will give you this sheet and it will be your responsibility to get your parent signature on this sheet and glue it in your notebook.
Page 7 / Unit vocabulary (structural organization key terms) / 8/25
Page 8 / Continuation of vocabulary (medical terminology)-written / 8/25
Page 9 / Organization of the human body worksheet / Due by 9/1
Page 10 / Directional terms activity handout / Due 9/1
Page 11 / Structural organization review handout (Homework) / 8/26 Due 9/1
Page 12 / What does not belong handout (Homework) / 8/26 Due 9/1
Page 13 / System Chart handout / Due 9/1
Page 14 / Body system study guide / Due 9/1
Page 15 / Power point notes / Started 8/26 completed 8/27
Pg. 39 review questions (1-10) / Assigned 8/26-due by 9/1
Pg. 46 (1-5) and pg. 53 (1-6) mult. choice / Assigned 8/27-due by 9/1
Starter (medical terminology) 1-10 with 2 sentences / 8/26
Starter 8/27 write out questions below and answer:
- How are cells grouped? (size, shape, function)
- Name 2 types of epithelial tissue/describe it?(skin-covers outside of the body and membranes-two thin layers of tissue that join together, may secrete fluid)
- Name 2 types of connective tissue/describe (adipose-fat, cartilage-firm flexible support for adult and embryonic skeleton, tendons-connect muscle to bone, ligaments-connect bone to bone)
- Name 2 types of muscle tissue/describe(cardiac-striated and contracts the heart, skeletal-striated and attached to skeleton, smooth-digestive organs, non-striated)
Page 16 / 1.01 Unit vocabulary quiz (graded) / 8/31
Page 17 / 1.02/1.03 Unit page (muscular system)
Remember to write 5 facts, 5 colors and 5 pictures to match your facts. Unit question: What are some disorders of the skeletal system? (Name at least 3 with one sentence to define it/characterize it) / Assigned 8/28
Page 18-19 / 1.02 skeletal vocabulary / Assigned 8/28
Page 20 / Skeletal diagram labeled / Given 8/28
Page 21 / Structure of long bone diagram labeled (starter) / Assigned 8/31
Page 22 / What am I? /word search (starter) / 9/1
Page 23 / Bone names crossword puzzle (starter) / 9/2
Page 24 / Word scramble (starter) / 9/3
Page 25 / Kinds of joints (homework) / Due 9/2-turn in
Page 26 / Critical thinking quiz-the skeletal system (homework) / Due 9/2-turn in
Page 27 / Fractures worksheet (homework) / Due 9/3-turn in
Page 28 / Skeletal chapter study guide (homework) / Due 9/3-turn in
Page 29 / Review questions pg. 168 (1-6)-you may start your next review page here, if you have space. / Assigned 9/10-due by end of unit discussion
Page 30 / Review questions pg. 193 (1-7 multiple choice) and (1-7 fill in the blanks) / Assigned 9/1-due by end of unit discussion
Page 31 / Skeletal diagram quiz (graded) / 9/4
Page 32 / 1.02/1.03 skeletal vocabulary quiz (graded) / 9/4
Page 33 / 1.02/1.03 notes
Page 34 / 1.02/1.03 chapter grade sheet / Given 9/9
Page 35-36 / Starter from 9/8 (page 151 in A&P book-multiple choice) and page 151 short answer (1,3,7,9,11,14,16,21,23 and 27)
Page 37 / Muscular system unit page (obj. 1.04/1.05)
Page 38-39 / Muscular system vocabulary / Given 9/10
Page 40 / Muscle man diagram-labeled / Given 9/10
Page 41 / Functions of skeletal muscles matching/muscular system case studies handouts / Given 9/10
Page 42 / Muscular system case study (cont.)/disorders of muscular system research handout / Given 9/10
Page 43 / Notes, review questions pg 200 (1-4), pg 210 (1-5, 1-4) page 217 (1-6) and 225 (1-6 mult choice and 1-8 fill in blank), starters / Due 9/17
