Course: GeometrySemester: Fall
Teacher: Campos Classroom: B - 12
Conference Period: 7
School Telephone: (714) 567-4900
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year!
My name is Mr. Campos and I am pleased to have your son or daughter in my Geometry classroom. This is my fourth year at Santa AnaHigh School. I have a strong desire to help kids fulfill their potential. The key focus of our classroom is learning, guided by the State Standards, while keeping in mind the individual learning styles of all students. I firmly believe that all students in my classroom can behave properly. I am looking forward to a positive and productive year. Below you will find some information regarding my classroom expectations and my teaching policies.
* A Math journal* 3 sharpened pencils
* lined paper*graph paper
- BE ON TIME: You must be seated when the bell rings with textbook, binder, and pencils, working on immediate work activity.
- BE PREPARED: Come to class willing to learn, share, and participate. Bring your textbook, binder, and 3 pencils to class daily.
- BE RESPECTFUL: Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself. Destruction of school property will not be tolerated.
- BE POLITE: Raise your hand if you have a question. Follow directions the first time they are given.
- BE CLEAN: Absolutely No food, gum, or drinks are allowed in class. Water bottles are okay.
- Verbal praise.
- Positive home contact.
- Outstanding citizenship grades.
- Grade enhancement.
- Mathematical success.
Students who choose to disobey the rules will receive the following consequences:
1st offence: Name written on the board and/or verbal warning.
2nd offence: One check mark, counseling after class on behavior, possible detention if repeated behavioral outbreak.
3rd offence:Two check marks, 30 min. detention, and a phone call to parents.
4th offence:Three check marks, office referral, removal from the classroom, and a parent conference.
Failure to appear for detention will result in double detention. You must return the signed
detention notice. A second failure to appear for detention will result in anoffice referral.
Severe disruption and insubordination will be dealt with promptly. Students who
create a severe disruption to the learning environment will receive an immediate office
referral and parents will be notified immediately.
Students are expected to uphold ethical standards of honesty and personal integrity. Cheating will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. Those (all parties involved) caught cheating will receive a ZERO on the test or assignment and their parents will be notified. Continued cheating will be referred to the Vice Principal.
Being tardy to class does affect participation grades, and citizenship.
Students will be assigned detention for being Tardy.
Students will receive regular homework assignments, usually five nights per week. Homework
should be done in Pencil Only! It is the student’s responsibility to copy the homework
assignments into the binder. Homework will always receive full credit if the student attempts
each assigned problem with proper homework procedures. Homework will be graded the next
day in class then it is the student’s responsibility to ask questions and learn the concept before
the test or quiz. A student’s course grade will consist of a combination of tests, quizzes,
class/homework, and classroom participation. Grading is based on the following:
90-100% = A; 80-89% = B; 70-79% = C; 65-69% = D; 64% and below = F.
Quizzes/ Tests 65%
Final Exam 15%
(Homework, classwork, projects, effort, notebook)
Total 100%
Absent students will be expected to submit all assignments two days after returning to class.
Late work will be accepted for reduced credit up until one week after the original due date.
Make-up testing is done at the beginning of lunch and before or after school, with a scheduled
I hope that this year will be a happy one for you and your child and that he/she will enjoy
learning in my class.
Mr. Campos
Student Signature Parent SignaturePhone #’s
PLEASE READ, SIGN AND RETURN TOMORROW; This letter will be kept in student’s file.