Name: ______Band: _____

Exam 1-Answer Sheet

Part 1: Multiple Choice (40 points)

Directions: Write the answers to each multiple choice question on the lines below.

1. _____3. _____5. _____7. _____9. _____

2. _____4. _____6. _____8. _____ 10._____

Score: _____

Part 2: Short Answer Questions

Directions: Read each set of documents below and write a 3-5 sentence response for each document. You must use 2-3 facts and details in your response. (15 points each)


Document 1

. “. . .The geographical features of Japan have much in common with those of ancient

Hellas [Greece]. In both there is the same combination of mountain, valley, and plain, [and] a deeply indented coastline, with its bays, peninsulas, and islands off the coast. Few places inland are far removed from the mountains, and none are really distant from the sea. . . .

The land was on all sides well protected, and yet also open to the sea; and in each case, too, there was free access for commerce and civilization from early times. . . .The deeply indented coastline of Japan provides a number of excellent harbors on the Pacific coast, and its shores abound in fish of all kinds, the rich supplies of which have for centuries constituted one of the chief articles of food of the people. The fishing industries have helped to provide Japan with a recruiting-ground for one of the strongest and most formidable navies of modern times. . . .”

Source: Walter Weston, “The Geography of Japan in Its Influence on the Character of the Japanese

People,” in The Japan Society of London, Transactions and Proceedings, XX (1922–1923)

Based on this document, how did the geographic context affect the development of early Japan?



Document 2

Isolation Era (1603-1853)

  1. Tokugawa shoguns were afraid of losing their power. They did not like western influence in Japan.
  2. Therefore, they isolated Japan from the rest of the world.
  3. There was no foreign trade or travel outside of Japan. If Japanese people left Japan, they could not come back.
  4. Missionaries and foreign traders were killed or forced to leave Japan. Many Christian Japanese were also killed.
  5. They only let some Chinese and Dutch traders in the city of Nagasaki.

Based on this documentwhat was the purpose of the government making these laws?.




Document 3

The sankinkotai or hostage system was included as part of the warrior class laws.

Alternate residence duty, or sankinkotai, was a system developed in the Warring States period and perfected by the Tokugawa shogunate. In essence, the system demanded simply that daimyo reside in the Tokugawa castle at Edo for periods of time, alternating with residence at the daimyo’s own castle. When a daimyo was not residing in the Tokugawa castle, he was required to leave his family at his overlord’s [shogun’s] castle town. It was, at its simplest, a hostage system which required that either the daimyo or his family (including the very important heir) always be physically subject to the whim of the overlord. . . .

Source: “SankinKotai and the Hostage System,” Nakasendo Way, Walk Japan

Based on this document, what is oneway the daimyo were affected by the Tokugawa hostage system (alternate residence duty)?



Document 4

By 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu had won the civil war and had become the supreme ruler of Japan, the Shogun.His successor, Shogun Hidetada, put forth laws for military households. These households included membersof the warrior class: the daimyo, the greater samurai, and the lesser samurai.

Laws Governing Military Households (1615), Excerpts

. . . [4] Great lords (daimȳo), the lesser lords, and officials should immediately expel from their domains any among their retainers [vassals] or henchmen who have been charged with treason or murder. . . .

[6] Whenever it is intended to make repairs on a castle of one of the feudal domains, the [Shogunate] authorities should be notified. The construction of any new castles is to be haltedand stringently [strictly] prohibited.“Big castles are a danger to the state.” Walls and moats are the cause of great disorders.

[7] Immediate report should be made of innovations which are being planned or of factionalconspiracies [schemes by dissenting groups] being formed in neighboring domains. . . .

Source: Compiled by RyusakuTsunoda, et al., Sources of the Japanese TraditionColumbia University Press (adapted

Based on this document, what is oneway these laws limited the actions of the warrior class?




Using document set 1 OR document set 2: Identify and explain a similarity or difference between the ideas presented in these documents.

