“The 6th Dmitry Valentey Commemorative Readings”

International Population Conference, Moscow (Russia), April 22-24, 2010

Information Letter N°3

Population Problems in History’s Mirror

The Centre for Population Studies of the Faculty of Economics, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity, holds, in April 22-24, 2010, the 6th International Conference on Population Problems “Dmitry Valentey Commemorative Readings”. The conference Website is available on The conference is devoted to historical demography,history ofpopulation, demographic theories and policies in Russia and abroad.

Organizing Committee is grateful to the Russian and foreign colleagues who expressed their wish to participate in the Conference. Preliminary programme is now complete. The papers which are not accepted for the regular sessions may be optionally presented at the poster sessions. All the papers submitted, regardless of the form of presentation, will be published. The full papers (up to 20000 characters) must be submitted until January15, 2010.

Participants coming from the other cities and countries are asked to inform the Organizing Committee whether they need an accommodation in Moscow during the conference (hotel or university residence).

The participants who need a visa for entering Russia have to fill in the form presented in the Information letter N° 2

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We inform you that the Organizing Committee found a possibility to exempt all the participants from the registration fees.

Contact information:

Centre for Population Studies, Faculty of Economics, MoscowState Université

Leninskie Gory, 1 str.46, MGU, 119991, Moscow, RUSSIA

Phone / Fax: +7 495 939 2838 e-mail:

Organizing Committee (see enclosed list)

Organizing Committee council:

Prof. Vassily KolesovChairman of the Conference, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity

Dr. ValeryElizarovCo-chairman of the Conference, Head of the Center for Population Studies, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity

Dr. Irina TroitskaiaScientific Secretary, Center for Population Studies, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity


Alexandre AVDEEV Center for Population Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University/ Institut de Démographie, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

AnatolyANTONOV FacultyofSociology, MoscowStateUniversity

Lidia BARDAKOVA UNFPA Assistant Representative in the Russian Federation

Alain BLUM Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales / INED, France

Anatoly VISHNEVSKY Institute of Demography, Higher School of Economics

Mikhail DENISENKO Institute of Demography, Higher School of Economics / Center for Population Studies, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity

Valentina ZHYROMSKAYAInstitute for Russian History, Academy of Science

Irina ZBARSKAYA FederalState Statistics Service

Natalia ZVEREVA. Center for Population Studies, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity

Vladimir IONTSEV Chair of Population, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity

Mikhail KLUPTStPetersburg University of Economics and Finance

Leonid RYBAKOVSKY Institute of Socio-Political Research, Academy of Science

Leonid TUTOV Faculty of Economics, MoscowStateUniversity

Alexei SHEVYAKOVInstitute of Social and Economic Studies of Population

Vladimir ETCHENIQUE Faculty of Economics, MoscowStateUniversity