European Agenda for Adult learning
An impact framework DRAFT
The impact of adult learning can be captured at different levels: individual, familial, community, organizational, institutional and governmental (local, regional, national, European).
Impact can be described as the differences and changes that activities and interventions create. These can be short-term as well as medium and long-term. Short-term impacts may be captured during and immediately after a learning activity; medium and long-term changes arise much later and often only through post-activity and reflection over time. The latter are much harder to record as those who have experienced change have usually moved on from the learning activity and must be re-engaged in research/survey activities.
In relation to the current UK support programme, an impact framework could be conceptualised in two key ways:
- Capturing the impact of the UK programme through the activities and processes it instigates at country, regional and EU level.
- Capturing the impact of adult learning from practice to policy-making at national, regional and European levels.
The impact of adult learning – from practice to policy-making – is the bedrock for the wider impact of the support programme.
We are not concerned to capture detailed learner or learning provider impact evidence but we must recognize that these are vital building blocks in influencing and shaping change at more strategic levels. This is so in relation to wider outcomes/impact as well as engagement and participation in relation to specific areas of learning.
- Impact of the UK support programme for EAAL
Impact on whom / What changes?
Examples / How capturedthe change?
Examples / What evidence?Examples
Individual 4 UK Countries / Increased knowledge/insight by participants of mechanisms used by key organisations in capturing wider outcomes of adult learning ;
Understanding of engagement and participation strategies;
Understanding and analysis of engagement and participation in specific aspects of learning;
Increased insight and understanding of the contribution of adult learning by national and local government policy shapers;
Increased insight and understanding of the role of adult learning in supporting other policies eg housing; health; crime; environment; citizenship.
Future policy informed. / Stimulation presentations; Reports from country to Impact Forums capturing case studies; wider outcomes tools used; contributions from participating organisations.
Insight, assessment and analysis from specialist perspectives ie PIAAC, digital learning; basic skills; social inclusion; employability; excluded groups.
Dissemination activities such as reports from initiatives; conferences;
Tweets; blogs; invitations to participate in events and activities. / Attendance at forums by key national agencies, organisations and officials, including elected members.
National conference/event reports indicating content and attendance;
Invitations from national officials for further follow-up discussion or paper-writing on specific aspects;
Tweets and or blogs from MPs/Assembly members.
Presentation at events by government reps; lobbying organisations eg employer orgs; voluntary sector campaigns.
presenting evidence to select committees etc
UK Region / Increased understanding and insight into diversity of challenges and solutions across 4 countries;
Knowledge and insight into specific aspects of adult learning;
Comparative studies of policies and practices;
Reflection and assessment of own policies and practices in light of new knowledge/understanding. / Impact forum reports shared between UK countries.
Assessment, reflection and analysis reports from Impact Forums.
Sharing of researched evidence for policy and practice eg publications and reports in relation to the 6 specific aspects of adult participation, engagement and learning;
Blogs, webinars, social media eg Twitter. / Cumulative reporting; collating of data from different Impact Forums; comparing data gathered in both formative and summative ways.
EU / Insight and understanding of the opportunities and constraints of current policies and practices across UK and other European countries;
Solutions to challenges;
Exposure to successful policies and practices;
Insight into curricula and resources to support diverse learning contexts; / On-going relationship with UK reference group and EC officials
Sharing of reports from Impact Forums on wider outcomes.
Sharing of reports and research from Impact Forums on specific aspects of adult learning. / Formative data-gathering from across 4 countries and all activities.
Interim and Summative reports from Impact Forums
Final report of support programme
Discussion, debate and invitations to inform and influence EU member countries, agencies and insitutions.
The above builds upon a ‘bottom up’ gathering of evidence, based on what learners experience, tell us or reveal, which feeds into the broader strategic levels of influence. The bottom up approach can over-lay the evidence of impact of the support programme process and activities.
- Impact of adult learning from practice to policy
Impact on whom? / What changes?
Examples / How capture changes?
Examples / What evidence?
Learners / Visibility and understanding of wider outcomes eg fewer visits to Dr; increases in confidence re children’s school conversation; more punctual at work.
Specific aspects of learning engage more and different learners eg digital, basic skills, those from excluded groups etc / Wide range of tools including NIACE’s Wider Outcomes tool; RARPA; Catching Confidence in maths; / Individual statements via tools used; case studies; anecdotal indicators; self-assessment records;
Learners’ voices.
Learning providers / Curriculum adaptation; understanding of adult purposes, challenges and solutions; engagement of different target groups; more personal support; greater links with wider agencies to understand context eg health, employment; less reliance on qualifications for outputs/outcomes; institutional policies and priorities / Tutor and departmental self-assessment processes; identification of successful case studies; curriculum review process; public
awards evenings; / Curriculum review documents; public celebration events; local publicity; local partnership arrangements increased; Ofsted reports; community accountability ;
Learners’ voices.
National Agencies / Insight and understanding of adult learning experiences and arising changes in individual lives.
Insight into relationship between qualifications, learners’ purposes and learning experience offered.
Policy reflection and analysis and shaping of new policies.
Curricula design
Resources development / Research; inquiries; evidence to committees; background data to support curriculum and resource development;
Learners’ voices. / Research reports;
Presentations, dissemination events/ conferences targeting + including other providers; researchers; civil servants; elected members; policy-makers;
Adult learners’ week; publications
Media statements/photos
Webinars; blogs; social media indicating participants.
Parliamentary information; APPG participation; advocacy/campaigns
UK Countries / Insight and understanding of other countries’ diversity of approach; comparative learning; reflection on own practices with specific target groups; opportunity to test out new ideas;
Reflection on purposes for learning and desired process to achieve outcomes.
Policy development
Curricula and resources development / UK-wide events; publications; research evidence shared;
Learners’ voices. / UK wide events and seminars; publications and reports; case studies; media statements/photos.
Webinars; blogs; social media.
Partner agencies and organisations participate in activities.
Civil servants and elected members informed, supported and participate.
Parliamentary and Assembly information provided; APPG participation.
EU / Insight and understanding of diversity of challenges and responses to participation; insight into successful engagement; what achievement means to individuals;
future policy development;
future advocacy and campaigns. / UK events to which EU partners invited; publications/reports;
Exchange of experiences and ideas via webinars, blogs. / Dialogue and debate at events involving EU organisations; MEPs; EC officials;
EU publications endorsing developments; citing learner, learning provider, agency and country activities and developments in EU publications.