Invaders of the Moon!
You and your team of researchers are hired by a private exploratory company to develop a plan to build an independent, self-sufficient, sustainable and successful colony on the moon. This is a large and extensive project that could result in a very lucrative deal. There are a number of teams that have been hired to compete for the final design. Your goal is to produce the best-researched, most thorough and highly creative proposal to present to the owners of the company. There are a number of aspects that you need to research in the development of your project.
Stage 1: Research the historical issues surrounding industrialized city construction and growth.
Probing issues:
- What were some of the issues that faced the migrants to industrialized cities?
- How were resources developed and transported to major cities during the industrial revolution?
- What were the working conditions like for employees in mines and factories?
- How did workers begin to organize themselves to create fair working conditions?
- What advantages did the industrial revolution provide to countries that embraced it?
- What role did the development of technology play in advancing economies?
Stage 2: Investigate current technology available for building a functioning colony on the Moon.
Probing issues:
- What observational technology can be used to help explore the Moon before the colonists arrive?
- What are some of the devices that can be used to transport people, materials, food, and water to the Moon.
- What technological devices can be used to monitor the progress of the development of the colony?
- What resources are available on the Moon for use? How can the colonists acquire these resources?
Stage 3: Create a vision for NASA that incorporates operation of a colony away from Earth.
Probing issues:
- Consider political functionality. What autonomy and freedoms will you grant the colonists? (Remember what you have learned about revolutions and why they start)
- Consider economic sustainability.
- Consider communication with Earth. What technology is available for this to occur?
- Consider transportation to and from the Moon.
- Consider the risks of living and travelling to and from the Moon.
- Consider living conditions for inhabitants. How do you “manage” large populations fulfilling a variety of different roles?
- Consider the factors that lead to revolution in previous colonial situations. How do you avoid revolution in this circumstance?
- What future technological devices do you think will need to be developed in order to make this a successful venture?
Stage 4: Build a model of your livable colony.
Probing issues:
- Model should be eco-friendly. It can be created in a digital format, 2-D or 3-D. If your group decides to make a model, you must use recycled material. There is no specific size criteria, but please be conscious of the size. For example, do not make something too big that you cannot carry to class or too small that we cannot see some of the details in your model.
The following mini-deadlines will help your group stay on track in order to complete the full assignment on time.
Tracking timeline:
Project start date - Saturday, May 25, 2013
Stage 1 due date - Tuesday, May 28 2013 (end of class)
Stage 2 due date - Friday, May 31, 2013 (end of class)
Stage 3 due date - Wednesday, June 5, 2012 (end of class)
Stage 4 Due Date – Monday June 10, 2013
Invaders of the Moon Team Rubric:
Task / 1 2 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5Stage 1 Research / Research was incomplete / Research was minimal (information found just from the textbook) / Research was effective / Research was well developed and informative / Research was very detailed and description / Research was highly detailed and descriptive, very informative
Stage 2 Research / Research was incomplete / Research was minimal (information found just from the textbook) / Research was effective / Research was well developed and informative / Research was very detailed and description / Research was highly detailed and descriptive, very informative
Stage 3 Research / Research was incomplete / Research was minimal (information found just from the textbook) / Research was effective / Research was well developed and informative / Research was very detailed and description / Research was highly detailed and descriptive, very informative
Stage 4 Model
(x2) / Incomplete, minimal creativity and effort put forth / Limited creativity, model looks rushed / Creative and innovative with the model and the material used for it / Quite creative, innovative, and a nice representation of the colony / Very creative, innovative, and used mainly eco-friendly resources / Exceptionally creative, innovative; great representation of the colony and utilized only eco-friendly resources
Literature Cited / Few references were provided but were not completed or there was over reliance on questionably authoritative websites / Insufficient resources were provided but standards were followed / Sufficient resources were provided but standards were not followed / Sufficient references were provided and standards followed; still reliance on questionably authoritative websites / Sufficient references were provided and standards were followed; all sources were authoritative / Research was very thorough, using excellent sources and proper formatting was followed
12 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5Quality of work / I did not contribute much to the project and the parts I did were of low quality / I contributed somewhat to the project but did not provide quality work / I contributed my fair share to the project and provided reasonable quality work / I contributed my fair share to the project and provided good quality work / I contributed my fair share to the project and provided excellent quality work / I contributed more than my fair share to the project and provided excellent quality work
Task commitment / I was rarely on-task in class / I was infrequently on-task in class / I was often on-task in class / I was usually on-task in class / I was almost always on-task in class / I was always on task in class
Name / Group Member Assessment
1 2
(Choose a value) Did not contribute to the project / 3
Contributed occasional but work was not of high quality and did not contribute equally / 3.5
Contributed equally, providing reasonable work but at times was difficult to work with / 4
Contributed equally, providing good quality work and displayed very good group skills / 4.5
Contributed equally, providing excellent quality work and exercising strong group skills / 5
Contributed more than equally and successfully played an effective leadership role in the group