Using the Health Experience Wheel

Below are some step-by-step instructions to help you use the CHF Health Experience Wheel online tool. We also attach a sample CSV spreadsheet that you can use to practice creating and uploading a Health Experience Wheel. A little bit of practice can help you feel confident about entering information into the spreadsheet so that you can display the information you want to see around the wheel.

Here are the steps to follow.

  1. Go to the online Health Experience Wheel tool

You can log in directly at OR you can follow the links from the online Real People, Real Data Toolkit.

  1. Sign in to the Health Experience Wheel tool

The first time you visit, you’ll need to set up a log-in ID and password. To do this, call Fiona Walls at CHF on 1300 700 214 or 02 6273 5444 or email or and we will be glad to set up your unique user ID and password for you. You can change your password once we have issued it to you. As site administrators, we can see what you upload to the site but be assured that we won’t view what you upload unless you ask us to (e.g. if you request help to use the online tool).

  1. Upload your spreadsheet

When you log in, you will see a list of any spreadsheets and completed Health Experience Wheels you have previously uploaded. To upload a new spreadsheet, click the green button labelled “Upload your RPRD CSV”. You will then be prompted to select the relevant file from your computer, and to upload this. If you have created your spreadsheet in Excel, remember to save the file as a .CSV file before you upload it. The system can only upload .CSV files. (CSV stands for Comma Separated Values and it is a simple file type that it is easier for the online tool to understand).

  1. Download your experience wheel

You will be asked to wait for a moment while the online tool creates your Health Experience Wheel. When it’s ready, you can click the “Download Experience Wheel” to view, save or print the completed Wheel.

  1. Troubleshooting

If there are any problems with your spreadsheet, you will see an error message. The message will detail which column/s and row/s in your spreadsheet is causing the issue. The following suggestions may help you to avoid problems:

  • Make sure you’ve saved your spreadsheet as a .CSV (MS DOS) file.
  • Make sure your spelling is correct in columns E (Stage) and F (Analysis Criteria). The online tool is very sensitive to spelling errors in these columns!
  • Make sure you have entered all the compulsory information in your spreadsheet:
  • If you enter any information in Column C in any row, you must also enter information in Column E and Column G in the same row. For example, if you enter a text excerpt at Column C, Row 12, you must also enter a valid stage name at Column E, Row 12 and either a -1 (for a sad face emoji) or a 1 (for a happy face emoji) at Column G, Row 12.
  • You must also enter information at Column B, Row 6 (Demographic/Context Information) and Column B, Row 8 (Key change that could have made the biggest difference). This information appears in the middle of the Health Experience Wheel.
  • Is there any usual formatting in your spreadsheet? If so, remove this as the online tool may not recognise it.
  • Have you tried another internet browser? For example, try using Firefox or Chrome if you usually use Explorer. The online tool supports most commonly-used browsers, but not every version of every browser.
  1. General advice about using the spreadsheet

Health Experience Wheels work most effectively when you understand how the .CSV spreadsheet works.

  • Column A, Rows 1-6, ask for demographic and context information that will be displayed in the centre of the Health Experience Wheel. You enter this information in Column B, Rows 1-6. The easiest way to complete this information is to enter any and all demographic/context information you want displayed in the centre of the Wheel at Column B, Row 6.
  • Column A, Row 8, asks for the “Key Change that could have made the biggest difference’. Enter this information in Column B, Row 8. This information – in the form of a key quote from the storyteller – will also appear in the middle of the Health Experience Wheel.
  • Column A, Row 9, asks for “Key Issues”. Enter any ‘key issues’ or other information you think is important in Column B, Row 9. This information will appear in the free text box in the bottom right hand corner of the Health Experience Wheel.
  • From Row 12 onward, you begin to enter the information that will appear around the Health Experience Wheel.
  • At Row 12, Column C, enter an excerpt from the story in the storyteller’s own words.
  • Optionally, at Row 12, Column D, enter a brief overview description of what was happening for the storyteller at that point in their story. This will appear in bold text next to the story excerpt you entered at Row 12, Column C.
  • A Row 12, Column E, enter the stage in the health experience that relates to the text excerpt at Row 12, Column C. You can enter only the stage names: a change in health, seeking assistance, diagnosis, treatment and life with a health issue. (Later, you will be able to enter only the stage names agreed by Alzheimer’s Australia’s Younger Onset Dementia Key Worker Program). Enter no more than one stage name per row. These stage names will appear in the middle ring of the wheel.
  • The Health Experience Wheel works best to illustrate stories that move through these stages in order and have approximately the same number of experience points in each stage: you may want to aim to enter 2 or 3 experience points for each stage, in the stage order listed above. For example Rows 12-15 might relate to ‘a change in health’, Rows 16-19 to ‘Seeking assistance’, Rows 20-23 to ‘Diagnosis’, Rows 23-26 to ‘Treatment’ and Rows 27-30 to ‘Life with a change in health’. Of course, not every story will follow this order and that is perfectly OK.
  • Optionally, at Row 12, Column F (Analysis Criteria), enter an indicator of consumer-centred care that relates to the text excerpt at Row 12, Column C. You can find the full list of 11 valid indicators of consumer-centred care in the Real People, Real Data Toolkit. These will appear as a number from 1-11 in brackets next to the relevant text excerpt around the wheel, and in a box at the bottom left of the Health Experience Wheel. This box will show the most frequently appearing indicators of consumer centred care in the story, and the number of times these were positive or negative experiences. This can demonstrate the relative frequency with which a person’s experience of ‘control and choice’ (for example) was positive and how often it was negative.
  • At Row 12, Column G, enter a number “1” for a positive experience and “-1” for a negative experience of the health system. A “1” will appear around the wheel as a smile emoji, a “-1” will appear as a sad face emoji, next to the relevant text excerpt.
  • Continue as above for Row 13 onward. Remember that the idea is that the Health Experience Wheel displays the key information in a consumer story and there is limited space around a Health Experience Wheel! You may want to limit yourself and storytellers to a maximum number of key experience points to display around the Wheel, in order to ensure a full story can be displayed. Alternatively, you can show a story over more than one Health Experience Wheel.
  • Below, you can see where the different information you enter in the spreadsheet is displayed on the wheel.

  1. Help!

If you have difficulties with the process, you can contact the CHF Health Experience Wheel tool administrator and we will assist you.

Contact us at: 1300 700 214 or 02 6273 5444 or via