Ontario Public Library Association
Readers’ Advisory Committee
Friday, November 25, 2005
Present: Sharon Smith (Chair)Virginia Van Vliet (Minutes)
Wendy Hicks Bonnie Symons
Chris SheehyBill McAskill
Astrid GrinvaldsBessie Sullivan
Marnie WoudstraCatherine AuYeung
Lynn McLeodTammy Robinson
Paul TrumphourJulie Ringrose (phone)
Regrets: Shonna Froebel, Marcia Aronson, Maureen Sawa
- Welcome and Agenda: Sharron welcomed everyone. Agenda was approved with the addition of discussion of committee budget.
- Feedback from Council: Paul Trumphour reported that he took the last minutes and the Terms of Reference to Council. The terms were improved and Council was very encouraged by the work done and is willing to support the Committee in any way possible.
Sharron’s next article in Access will focus on the role of RA in public libraries to set the stage for the need for core competencies.
Council suggested that the Readers’ Advisory Award be given to recognize either service innovations or practitioners in order to better advocate for RA Service. Other awards are being launched in 2006 so the RA Award may not go through until 2007. Paul will report back at the December 9th Council meeting that 2007 is fine since the award is part of our long-term vision and the details have yet to be worked out.
Paul will ask OLA about having RA Committee’s Terms of Reference, agenda and/or minutes posted on the website to make wider library community aware of our work.
- Conference 2006: RA based programmes include:
- RA Plenary with Kim McArthur, Thursday, Feb 2, 8:00, proceeded by presentation of the Evergreen Award to Mary Lawson for Crow Lake.
- Advising Readers in a Multi-Media Era – Margaret Mackey, Thursday, Feb 2, 3:45
- Great Canadian First Novels, Sharron Smith and Maureen O’Connor. Friday, Feb 3, 9:05 – 10:20.
- Round table/ Wine & Cheese Reception. Organized by Bessie Sullivan. Thursday, Feb 2, 5:15 – 6:15 Location: TBA. Trying to get sponsorship of $1500 - $2000, ideally with a publisher, who can have a display. Sharron Smith to speak for 15 minutes about the RA Committee, its purpose and the issue of core competencies. Will be advertised in the morning newsletter. Bessie will request it be in the second program, if possible. Other promotional ideas included: mail to OPLA listservs; mention at morning sessions; flyers in bags; sign at sponsor’s booth.
- Conference 2007: Discussion of possible topics/speakers for 2007. (Further ideas might be generated by the fall symposium.)
- Presentation on how Oshawa does personal readers’ services from profiles. (Tammy Robinson) Suggest looking for other approaches as well.
- How to Start an RA Program
- Audio books (Bessie Sullivan)
- Online book club (Hamilton and Toronto)
- RA for Graphic Novels
- 2006 Networking events: Discussion on whether there should be other small networking events, outside the symposium or conference, to bring people together to talk about books and reading. Ideally these should be based around core competencies. Ideas suggested included:
- Education Institute
- Event at Mississauga featuring genre workshops
- Librarians traveling around to various systems doing booktalks (Oshawa has librarians who go out to branches to do this.)
Dewey Divas in Whitby: Decided to ask the Dewey Divas to do a presentation in Whitby in May from 1- 4 PM.
- Planners: Tammy Robinson, Boonie Symonds; Chris Sheehy;
- Tammy Robinson will approach Whitby about booking a room for 50 or 60.
- Sharron Smith will contact Divas about possible May dates.
Book Expo: OLA is a sponsor of the Book Expo in late June. Excellent chance for staff to meet authors and expand book knowledge. Perhaps we can do a session on Sunday afternoon.
- Core Competencies: Astrid Grinvalds reported on progress made on core competencies. A literature review was completed and bibliography will be sent out to Committee members with the Minutes. .
Draft competency document was reviewed and changes made. Revised document will be distributed with the Minutes. Committee Members to read Arrowhead article for next meeting as framework for discussion.
Tool kit on core competencies will eventually be posted on the OLA website.
- Idea sharing: Agreed this should be a component of all future agendas:
- Marnie Woudstra will send out copies of short booklists created on various subjects for posting on shelf ends once a week.
- Astrid Grinvalds to send out questionnaire and answers used to train staff on RA.
- Sharron to send out Mary K. Chelton’s basic RA resource list. Committee members to suggest Canadian additions.
- Catherine AuYeung to distribute TPL core list of RA titles.
- Symposium: Discussion was held around timing, location and surveying members about the symposium. Decided that:
- Day long event at Toronto Reference Library (Bloor and Yonge) on either Friday October 20th or 27th. Paul Trumphour will check on reserving multiple meeting rooms.
- 150 people max.
- Sharon will talk to Larry about a reasonable registration fee to cover printing, food etc. and about whether session should be limited to OPLA members. Possible sponsorship to cover author involvement
- Survey of member interest to be done at OLA
- Frame work:
- 9 – 11:30 Keynote speaker; core competencies
- 11:30 –1:30 Lunch : Suggested: mystery authors &
tour of Conan Doyle collection.
- 1:30 – 2:302 sessions
- 2:30 –2:45Break
- 2:45 –3:452 sessions .
- 3:45 – 4:00Wrap up
- Possible breakout session topics:
- Site specific Electronic RA
- Marketing
- Genre workshops
More discussion will take place on this topic at the next meeting.
- Budget: Discussion was held on cost of meetings. Number of meetings per year to be determined. Sharon to check costs of last meeting and get back to Paul. $300 to be allocated for May event. Amount for printing & promotional materials. Symposium cost recovery.
- Next meeting: Friday, February 17th. 10:30 OLA office.