Dr. Rana Singh
Professor in Management, Assistant Dean
Auro University, Surat, Gujarat
MBA (Finance), Gold Medalist, Ph.D.
Mob: 7405833776
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Course Outline
Course: Financial Management in Retail Credit: 01
Instructor: Dr. Rana Singh Contact e-mail: ,
Ph. No. : 91-120-2328234 Extn-408
Website: http://www.ranasingh.org
Introduction: The Financial Management in Retail course focuses at introducing the students about the various aspects of corporate finance which facilitates the decision making domain pertaining to financing, investment and dividend decisions. This course aims at providing the inputs related to the three major decision areas of financial management of an organization. This course will give the introduction and conceptual understanding about the various topics of corporate finance.
Course objective:
The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the student with basic concepts of corporate finance which is the life blood of any business and its various decision variables in the areas of financing, investment and dividend decisions.
The learning process will be a blend of interactive sessions, spreadsheet handling, presentations, case studies, group discussions, projects, and assignments.
Recommended Text Books:
1. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K., Financial management, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Bhalla, V.K. Financial Management and Policy, Anmol Publications.
3. Pandey I.M., Vikas Publishing
Reference Books (If any):
1. Haley, Schal, Introduction to Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Pandey, I. M., Financial Management, Vikas Pub., New Delhi.
3. Van Horne, James C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Mao, James C. T., Quantitative Analysis of Financial Decisions, Macmillan.
5. Solomon, Ezra, The Theory of Financial Management, Columbia University Press, NY.
6. Bierman, Harold and Smidt, Seymour, Capital Budgeting Decision, Collier.
7. Hampton, John J., Financial Decision Making, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
8. Agarwal, J. D., Readings in Financial Management, IIF Publication.
9.Maheshwari S. N., Financial Management, Principles & Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons.
10.Bhalla, V. K., Financial Management and Policy, Anmol.
11.Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill.
12.Shashi K. Gupta and R. K. Sharma, Financial Management – Theory and Practice, Kalyani.
Evaluation System
Assignment / 10
Quiz / 10
Projects / 10
Mid-Term / 20
End-Term / 40
Total / 100
Session No. / Theme / Reading Material
1 / Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Introduction of Corporate Finance, Financial Management Vs. Management Accounting
Financial Management: An Overview
/ Financial Management : An Overview, Chapter 1, FM, Khan and Jain
Financial Management and Policy: An Overview,
FM –VK Bhalla
2 / Concept of Profit Maximization vs. Value Maximization / Financial Management : An Overview, Chapter 1, FM, Khan and Jain
Financial Management and Policy: An Overview,
FM –VK Bhalla
3 / Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital / Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital, Chapter 12, FM, Khan and Jain
Cost of Capital –Chapter-22
FM –VK Bhalla
4 / Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital / Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital, Chapter 12, FM, Khan and Jain
Cost of Capital –Chapter-22
FM –VK Bhalla
5 / Cost of Capital –Problems and Case Study / Theory and Problems in Financial Management by Khan and Jain
6 / Financing Decisions
Operating, Financial and Combined leverage / Chapter 14, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 23, FM, V K Bhalla
7 / Financing Decisions
Operating, Financial and Combined leverage / Chapter 14, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 23, FM, V K Bhalla
8 / Capital Structure: Cost of Capital and Valuation / Chapter 15, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 24, FM, V K Bhalla
9 / Capital Structure: Cost of Capital and Valuation / Chapter 15, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 24, FM, V K Bhalla
10 / Designing Capital Structure / Chapter 16, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 25, FM, V K Bhalla
11 / Designing Capital Structure / Chapter 16, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 25, FM, V K Bhalla
12 / Long Term Financing:
Capital Markets / Chapter 17, FM, Khan and Jain
Case Study of Indian Capital Markets
13 / Equity /Ordinary Shares / Chapter 18, FM, Khan and Jain
Case Study of Indian Primary Market and Secondary Market
14 / Term Loans, Debentures / Bonds and Securitisation / Chapter 19, FM, Khan and Jain
Case Study of Indian Debt Market and Secondary Market
15 / Hybrid Financing Instruments / Chapter 20, FM, Khan and Jain
Case Study of Indian Debt Market and Secondary Market
16 / Leasing and Hire-Purchase / Chapter 21, FM, Khan and Jain
17 / Venture Capital Financing / Chapter 22, FM, Khan and Jain
Case Study of Indian Venture Capital
18 / Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty / Chapter 13, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 18, FM, V K Bhalla
19 / Derivatives: Managing Financial Risk / Chapter 23, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 30 FM, VK Bhalla
20 / Dividend and Valuation / Chapter 24, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 26 FM, VK Bhalla
21 / Dividend and Valuation / Chapter 24, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 26 FM, VK Bhalla
22 / Dividend Policy and Determinants of Dividend Policy / Chapter 25, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 27 FM, VK Bhalla
23 / Dividend Policy and Determinants of Dividend Policy / Chapter 25, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 27 FM, VK Bhalla
24 / Dividend Policy and Determinants of Dividend Policy / Chapter 25, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 27 FM, VK Bhalla
25 / Theory of Working Capital Management / Chapter 26, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 7 FM, VK Bhalla
26 / Planning of working Capital / Chapter 27, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 7 FM, VK Bhalla
27 / Working Capital Financing / Chapter 28, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 12 FM, VK Bhalla
28 / Management of Cash and Marketable Securities / Chapter 29, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 8 FM, VK Bhalla
29 / Receivables Management / Chapter 30, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 10 FM, VK Bhalla
30 / Inventory Management / Chapter 31, FM, Khan and Jain
Chapter 11 FM, VK Bhalla
Journals for Articles and cases
1. Journal of Finance, published by American Finance Association –www.afajof.org
2. Finance India, published by Indian Institute of Finance.
3. ICFAI Journal published by ICFAI.
Magazines to Refer:
1. Dalal Street
2. Outllook Money
3. Business India
4. Business Today
5. The Economist
6. Investor
Business Newspapers to be read:
1. The Economic Times
2. Financial Express
3. Business Line
4. Live Mint
5. Business Standard
1. www.indiainfoline.com
2. www.myiris.com
3. www.finweb.com
4. www.finance-research.net
5. www.emergingfinance.ch
6. www.spreadsheetmodeling.com
7. www.financialmanagement.org
8. www.capitalmarket.com
9. www.bseindia.com
Association / Memberships
1) American Finance Association –Free online membership for students. www.afajof.org
2) Asian Finance Association - www.fma.org
3) Indian Commerce Asociation –www.icaindia.net
4) All India Management Association –www.aima-ind.org
5) Association of financial Professionals –www.afponline.org
6) European Finance Association - www.efa-online.org
7) Midwest Finance Association - www.midwestfinance.org
8) Eastern Finance Association –www.easternfinance.org
9) Southern Finance Association –www.southernfinance.org
10) The Chinese Finance Association- www.aimhi.com/VC/tcfa