Banned Book Research Paper 2013


English 9

Research Project

Directions:In order to receive full credit for this project, you must complete ALL parts. Each section must have a research component. ALL research must be documented.

Your Assignment: Write a research paper that provides a history of banned books in America and discuss your chosen novel and include the history of why it has been banned. In addition, your thoughts and opinions on the banning of books will also be required.

Daily Homework:Read your banned novel and continue to research author and controversy surrounding the censorship of your novel. Please keep a reading log including the pages/chapters read and important quotes or content. Use DIRECT quotes verbatim (word for word exactly). Use quotation marks and punctuation where appropriate and be SURE to include the page number of your quotes.

Format:Your paper must be written in MLA format:

  • 3-4 pages typed in 12-point font
  • Cover page with proper MLA Heading
  • Works Cited Page
  • Times New Roman (black ink)
  • Double-spaced
  • 1-inch margins
  • All research must be documented

In addition, you must follow the rubric and meet all requirements to receive a proper grade. Failure to do so, or failure to meet the required deadlines will result in a reduction of your grade or a zero. In addition, plagiarism is unacceptable and may result in your failing the course, as this paper is weighted heavily. Keep in mind that this is to help you learn the proper way to research and write; therefore, you must follow ALL of the steps.


English 9 Period ______

Guiding Questions for Research


It is important as you research to have a guide. There are several key questions to answer in your banned book research paper. Depending on your particular book and the research that is out there, some of the questions will apply to you more than others.

Part I – The Banning of your Book

  1. What does it mean to ban or challenge a book?
  2. Why was your book banned or challenged? Include where, when, and why the book was banned or challenged.
  3. What examples of this allegation (claim) for banning/challenging did you find in the book? Check your reading logs, it will guide you back to specific pages.

Part II – Your Author

  1. How is/was the book defended by the author and/or other readers? Book reviews would be a great place to find this information!
  2. Did the author have reasons for writing a controversial book? Check out what their life was like and what happened to or around them that would bring out the controversy.
  3. Has the author written other controversial books? How does the author respond to the controversy around their books? This may be difficult if the author didn’t know; it may be helpful to find author interviews.

Part III – Opinion/Persuasion

  1. What is your reaction to the book? What is your response to the controversial parts? Are they worth challenging or banning?
  2. Explain if you think the author accomplished what he/she set out to accomplish by writing the book. Why or why not?
  3. Do you think the book should currently be banned or challenge4d in high schools or community libraries? Explain your reasons for why or why not.


Keep in mind that each part of your paper should have two to three sources.

Part 1: What is a banned/challenged book?

What causes a book to be banned or challenged?

Why would your chosen novel be banned or challenged?

Thesis: (Do you agree or disagree that the novel should be banned or


(This should be part of the paragraph that you already wrote about

banning books.)

Part 2: The history of banning books

The First Amendment

What does the First Amendment protect?

Part 3:Why has your novel been banned?

What aspects of the novel would make someone ban the book?

What is YOUR stance on this?

Part 4:Find three scenes in your novel that would cause the novel to be


(Keep in mind the following: Characters’ attitudes, his behavior(s), the

language of the novel, characters’ take(s) on religion, attitude(s) toward


Discuss each scene in depth, using description and quotations.

Part 5:Do you think the novel should be banned or challenged?

Discuss why in detail referencing the above three scenes from your novel

Should your novel be required reading in high school? Why or why not?

Write a personal statement discussing your view of banning books.


  1. For each section of your paper, you must have at least three sources. (Do NOT simply do the minimum.)
  2. You must research using print, online and data base sources.
  3. You must document ALL research on the required worksheets.
  4. When your research is documented, you must complete a Works Cited page.
  5. For each source, you must take notes. Do not merely copy, but put your own

thoughts down as well.

  1. Write an outline for your paper.
  2. Hand in the draft of your paper in MLA format:

A sample paper and Research Paper and Works Cited page has been included for you. Be sure to follow this example EXACTLY as it is written.

Name: ______

Mrs. Heitman

English 9 / Research Paper

Date: ______

Original Title:


INTRODUCTION: (Your introduction must include the article from the New York Times about banned books. Be sure to expand your homework assignment to make this a part of your introduction. If you did not do your homework assignment, you must complete this.)

  • Define censorship and book banning: (You must cite the source where you get the definition.)
  • Summarize the Times article (this means you names people and places in detail.)
  • Introduce your noveland its author:
  • Why would this book be banned?
  • Thesis: What are your thoughts on banning this novel?

Part 2:

  • The history of banning books
  • The First Amendment
  • What does the First Amendment protect?
  • Why do you think the First Amendment should be protected?

Part 3:

  • Why has your book been banned?
  • What aspects of the novel would make someone ban the book? (In general, what about the novel has caused some to ban it?)
  • What is YOUR stance on this?

Part 4:

Find three scenes in your book that would cause the novel to be


(Keep in mind the following: characters’ attitude/behavior, the language of the novel, characters’ take on religion/attitude toward authority)

Discuss each scene in depth, using description and quotations

First Example / Second Example / Third Example
Description: / Description: / Description:
Quotations: / Quotation: / Quotation:

Why are these scenes important to the novel? To understanding the character(s)?


  • Do you think the novel should be banned or challenged?
  • Should the novel be required reading in high school? Why or why not?
  • Write a personal statement discussing your view of banning books.
  • Finally, what did you think of the novel?


Topic: ______Source: ______

Due Date: March 8, 2013

The research paper has to be handed in at the beginning of class on the date due. If you are absent on 3/8/13, then the paper must be turned into the main office before the end of the school day (2:30 PM). I will check for papers in my mailbox at 2:30, before leaving the school for the day. You will receive 10 points off for each day your paper is late. 10 points is a lot after you’ve worked so hard! Don’t wait until the last minute and don’t let yourself down.

I have read and understand the assignment and the projected timeline.

BOOK and AUTHOR being read and researched:

Student Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date