The Journey of Lewis & Clark - page 1
NameLevel you are completing
Part 1: Background questions
1. Think of a place where you’d like to explore. Write the name of the place here.
2. What do you know about this place? Have other people been there?
3. Now think of a place that no one you know of has visited. Where would you gofor information about this place, or is information not available?
4. Are we able to find information about this place?Where would you go forinformation about this place, or is information not available?
5. Imagine that you are getting ready to explore this place. What would you do toprepare for such a journey?
Part 2: Examining maps of the Corps of Discovery
- Click on STEP 2: Examine the routes of the Corps ofDiscovery
- Click on “The Route of the Corps of Discovery to the Pacific”
- Examine the map and answer the following questions
1. What parts of today’s United States were the least known in the beginning ofthe 19th century?
2. How do you think the Americans of the eastern United States got theirinformation about the West before the expedition of Lewis and Clark?
For these questions, compare the map titled “The Route of the Corps of Discovery to the Pacific” to the map on the following page.
3. What rivers did the explorers go down?
4. What mountain ranges did they cross?
5. What modern-day states did they go through?
6. What modern-day towns did they go through (name five)?
Part 3: Examining the Supply List
- On the Wiki, click on STEP 3: Examining the Supply List
- Answer the following questions
1. Examine the Lewis and Clark’s supply list. What do you think the 10 mostimportant items were that they brought on their journey?
2. Why was it necessary for them to bring 33 pounds of tiny beads ofassorted colors, silk ribbons and ivory combs?
3. Why do you think Lewis and Clark found it necessary to bring a “TravelingLibrary?”
4. Pick three unusual items that were brought on the trip. Describe how theymay have been used by the Corps.
Part 4: Look up a Journal Entry
- On the Wiki, click on “STEP 4: Look up a Journal Entry”
- Answer the following questions below
1. You must research a specific historical event related to Lewis and Clark.
Pack one of the following events and place an X next to it:
A. Corps first meeting with the Teton Sioux (September 24-28, 1804)
B. The portage around the Great Falls (June 4-July, 1805)
C. Corps crossing of the Rocky Mountains (September 1-22, 1805)
D. Corps confrontation with and retreat from the Blackfeet (July 25-28,1806)
2. Follow the directions in the internet page. Enter the dates for the historical event you chose. Use the journal entries to answer the following questions.
A. When did this event take place?
B. Where did this event happen? List specific places and theirdescriptions.
C. What happened in this situation? List at least five facts below.
E. How did this event effect the expedition? Discuss its effect on thepeople below and use facts to support what you say.
1. The Corps:
2. The Native Americans:
F. Why was this event important to the expedition? Give at least 3reasons that are supported by the facts above.
Part 5: Use the Interactive Trail Map
- On the Wiki, click on “STEP 5: Use the Interactive Trail Map”
- Answer the following questions below
1. Which states did Lewis and Clark pass through on their journey?
2. Click on one of the following states: Idaho, Oregon, Washington, orMontana; pick two Indian tribes from those states, and describe how thoseIndian tribes helped Lewis and Clark.
List the state you picked here
A. Tribe:How they helped:
B. Tribe:How they helped:
Part 6: Learn About Sacajawea
- Navigate back to the main web quest page (hit the back button on your computer)
- Click on “STEP 6: Learn About Sacajawea”
- Answer the following questions below
1. Describe two ways Sacajawea assisted Lewis and Clark on their journey.
Locate the following facts about Sacajawea. Record the answers to each question below.
A. How old was she when she began the expedition of Lewis and Clark?
B. What other family members made the trip with Sacagawea?
C. What languages did Sacagawea speak and understand?
D. What was Sacagawea’s marital status at the time of the trip?
E. What tribe was Sacagawea originally from?
F. What were the circumstances that caused Sacagawea to be separated from hertribe?
G. What happened to Sacajawea after the expedition ended?
Now that you have finished, you may play the Lewis and Clark Game.
Click on “Play the Lewis and Clark Game’ to play. Make sure to print out your results.