Year 3: Aspect: Writing Metric: Syllabus Content/Continuum Markers
/Term 1
/Term 2
/Term 3
/Term 4
Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10Zone of High Performance / 5+ markers / 10+ markers / 15+ markers / 20+ markers / 25+ markers / 30+ markers / 35+ markers / 38+ markers
Zone of Expected Achievement / 3-4 markers / 5-9 markers / 10-14 markers / 15-19 markers / 20-24 markers / 25-29 markers / 30-34 markers / 35-37 markers
Educationally at Risk
Tier 1 Intervention / 1-2 markers / 3-4 markers / 5-9 markers / 10-14 markers / 13-19 markers / 18-24 markers / 22-29 markers / 25-34 markers
Tier 2 Intervention / 0-1 markers / 1-2 markers / 3-4 markers / 6-9 markers / 9-12 markers / 12-17 markers / 15-21 markers / 18-24 markers
Tier 3 Intervention / 0-2 markers / 0-5 markers / 0-8 markers / 0-11 markers / 0-14 markers / 0-17 markers
Year 3 Markers- Writing / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10
1 / Uses a variety of spelling strategies to spell high frequency words correctly.
2 / Uses joined letters of consistent size
3 / identify key elements of planning, composing, reviewing and publishing in order to meet the demands of composing texts on a particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences
4 / identify key elements of planning, in order to meet the demands of composing texts on a particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences
5 / identify key elements of, composing, in order to meet the demands of composing texts on a particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences
6 / identify key elements of, reviewing in order to meet the demands of composing texts on a particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences
7 / identify key elements of publishing in order to meet the demands of composing texts on a particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences
8 / experiment and share aspects of composing that enhance learning and enjoyment.
9 / create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and events from students' own and other cultures using visual features, for example perspective, distance and angle
10 / plan, draft, publish and review well-sequenced imaginative, texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience.
11 / plan, draft publish and review well-sequenced informative texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience.
12 / plan, draft, publish and review well-sequenced persuasive texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience.
13 / Plans and organises ideas using headings, graphic organisers, questions and mind maps
14 / discuss issues related to the responsible use of digital communication
15 / Experiments with creating simple multimodal texts using digital text creation programs.
16 / Structures texts using paragraphs composed of logically grouped sentences that deal with a particular aspect of a topic.
17 / Chooses verbs, to express specific ideas and details.
18 / Chooses, adverbials, to express specific ideas and details.
19 / Chooses nouns to express specific ideas and details.
20 / Chooses adjectivals to express specific ideas and details
21 / understand, a range of devices and deliberate word play in poetry and other literary texts, for example nonsense words, spoonerisms, neologisms and puns.
22 / interpret and experiment with a range of devices and deliberate word play in poetry and other literary texts, for example nonsense words, spoonerisms, neologisms and puns.
23 / discuss aspects of planning prior to writing, eg knowledge of topic, specific vocabulary and language features
24 / create texts that adapt language features and patterns encountered in literary texts, for example characterisation, rhyme, rhythm, mood, music, sound effects and dialogue
25 / experiment with visual, multimodal and digital processes to represent ideas encountered in texts
26 / identify elements of their writing that need improvement
27 / review elements of their writing that need improvement using feedback from teacher and peers
28 / reread and edit texts for meaning
29 / reread and edit texts for appropriate structure
30 / reread and edit texts for grammatical choices
31 / reread and edit texts for punctuation
32 / reread and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure
33 / Rereads texts during and after writing to check accuracy.
34 / Rereads texts during and after writing to check consistency of meaning and fitness for purpose.
35 / Uses simple word processing functions such as spell check, grammar check.
36 / Compose imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences
37 / Compose imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features
Year 4: Aspect: Writing Metric: Syllabus Content/Continuum Markers
/Term 1
/Term 2
/Term 3
/Term 4
Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10Zone of High Performance / 7+ markers / 11+ markers / 15+ markers / 19+ markers / 23+ markers / 27+ markers / 31+ markers / 32+ markers
Zone of Expected Achievement / 3-6 markers / 7-10 markers / 11-14 markers / 15-18 markers / 19-22 markers / 23-26 markers / 27-30 markers / 31 markers
Educationally at Risk
Tier 1 Intervention / 1-2 markers / 1-2 markers / 7-10 markers / 11-14 markers / 11-14 markers / 11-14 markers / 20-26 markers / 25-30 markers
Tier 2 Intervention / 0 markers / 0 markers / 4-6 markers / 7-10 markers / 7-10 markers / 7-10 markers / 15-19 markers / 18-24 markers
Tier 3 Intervention / NA / 0 markers / 0-3 markers / 0-6 markers / 0-9 markers / 0-12 markers / 0-14 markers / 0-17 markers
Year 4 Markers- Writing / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10
/ Uses sentence and simple punctuation correctly.
