Hiawatha Music Co-op

Board Meeting Minutes


Present: Julie Foster-Lindquist, Susan Divine, Susan Bertram, Erin Leahy Putvin, Michael Reed, Mike Fitzpatrick, Josh Thompson, Pearl Taylor, Jose Garcia

Absent: Katrina Keough (excused), Doug Kitchel (excused)

Meeting called to order by Julie at 5:15pm.

-Reviewed February minutes:Add: “Capital One” near the end of the minutes about the reward check that came in and add: “The Board recommended not moving forward with legal action” on the bad check issue

Motion to approve with changes, Jose, seconded Michael Reed. Motion carried.

-Treasurer’s Report:

Susan Divine related Doug Kitchel’s report sent via email:

“Since inception we have added $17,395.84 to our portfolio. In the last month we have lost $137.10. The downward trend has continued to follow the market overall which is to be expected seeing how we are heavily invested in Domestic equity and Fixed income. This is not worrisome to me at all and I do expect things to flatten out this year. We shouldn't expect to make any money here this year however. Breaking even would be a bonus.

As for the checking/savings accounts: I have put a star by a few draws in our checking account that warranted looking into. The biggest draw for $723 was small and was our directors pay and the two others for $385 were for our rent. Our balance on 3/8/16 in the checking was 5,585.35 and in our savings we had $32,872.17.” -Respectfully submitted by Doug Kitchel

Motion to approve, Jose, seconded Susan Bertram. Motion carried, subject to audit.

Reel to Reel Digital Conversion:

Marcus Robyns visited to discuss digitizing and archiving reel to reels. Marcus also discussed HMC donating archives to NMU Archives. Digitizing reel to reels is free of charge with donation of archives. HMC archives would be accessible during NMU Archives operating hours. They would have climate control and conservation work, and HMC would have copies of all possible items. Marcus invited the HMC BOD to visit the archives. HMC has local historical significance. In the case of donation, a donor agreement would be written up.

In the case of having NMU Archives convert reel to reel with no donation, a fee would be charged for each reel to reel conversion.

There was much discussion on the pros and cons of donating HMC archives. There are several archives currently housed at the NMU Archives. Visit to see digital conversion collections of CCI (done with a federal grant) and more.

-Proposed 2016 Annual Operating Budget presented. Susan D. is conservative with her estimates. Jose moved to approve the proposed 2016 Annual Operating Budget, Susan B. seconded. Motion carried.

-HMC took a small loss on Uke Week, but if offered a ton of promotion. $673 were collected at the door and $50 in membership. We’d like to capitalize more on families with children.

-March 23 there is a webinar offered by GLYCD from 12-12:30

-Al Chroman from Credit Check explained that HMC doesn’t have to pay to proceed on a bounced check. MOst people pay up before the pretrial conference. There may be a small attorney fee if the person does not pay before the pretrial conference. There is paperwork to sign. The board supports pursuing justice on the two bounced checks.

New Business

-Bonifas donation will be made. Total donation of two coffee cups, two t-shirts, and two tickets to comprise two separate donations.

-Gauthier Insurance: $1700 will be paid for liability insurance within the next thirty days.

-HMC is sponsoring a concert at Gitchee Gumee Cafe and Records on March 11 featuring musicians from the Lowest Pair and Dead Pigeons.

Events Committee Report:

-Two members of Dragon Wagon are leaving, so we are reconsidering our choice for the Chocolay River Brewing event on June 11. Also, Lost Creek has committed as warm-up band. The poster and name of event have been adapted to this year’s event.

-Looking for venue ideas for the Annual Meeting. Elks and Chocolay River Brewing are both being considered.

PR: Jose recommended buying and distributing basic generic business cards.

*Susan D. is requesting card stock donations!*

Music Committee: Main stage acts are almost in order. Able to announce lineup


Director’s Report: Susan Divine

-Thank you to Erin Donovan for her generous donations.

-Thank you to Julie Foster-Lindquist for her work on the events posters.

-Revisions were made to all contracts (changes in Proximity Clause, Official Band Name, and Personnel changes).

-Working on Spring Newsletter. All people on the list are being informed that this is likely to be the last hard-copy newsletter unless requested. We are transitioning to email newsletter. There is an option to either email or send a paper copy if members wish to continue to receive hard copies. At this point, the format is the same on email as it is has been in the past. There will be a change in the Fall newsletter. This will be done by using either Shelafoe Designs or MailChimp. The mailing list will reviewed and all duplicate addresses will be removed. The progress will be slow, but once the data input and file merging is through, it should be an easier process.

-ABO contract is the same as last year. 50% deposit will be sent and a 3 year agreement was made.

-Fred Rydholm is working on a prototype for bike racks.

-Wikipedia entry on Hiawatha Music Co-op needs updating.

-Pure Michigan ad looks great in the brochure!

-Josh discussed doing a 60 second spot Hiawatha intro video for promotional uses.

-Office lease is up for renewal and is the same: $385/mo. Mike moved to renew lease. Josh seconded the motion. Motion carried.

6:50 p.m. motion to adjourn by Michael. Mike seconded. Motion carried.

--Minutes respectfully submitted by Erin Leahy Putvin on 4-6-2016