Regular Meeting

September 27, 2017



September 27, 2017

Mayor Henrich called the regular meeting of the Woodland Township Committee to order then led the flag salute. After observing a moment of silence, Clerk Brown read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement.


Matthew Henrich, Mayor – presentWilliam Burns, Solicitor – present

Mark Herndon, Deputy Mayor – presentThomas Leisse, Engineer - present

William DeGroff, Committeeman – present

Maryalice Brown, Twp. Adm/Clerk – present

Nancy Seeland, Tax Collector – absent

Kathleen Rosmando, CFO - present

Justin Wozniak, OEM – present


Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 23, 2017 were provided to the governing body with copies available for public inspection. Mayor Henrich called for a motion on the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 23, 2017. The motion was made by Mr. Herndon, 2nd by Mr. DeGroff to approve said minutes. Votes: Henrich yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes

Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 22, 2017 were provided to the governing body with copies available for public inspection. Mayor Henrich called for a motion on the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 22, 2017. The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve said minutes. Votes: Henrich yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes

Minutes of the Executive Meeting of August 22, 2017 were provided to the governing body with copies available for public inspection. Mayor Henrich called for a motion on the minutes of the Executive Meeting of August 22, 2017. The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve said minutes. Votes: Henrich yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes


a. None


The bills’list was provided to the members of the Governing Body with the amount noted at $460,558.03. Mayor Henrich called for a motion on payment of all Bills and Claims. The motion was made by Mr. Herndon, 2nd by Mr. DeGroff to pay all Bills and Claims in the amount of $460,558.03. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes


Ordinance 2017-6 AnOrdinanceAmendingFloodplain Management Regulations (Introduction)

Mayor Henrich introduced Ordinance 2017-6, An Ordinance Amending Floodplain Management Regulations. Upon receiving no questions from the public, Mayor Henrich called for a motion on Ordinance 2017-6 upon first reading. The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff and 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve Ordinance 2017-6 upon first reading and to advertise and do all that is legally necessary for 1st reading. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor, Ordinance 2017-6 passed upon 1st Reading.

Ordinance 2017- 7 An OrdinanceEstablishing a Municipal WildfireSafety Council (Introduction)

Mayor Henrich introduced Ordinance 2017-7, An Ordinance Establishing a Municipal Wildfire Safety Council. Upon receiving no questions from the public, Mayor Henrich called for a motion on Ordinance 2017-7 upon first reading. The motion was made by Mr. Herndon and 2nd by Mr. DeGroff to approve Ordinance 2017-7 upon first reading and to advertise and do all that is legally necessary for 1st reading. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor, Ordinance 2017-7 passed upon 1st Reading.

Resolution 2017-69Refund of Tax Overpayment – Tax Exempt Property

The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve resolution 2017-69. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor; Resolution 2017-69 was hereby approved.

Resolution 2017-70Appointment of Tom Boyd as Fire Marshall (Amending Eff. Date)

The motion was made by Mr. Herndon, 2nd by Mr. DeGroff to approve resolution 2017-70. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor; Resolution 2017-70 was hereby approved.

Resolution 2017-71Authorization for Tax Collector to Revise Taxes Due to Farmland Assessment – Pursuant to Assessor’s Recommendation

The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve resolution 2017-71. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor; Resolution 2017-71 was hereby approved.

Resolution 2017-72Expressing Opposition to Legislative Proposals of the OPMA & OPRA

The motion was made by Mr. Herndon, 2nd by Mr.DeGroff to approve resolution 2017-72. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor; Resolution 2017-72 was hereby approved.

Resolution 2017-73Authorization to Submit Municipal Aid Grant (Sooy Place Rd.)

The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve resolution 2017-73. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor; Resolution 2017-73 was hereby approved.

Resolution 2017-74Award Concrete Project

The motion was made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve resolution 2017-74. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes. Majority in favor; Resolution 2017-74 was hereby approved.



a.Pine Barons Enduro Riders – 11/26/17 Motion made by Mr. DeGroff, 2nd by Mr. Herndon to approve the Pine Barons Enduro on 11/26/17. Votes: Henrich-Yes, Herndon-Yes, DeGroff-Yes


a. Tax Collector –August collections – $271,850.17

b. Clerk – next meeting – October 25, 2017

November meeting rescheduled to November 13, 7:00

Best Practices – Scored 22 – still receive full funding

c. Tax Assessor -

d. CFO -

e. Engineer – see report –

f. Solicitor

g. OEM – Orientation taken. Submitting for training with Steve King

h. Chief -


Mark Herndon – Nothing

William DeGroff – met with Tom Leisse, Mr. Miller and representatives from The Conservancy regarding the Sooy Place Road drainage issues. Fred fixed today. Thanks Mark for work at FH

Matthew Henrich – nothing



As no further business was brought before the Committee, Mayor Henrich asked for a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. The motion was made by Mr. Herndon, 2nd by Mr. DeGroff to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:17 pm. All in favor and the regular meeting was hereby adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Maryalice Brown, RMC

Township Clerk/Administrator