/ identify and analyse the purpose of imaginative texts
/ understand how characters in imaginative texts can engage the reader or viewer
/ understand how actions in imaginative texts can engage the reader or viewer
/ understand how events in imaginative texts can engage the reader or viewer
/ Draws ideas from personal experiences, other texts and research to create imaginative, texts for different audiences.
/ identify and analyse the purpose of informative texts
/ Draws ideas from personal experiences, other texts and research to create informative texts for different audiences.
/ identify and analyse the purpose and audience of persuasive texts
/ Draws ideas from personal experiences, other texts and research to create persuasive texts for different audiences.
/ Understand knowledge of language forms (formal and informal)and features
/ apply knowledge of language forms (formal and informal) and features
/ Uses grammatical features such as pronouns, to accurately link ideas and information.
/ Uses grammatical features such as, conjunctions to accurately link ideas and information.
/ Uses grammatical features such as connectives to accurately link ideas and information.
/ understand how a range of language features can shape readers' and viewers' understanding of subject matter
/ Shows awareness of the need to justify opinions with supporting evidence.
/ examine how evaluative language can be varied to be more or less forceful
/ Locates resources and accesses information when planning.
/ use images in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to enhance meaning
/ understand how audience and purpose influence the choice of vocabulary
/ Discuss how texts, including their own, are adjusted to appeal to different audiences, how texts develop the subject matter and how they serve a wide variety of purposes
/ express a point of view for a particular purpose in writing, with supporting arguments
/ make constructive statements that agree/disagree with an issue
/ Rereads and revises text to check and improve meaning, deleting unnecessary information or adding new information.
/ Creates meaningful sentences using a variety of sentence beginnings, including adverbial and adjectival clauses to create complex sentences
/ Uses morphemic knowledge to spell and edit words.
/ Uses visual knowledge to spell and edit words.
/ Uses, phonic knowledge to spell and edit words.
/ Uses knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to spell and edit words.
/ Consolidates handwriting that is consistent in form.
Year 5: Aspect: Writing Metric: Syllabus Content/Continuum Markers
/Term 1
/Term 2
/Term 3
/Term 4
Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10Zone of High Performance / 7+ markers / 11+ markers / 15+ markers / 19+ markers / 23+ markers / 28+ markers / 33+
markers / 38+ markers
Zone of Expected Achievement / 3-6 markers / 7-10 markers / 11-14 markers / 15-18 markers / 19-22 markers / 23-27 markers / 28-32 markers / 33-37 markers
Educationally at Risk
Tier 1 Intervention / 1-2 markers / 5-6 markers / 8-10 markers / 12-14 markers / 14-18 markers / 18-22 markers / 21-27 markers / 24-32 markers
Tier 2 Intervention / 0 markers / 3-4 markers / 6-7 markers / 8-11 markers / 10-13 markers / 12-17 markers / 15-20 markers / 17-23 markers
Tier 3 Intervention / NA / 0-2 markers / 0-5 markers / 0-7 markers / 0-9 markers / 0-11 markers / 0-14 markers / 0-16 markers
Year 5 Markers- Writing / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10
1. / Writes coherent, structured texts for a range of purposes and contexts. (11)
2. / experiment and use aspects of composing that enhance learning and enjoyment
3. / Shows awareness of accurately acknowledging sources in relevant texts. (11)
4 / recognise and discuss issues related to the responsible use of digital communication
5 / identify and explore underlying themes and central storylines in imaginative texts
6 / explore and analyse the effectiveness of informative and persuasive devices in texts
7 / Refines writing in response to feedback. (11)
8 / Deliberately structures language in a way that creates more cohesive imaginative texts.
9 / Deliberately structures language in a way that creates more cohesive informative texts.
10 / Deliberately structures language in a way that creates more cohesive persuasive texts.
