MINUTES for Monthly meeting to be held in the National Park Meeting Room

on Monday 29th July 2013 at 6:30pm

Councillors Present Councillors C Parkin (Chairman), J Barker, C Swift, D Paton, and M Vander Weyer.

Also Present Five members of the public, County Councillor V Arnold, one member of the press, Mrs D Farley (Town Clerk) and Ms V Ellis (Assistant Clerk).

Part One

1 / Apologies were received from Councillor Pearce and were approved by the council.
Code of Conduct
2 / Councillor C Parkin declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 13 as a member of Helmsley in Business.
Public Comments
3 / A member of the public read out a statement about the footpath between Bridge Street and Pottergate via Meeting House Court.
4 / Minutes
The council resolved to agree and sign the minutes of the meetings held on the 24th June 2013 and the Planning Meeting held on the 22nd July 2013.
5 / Exchange of Information and items for next agenda
a)  Chairman’s Report
I.  Correspondence and comments from residents about presentations and council meeting procedures answered.
b)  Clerk’s Report
I.  List of minutes for scanning, binding and archiving at NYCC Archives.
II.  Request made by the clerk to NYCC for reinstatement of white line along the pavement line in front of the Black Swan as people have started to park on what should be the pavement.
III.  Old version of website was removed by Vision within 2 hours of request.
IV.  Sgt Martin War Memorial. Quote for adding inscription requested.
V.  Path from the car park to Helmsley Walled Garden is rough for mobility scooters – reported to RDC. RDC have inspected the path and will sort out the couple of rough areas when the contractors return to complete Phase 2 in the overflow car park in September/October.
VI.  Cars leaving the Cleveland Way car park – no stop lines. RDC will arrange for the lines to be repainted and will include “give way” on the road to try to get the cars to stop.
VII.  Bridge Street to Pottergate Path RYE/2012/04/DMMO. NYCC update - Order was sealed by NYCC on July 15th, will be advertised in the local paper and on site in the next couple of weeks, followed by a period of 42 days during which representations can be made. When it is being advertised the council will receive a copy of the Order.
VIII.  Letter of thanks from Next Steps Mental Health Resource Centre for grant.
IX.  Complaints about parking, comments that Emergency Services had been unable to get through certain roads, and road closures by the police.
X.  Cllr Vander Weyer may attend the next Magna Carta meeting in Leicester at the end of September.
7 / Meetings
The council received reports on the following meetings
a)  Ryedale Market Towns Promotion Meeting 16th July (notes circulated).
b)  NYMNPA Parish Forum Meeting 24 July 2013 - Councillor Paton gave a verbal report.
c)  SLCC Training Conference – The clerk gave a verbal report.
d)  Ryedale Five Towns 22 July 2013. The chairman and clerk gave a verbal report.
8 / Finance
a)  The council received the running budget to the 30th June 2013.
b)  The council received the bank reconciliation to the 30th June 2013.
c)  The council noted the Pay Settlement 2013/2014, that the National Joint Council for Local Govt. Services (NJC) confirmed that the Local Government Employers and trade unions have agreed the pay scales for 2013/2014 and that a pay increase of 1% has been agreed with effect from April 2013.

Part Two – for determination

9 / Planning
The council considered the following planning matters.
a)  Application No. NYM/2013/0452 and NYM/2013/LB Applicant Mr M Moy
Proposal Installation of satellite dish. Location The Chimes, Duncombe Place, Church Street, Helmsley Decision No objection.
b)  The council resolved to apply for planning permission for the swimming pool internal alterations and roof on behalf of Helmsley Recreation Charity.
10 / Draft Helmsley Development Plan and Conservation Area changes
The council drafted a response to the consultation.
11 / RDC Streetsweeper
The council resolved not to renew the agreement.
12 / Cemetery Fees
The council resolved to agree the cemetery fees and introduce an Exclusive Right of Burial.
13 / Helmsley in Business Website Link
The council agreed a request from Helmsley In Business for a link from the council website.
14 / Meetings
The council agreed to appoint a representative to attend:
a)  Ryedale Market Towns Promotion Meeting 8:30am, 17 Sept. Councillor Parkin if possible.
b)  Ryedale Five Towns 7pm at Kirkbymoorside, Tues 29 October. Deferred.
c)  Community and Police Meeting. Councillor Barker if possible.
15 / Black Swan Car Park
The council agreed to write to RDC to determine the position regarding ownership and use of the parking area in front of the Black Swan.
16 / Caretaker
The council considered the employment of a caretaker and agreed that the matter be looked into and pension provision be considered.
17 / Streetlights
The council resolved to replace the concrete columns in the town - Bondgate 7 no., Southlands 4 no., Pottergate 1no. and Carlton Lane 2no.
18 / Finance
a)  RDC Parish Grant 2014/2015 consultation. The council is unable to look at the budget for the next two years in detail until November at the earliest and will put up the precept to cover any shortfall if necessary.
b)  The council resolved to donate £50 to Ryedale Folk Museum in response to a request from the chairman of RDC for a grant for various charities.
c)  The council resolved to place funds on the Money Market.
d)  The council resolved to appoint Mr A Husband as internal auditor for 2013-2014.
e)  Councillors’ Audit for June/July 2013 - 19th August at noon, Councillors Parkin and Swift.
f)  The council agreed to the following payments and the cheques were signed.
101116 / Ryedale Printing / Copy paper / £23.94
101117 / NYMNPA / Office, Meeting Room, phone / £686.54
101118 / Ian Wood Garden Services / Grass cutting / £595.00
101119 / Zurich Insurance / Additional for new play equip / £118.46
101120 / Streetscape / Play equipment Limes Play Area / £12,000.00
101121 / V Ellis / Salary + Expenses / £454.31
101122 / D Farley / Salary + Expenses / £1,321.39
101123 / HMRC / Tax and NI / £278.18
TOTAL / £15,477.82
19 / Agenda and Minutes Format
The council agreed a trial of the new format for 6 months.

Chairman Date