Page 44 / Graded sheet for muscle system (can put study guide and/or graded muscle man/heart diagram here)
Page 45 / Unit page 2.01/2.02 circulatory system-5 facts, 5 colors, 5 pictures and unit question: What are structures of the circulatory system? (name at least 5) / Assigned
Page 46 / Circulatory vocabulary / 9/16-9/17
Page 47 / Circulatory vocabulary / 9/16-9/17
Page 48 / Heart diagram (colored and labeled) / 9/17
Page 49 / Heart diagram for test / 9/17
Page 50 / Circulatory A&P crossword puzzle / Given 9/17
Page 51 / Circulatory system (blood flow and use of vocab) worksheet / Given 9/17
Page 52 / Circulatory system matching (edHelper) worksheet / Given 9/17
Page 53 / 2.02 the circulatory system: Who am I? worksheet / Given 9/17
Page 54 / A trip through the heart handout / Starter 9/22
Page 55 / Sphygmomanometer edHelper handout / Given 9/22
Page 56 / Stethoscope edHelper handout / Given 9/22
Page 57 / Circulatory System (1-6 mult. Choice and diagram, matching handout) front and back / Given 9/22
Page 58 / Pulse site handout / Given 9/22
Page 59 / Study guide circulatory system (graded) / Given 9/17
Page 60 / The Heart handout / Given 9/22
Page 61 / Start notes on Circulatory system (blood) / 9/22
Page 62 / Graded heart diagram, graded pop quiz
Page 63 / Graded vocabulary quiz
Page 64 / Graded blood flow
Page 65 / Blood webquest
Page 66 / 2.01 blood structures and functions/blood types handout
Page 67 / Disorders of the blood handout
Page 68 / Graded-Blood concept map
Page 69 / Starter 9/28
Page 70 / Continuation of circulatory notes (part II) From Mrs. Stephen’s website, do notes from “Circulatory System” powerpoint / Homework Due 9/30
Page 71 / 2.03/2.04 Unit page Lymphatic System-5 facts, 5 colors, 5 pictures about the lymphatic system.
Essential question: What are 3 structures of the lymphatic system? What are their functions?(in detail)
Page 72 and 73 / Lymphatic vocabulary
Page 74 / Anticipation guide: lymphatic system worksheet / 10/5/15
Page 75 / Labeling activity 31 / 10/5/15
Page 76 / Start notes for 2.03/2/04
Page 77 / Bacterial and Viral diseases word search puzzle / 10/6 starter
Page 78 / Lymphatic system study guide to work on as starter and finish as homework / Given 10/9
Due 10/12
Page 79 / Page 383-graded (short answer and multiple choice / 10/5 and 10/6
Page 80 / Graded vocabulary quiz / 10/8
Page 81 / Starter 10/7 Choose 5 sentences from your vocabulary and write 2 sentences with each word / 10/7
Page 82 / Starter for 10/12-Write a 2-paragraph summary about the lymphatic system. You can include how it works, structures, and/or some disorders. (paragraph 5-7 complete sentences) / 10/12
Page 83 / 2.05/2.06 Unit page Respiratory system
5 facts, 5 pictures, and 5 colors about the respiratory system
Essential Question: What is the importance of the respiratory system as it relates to immunity? / Assigned 10/12
Page 84-85 / Respiratory vocabulary / Given 10/12
Page 86 / Respiratory notes/review questions
Pg 446 (1-6)
Pg 453 (1-5)
Pg 468 (1-6)
Pg 476 (1-5)
Pg 479 (1-5) mult. Choice, fill in blanks, matching
Page 87 / Worksheets (resp. system key terms/resp. system knowledge check
Page 88 / Resp. system A&P word search
Page 89 / Ed Helper (1-12)
Page 90 / The lungs (1-8)
Page 91 / Resp. system study guide-graded / 10/21/15
Page 92 / Resp system ed helper worksheet (1-8)
Page 93 / Resp disease fact chart
Page 94 / Worksheets (control of breathing/resp. disorder)
Page 95 / Why do we breathe? Worksheet (1-8)
Page 96 / The Airways ed helper worksheet (1-8)
Page 97 / You may use for “the nose-starter 10/21” or review questions for resp. system