11 / Uses topic sentences and appropriately organises main and subordinate ideas. (11)
12 / Understand and use the key elements of planning in order to meet the increasing demands of topic, audience and language
13 / Understand and use the key elements of composing in order to meet the increasing demands of topic, audience and language
14 / Understand and use the key elements of reviewing in order to meet the increasing demands of topic, audience and language
15 / Understand and use the key elements of publishing in order to meet the increasing demands of topic, audience and language
16 / Experiments with using complex punctuation to engage the reader and achieve purpose. (11)
17 / plan, draft and publish imaginative texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience
18 / plan, draft and publish informative texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience (
19 / plan, draft and publish persuasive texts, choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience
20 / Applies knowledge of generalisations, meanings of base words and word parts (prefixes and suffixes) to spell new words. (11)
21 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery in imaginative texts
22 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery in poetry
23 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery in songs
24 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery eg metaphors,
25 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery eg, personification
26 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery eg sound devices such as alliteration
27 / understand, interpret and experiment with the use of imagery eg similes
28 / understand that cohesive links can be made in texts by omitting or replacing words
29 / Writes fluently with appropriate size, slope and spacing. (11)
30 / investigate how complex sentences can be used in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas
31 / compose imaginative texts that show evidence of developed ideas
32 / compose informative texts that show evidence of developed ideas
33 / compose texts that include sustained and effective use of persuasive devices
34 / Uses word processing programs confidently and accurately, integrating various functions. (11)
35 / create literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas and stylistic features of selected authors
36 / Plans and designs more complex multimodal texts (11)
37 / Experiments with using complex punctuation to engage the reader and achieve purpose.
Year 6: Aspect: Writing Metric: Syllabus Content/Continuum Markers
/Term 1
/Term 2
/Term 3
/Term 4
Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10 / Week 5 / Week 10Zone of High Performance / 6+ markers / 10+ markers / 14+ markers / 18+ markers / 22+ markers / 26+ markers / 29+ markers / 30+ markers
Zone of Expected Achievement / 3-5 markers / 6-9 markers / 10-13 markers / 14-17 markers / 18-21 markers / 22-25 markers / 26-28 markers / 29
Educationally at Risk
Tier 1 Intervention / 1-2 markers / 3-5 markers / 6-9 markers / 10-13 markers / 13-17 markers / 17-21 markers / 20-25 markers / 21-28 markers
Tier 2 Intervention / 0 markers / 0-2 markers / 4-5 markers / 6-9 markers / 9-12 markers / 12-16 markers / 14-19 markers / 15-20 markers
Tier 3 Intervention / 0-3 markers / 0-5 markers / 0-8 markers / 0-11 markers / 0-13 markers / 0-14 markers
Year 6 Markers- Writing / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10 / W5 / W10
1 / Writes sustained texts for a wide range of
purposes. (12)
2 / compose increasingly complex print texts experimenting with language, design, layout and graphics
3 / compose increasingly complex visual texts experimenting with language, design, layout and graphics
4 / Makes choices about the type and form of texts, including combinations of forms and types, to suit purpose and audience. (12)
5 / Plan, design and compose increasingly complex multimodal texts, experimenting with language, design, layout and graphics
6 / Creates well planned, extended texts that include more complex and detailed subject matter and language features such as nominalisation. (12)
7 / compose increasingly complex digital texts, experimenting with language, design, layout and graphics
8 / Critically reflects on effectiveness of own/
others’ writing and seeks and responds to
feedback from others. (12)
9 / use and accurately acknowledge increasingly complex research data from print and digital sources to compose short and sustained texts
10 / assess the reliability of resources, including digital resources, when researching topics
11 / Selects some sophisticated and subtle language features, literary devices (e.g.
irony, humour) to engage and influence an audience. (12)
12 / Selects some sophisticated and subtle grammatical features (e.g. modality) to engage and influence an audience. (12)
13 / reread and edit students' own and others' work using agreed criteria and explaining editing choices
14 / Makes sentence level choices . short sentences to build tension using a variety of sentence beginnings and dependent clauses. (12)
15 / Makes sentence level choices complex sentences to add detai) using a variety of sentence beginnings and dependent clauses. (12)
16 / Uses a range of punctuation to enhance
meaning and clarity, including the use of
brackets to enclose additional information,
quotation marks and commas to indicate
clauses. (12)
17 / Refines writing in response to feedback.
18 / Critically reflects on effectiveness of own/ others’ writing and seeks and responds to feedback from others.
19 / Integrates a range of spelling strategies and
conventions to accurately spell most words,
including words of many syllables. (12)
20 / Develop a handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and varies according to audience and purpose
21 / use a range of software as per technology scope and sequence learning new functions as required to create texts
22 / Uses visuals to extend or clarify meaning,
selects from a range of media and
experiments creatively with the product (12)
23 / Selects and uses appropriate language for descriptive purpose.
24 / Selects and uses appropriate language for persuasive purpose
25 / Selects and uses appropriate language topic purpose.
26 / Selects and uses appropriate language for technical purpose
27 / Selects and uses appropriate language for evaluative purpose
28 / Selects and uses appropriate language for emotive purpose
29 / Selects and uses appropriate language for colloquial purpose