Name: ______Period:______

Slavery in America

Directions: Use the textbook, Slavery in America hand-out, National Geographic slavery interactive, and the movie
“Roots” to answer the following questions. Use these codes to help you locate material from the
appropriate locations.

TB textbook NGI National Geographic interactive H-O Slavery in America handout V Roots

  1. Because African kings preferred to capture rather than kill their enemies, enslaving their enemy’s population
    helped African kings achieve (3) three important goals…explain the (3) three goals. (TB 15)
  1. During the 1500s the Spanish and the Portuguese bring salves from Africa to the Americas. What city became

the New World’s first international slave port? In what country today would that city be found?(NGI)

  1. Use the internet to define “Diaspora.” Explain Diaspora as used in the reading. (H-O)
  1. Explain the Two philosophies that dominated the loading of a slave ship. Does the first-mate
    effectively communicate to the captain the difference between the two types of packing? Explain.(V & H-O)
  1. Give a complete definition of the middle Passage?(H-O & TB 50)
  1. What items might a slave trader receive in exchange for slaves? (H-O)
  1. With regard to children whose parents were slaves; what was the determining factor on whether the child
    would be free or a slave?(NGI)
  1. In the 1400 and 1500s, what types of plantations did the Spanish and Portuguese set up in the West Indies where they used African slaves?(TB 49)
  1. Approximately how many African slaves were introduce to the new world?(H-O)
  1. Who was KuntaKinte’s first master? Who became his second master? Explain how this happened.(V)
  1. Use the internet to define “chattel” as found in the reading. Did this type of slavery apply to Kunta?(H-O & V)
  1. Explain in detail) the different ways that an African American could achieve their freedom. (Be sure to define


  1. Explain why it was financially risky for slave owners to manumit.(NGI)
  1. What type of slavery was virtually unknown on the African continent? (H-O)
  1. In the Southern Colonies why did landowners have to find another source of labor (turn to slavery)? (TB 105)
  1. What four reasons are given as to why the Spanish and Portuguese enslaved Africans over other races and
    groups to provide plantation labor? (TB 50)
  1. What new name was KuntaKinte given by his master? What was done to Kunta until he accepted his new
    American name? (V)
  1. What are slave codes? Give (5) five examples of slave codes. (H-O)
  1. Explain how Kunta learned his lesson concerning trying to constantly escape; both physically as well as through
    the birth of his daughter? (V)
  1. By the 1700s all 13 British colonies in America had slaves; explain the effect the Northwest Ordinance had on
    slavery. Where specifically is the Northwest Territory? (NGI)
  1. Who was the first published African American Poet? What did her written work depict? When (on the eve of
    what major world-wide event?) (H-O & NGI)
  1. Explain in detailthe living and working conditions of plantation slaves in the south. (TB 105)
  1. Explain what created a new ethnicity called the African American? (H-O)
  1. What did Kizzy do that forced her master to sell her and separate her from her parents? (V)
  1. Give (5) five ways slaves resisted or fought back against their white oppressors.(TB 106)
  1. What was one horrifying experience that some slaves had to endure as portrayed by Kizzy and her new master,
    Tom? (V)
  1. What is abolition? What group was among the first to take that position? (TB 465)
  1. What was the Underground Railroad? (Be specific and give a detailed response to include the meaning of terms
    such as depots, stationmasters, conductors and stockholders.) (TB 467 & NGI)
  1. Who was “Moses”and why was she called that? What did she say about herself? (NGI)
  1. Knowing what you know now; if you had been a slave on a southern plantation, what if any steps would you
    have taken that were similar or different than those of the slaves you either read about or encountered in the
    video. Feel free to elaborate and give as much detail as you feel this topic warrants, also understand that you
    can write about more than one person if you choose!(V, NGI, H-O, TB)
    You may answer on a separate sheet of paper and staple to the back of this packet!