Page 98 / Graded resp. vocab test and retest. Write down grade for resp. unit test and benchmark / 10/22/15
Page 99 / 2.07/2.08 Digestive system unit page
5 facts, 5 pictures, 5 colors about digestive system
What are the structures of the digestive system? Name 3 and their functions / 10/22/15
Page 100-101 / Digestive system vocabulary / 10/22/15
Page 102 / Draw, color and label the digestive system from page 523 in green book. / 10/22/15
Page 103 / Digestive anatomy and physiology crossword
Page 104 / What happens to the food you eat worksheet (1-6)
Page 105 / The digestive system worksheet (1-8)
Page 106 / Digestion in the mouth (1-10)
Page 107 / Ed helper worksheet (1-12)
Page 108 / Digestive disease overview
Page 109 / Digestive system notes and review questions
Page 110 / Digestive system word search
Page 111 / Graded dig. System vocab
Page 112 / Graded starters for 11/2 and 11/3-review questions
Page 113 / Graded starters for 11/4 and 11/5-review questions
Page 114 / Digestive system study guide-graded / Due 11/4
Page 115 / Digestive diseases study guide-graded / Due 11/5
Page 116 / Grade for digestive unit test and 11/6 starter-graded / 11/4
Page 117 / 3.01/3.02 Unit page-Nervous system
Write 5 facts, 5 pictures, and 5 colors about the nervous system
Essential question: Name 3 structures of the nervous system and tell what their function is within the system. / 11/4
Page 118-119 / Nervous system vocabulary / 11/4
page 120 / Draw, color and label a brain diagram
Page 121 / Nervous system notes and review questions
pg 269-270 (1-4)
pg 277 (1-6)
pg 287 (1-6)
pg. 303 (1-5)
pg. 318 (1-10) mult. choice
pg. 319 (1-10) fill-in-the-blanks
page 122 / Ed. Helper (nervous system 1-12) / Given 11/12
page 123 / What's wrong with my brain? worksheet / Given 11/12
page 124 / The Brain worksheet-homework 11/12
page 125 / Graded 11/9 and 11/10 starter
page 126 / Graded page 236 in A&P book
page 127 / Graded spelling test / 11/12
page 128 / Graded brain diagram quiz / 11/12
page 129 / Graded nervous system vocabulary quiz / 11/12
page 130 / Nervous system study guide / Given 11/16
Page 131 / Graded 11/16 and 11/17 starters
Page 132 / Graded 11/18 and 11/19 starter
Page 133 / Mental disorder paper/notebook test / 11/17
Page 134 / Signed progress report / 11/23
Page 135 / Urinary System unit page 4.01-4.02
5 facts, 5 colors, 5 pictures on urinary system
Essential question: Name 3 structures of the urinary system and tell how you relate the body's hormone control to the urinary system / 11/20
Page 136-137 / Urinary vocabulary / 11/20
Page 138 / Draw, color and label diagram of the urinary system / 11/20
page 139 / Starter 11/23- THANKSGIVING-write out 2 medical terms with each letter. 11/24 starter: secret security camera / 11/23 and 11/24
Page 140 / Notes for urinary system / starter 11/23
page 141 / 4.01 structures of kidney and structure of nephron worksheet / Given 11/24
page 142 / 4.01 Urinary system matching worksheet / Given 11/24
page 143 / 4.02 urinary matching quiz / Given 11/24
page 144 / 4.02 What do you think happened? worksheet / Given 11/24
page 145 / Urinary study guide-graded / Given 11/24 and due 12/1
page 146 / 11/30 and 12/1 graded starter
page 147 / 12/4 graded starter
page 148 / Graded Urinary and sensory vocab quizzes / 12/2
page 149 / Endocrine system unit page
Essential question: Name at least 3 organs of the endocrine system and describe their function(s) in detail / 12/1
Page 150 and 151 / Endocrine vocabulary / 12/1