Enacted: JUNE ______, 2017

Chinook Winds Adventist Academy



I / OFFICE / 4


Bylaws / means these Bylaws as may be amended fromtimetotime.
CWAA / means Chinook Winds Adventist Academy.
Church / meanstheSeventh-dayAdventist Church and may refer to any one of the local Seventh-day Adventist Churches located in or about the City of Calgary, Alberta.
Company / means agroup or fellowship ofSeventh-day Adventist church members whohavebeen granted Company statusby vote of theConferenceand which hasnotyet attained church status.
Conference / means TheAlberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Constituency / means the members of CWAA.
Meeting / meansa meetingof the Constituency andincludesannualandspecialConstituency Meetings.
Constitution / meansthe Constitution ofCWAAas may beamended fromtimetotime
Delegates / meansthoseindividualslistedatArticle2.06 whohavevotingrightsat all Constituency Meetings, including those persons appointed to represent the Member Churches.
Duly Called / means called in accordance with the Bylaws.
Elected Delegate / means those individuals voted and approved by constituent members to serve on the CWAA School Board.
Employee of the Board / means anyone who is employed by the board directly, or indirectly through the Alberta conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to carry out duties for remuneration or other considerations which requires direct interactions with the students, faculty and/or staff. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall not include individuals who are hired by the board on short term contract basis to provide maintenance, repairs and/or additions to school property.
GeneralConference / meanstheGeneralConferenceof Seventh-day Adventists.
Member / means a member as defined in the Constitution.
Member Church / means any church or company which has been formally admitted as a member of CWAA in accordance with these Bylaws, and includes those churches referenced in the Constitution, provided that the church or company has not withdrawn or terminated its membership.
Member Churches / means all of the churches or companies which have been formally admitted as members of CWAA and maintained their membership in accordance with these Bylaws.
Poll / means to register or give a vote in a manner prescribed and agreed to by the majority of voting and elected delegates at a meeting.
School Board / meanstheSchoolBoardofCWAAestablishedpursuanttoArticleIIIof theseBylaws
SDACC / meanstheSeventh-day Adventist Church in Canada
Trustee / means a person duly appointed by the members to represent them as elected delegates on the board.


TheseBylawsshallbegovernedbyandconstruedinaccordancewiththelawsoftheProvince ofAlbertaandthefederallaws ofCanadaapplicabletherein. Inthatregard,wordsimporting thesingular number include thepluralandviceversa.



1.01OFFICE: TheprincipalofficeofCWAA,forthetransactionofitsbusiness,islocatedat

10101 2nd Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, T3B5T2.


2.01APPLICATION: Application of a church or company for membership in CWAA may be

initiated by:

a)The invitation of the CWAA School Board; or,

b)The formal, written application by the church or company to the CWAA School Board.

2.02ADMITTANCE: Admittance of a church or company to the membership of CWAA must be

ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Delegates present at a duly called annual or special Constituency Meeting.

2.03WITHDRAWL: If a Member Church votes to withdraw from membership in CWAA, it must

provide written notice of withdrawal to the Chair of the School Board no later than 30 days after the acceptance of the annual budget by the School Board. The financial obligations of the withdrawing Member Church will not terminate until the end of the school year in which the notice of withdrawal is given. A withdrawing Member Church shall not be entitled to receive any reimbursement for either capital investment or operational expenditures.


a)A Member Church which does not meet its financial commitments to CWAA, fails to honour the purposes of CWAA, or relinquishes basic tenets of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, will be subject to a membership review by the members of CWAA at a duly called Constituency Meeting.

b)Subject to Article 2.04(e), the membership of a Member Church may only be terminated by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Members present at a duly called Constituency Meeting.

c)The financial obligations of a Member Church whose membership has been terminated in accordance with this Article 2.04 will continue until the end of the school year in which its membership has been terminated.

d)The financial obligations of a Member Church whose membership has been terminated in accordance with this Article 2.04 will continue until the end of the school year in which its membership has been terminated.

e)A Member Church whose membership has been terminated in accordance with this Article 2.04 shall not be entitled to receive any reimbursement of its share of either capital investment or operational expenditures.

f)A Member Church that has been disbanded by the Conference will be subject to automatic termination of its membership in CWAA. The Conference shall notify the School Board immediately following an action to disband a Member Church. Financial and other arrangements are to be made in accordance with Bylaws Articles 4.04(b) and 7.06.


3.01ANNUALMEETING: CWAAshallholdanannual, publicConstituencyMeetingat such time and place as the School Board designate,forthefollowingpurposes:


b)Toreviewthe financialstatements.


d)Toconsiderchangesto theConstitutionandtheBylaws.

e)Totransactsuchotherbusinessasmaybeproperlybroughtbeforethe members.

3.02SPECIAL MEETING: The School Board shall call a Special ConstituencyMeetingatsuch timeand placeasdeemedappropriate when:

a)ItisrequestedbyamajorityoftheSchool Boardmembers.

b)It is requested by at least 2 of the Member Churches.

c)It is requested by the Conference.

3.03CHAIROFCONSTITUENCYMEETINGS: TheSchoolBoardChair,orinhis/herabsencethe SchoolBoardVice-Chair,shallchairallConstituencyMeetings. However,inanyofthe followingcircumstancesthedelegatestoanyConstituencyMeetingmayapprovethe appointmentoftheConferenceEducationDirector oroneoftheConferenceOfficers to chair allor aportionof theConstituencyMeeting:

a)Intheabsenceof boththeSchoolBoardChairand Vice-Chair

b)Attherequestof theSchool Board Chair.

c)AtanytimethattheSchoolBoardChairorVice-Chairwouldbeinaconflictof interest.

d)The Chairman shall follow Robert Rules of Order.


a)Noticeofthe time andplaceof anannualorSpecial Constituency Meeting shall be given by:

  1. Sending a written notice to all members of CWAA not less than 21 days before the meeting.
  2. Publishing the notice of two (2) consecutive weekly church bulletins for each of the Member Churches prior to the date of the meeting.

b)The noticeand supportingdocumentsshallstate the natureofany specialbusinessandthe textofanyspecialresolutiontobesubmittedto theConstituencyMeeting,includingacopyofanyproposedamendments totheBylawspursuanttoArticle13.01.

3.05AGENDA: The agenda and supporting documents for a Constituency Meeting shall be prepared by the School BoardChairman in consultation with the CWAA Principal and the Conference Director of Education and providedtotheDelegates 21 days prior to the meeting.

3.06VOTINGREPRESENTATION: DelegatesforallConstituencyMeetingsshall be:

a)Persons duly appointed by any one of the Member Churches. Each Member Church shall be entitled to appoint one (1) Delegate for each twenty-five (25) church members or major fraction thereof.

b)Members of the School Board.

c)The Conference officers.

d)The Conference Education Director.

e)The SDACC Education Director

3.07VOTING RIGHTS OF DELEGATES: Only Delegates shall have voting rights atConstituency

Meetings.EachDelegateshallbeentitledtoone (1)vote.


a)AllDelegatesmustbepresentinpersonatanyConstituencyMeetingin ordertobeeligibletovote.Thereshallbenovotingbyproxy.

b)Votingshallbeby showof hands orby secretballot.

c)TheChairhastheprivilegeof voting.

d)Questionsshallbedecidedbyasimplemajority(51%) ofthosevotingunless otherwiseprovided.


a)At least fiftypercent(50%)oftheDelegateselected pursuant to Article 3.04(a) must be presentat all timesat any ConstituencyMeetingto constituteaquorumforthetransactionof business.

b)Notwithstanding Article 3.07(a), if withinthirty(30)minutesfromthe timeappointedfortheConstituencyMeetingaquorumisnotpresent, the ConstituencyMeetingshallstandadjournedtothesame dayofthe nextweek, atthesametimeandplace.Ifatasecondmeetingquorumis notpresentwithinthirtyminutes,TheConstituencyMeeting shallstand adjournedtoadatetobedeterminedbytheSchoolBoardwithproper noticetobeprovided in accordancewiththeBylaws.


4.01COMPOSITION: TheresponsibilityforoperatingtheschoolshallbevestedinaSchool

Boardcomprisedof thefollowing:

a)Appointed Members

  1. The Principal
  2. One Pastor from each Member Church
  3. Each Member Church shall be entitled to appoint one (1) School Board Member (“representative”) plus one (1) additional School Board member for each two hundred and fifty (250), or major fraction thereof up to a maximum of six (6).
  4. The leader of the Parent Council

b)Ex-Officio Members

  1. Alberta Conference of SDA Office of Education Personnel
  2. Alberta Conference of SDA Officers
  3. SDACCOffice of Education Personnel
  4. SDACC Officers


a)Each Member Church shall appoint its representative(s) to the School Board for two (2) year term coinciding with the school year which commences on the 1st day of September each year.

b)Member Church representatives may be appointed by their church to consecutive terms.

c)In the case of a vacancy, it shall be the duty of the Member Church to appoint a new representative to serve the remainder of the unexpired term and to advise the School Board Chair of their action.


a)School Board membersshallbemembersinregularstandingoftheSeventh-dayAdventist Church from which they were elected.

b)Appointed School Boardmembersshall:

  1. Hold membership in the Member Church they represent.
  2. Bechosenfortheirgoodjudgmentandability. Special considerationshouldbegiventothosewho may have experiencein schoolmatters.
  3. Be willing to uphold and support the Constitutionand


  1. Besupportiveofandbewillingtofollowdenominational policies.
  2. Beable togivetheirtimeas necessarytoensurethesound



a)If any School Board membersis absent fromthree (3) consecutive meetings withoutprior notificationtotheSchoolBoard, does not uphold the CWAA Constitution and Bylaws, the policies of the School Board or the tenants of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is the auditor of, or employee of the board, is a spouse or immediate relative of an employee of the board, the delinquency will be reported in writing to the respective Member Church Board requesting they review their representation on the School Board. The Member Church Board is to notify the School Board as soon as possible regarding reinstatement or replacement of its representatives.

b)In the event of the disbandment of a Member Church, its representation on the School Board will cease effective from the date of disbandment.

c)A School Board member may resign by submitting a written resignation to the Member Church. The Member Church is responsible to inform the School Board of the resignation and replacement of its representative.

4.05CONFIDENTIALITY: SchoolBoardmembersshallmaintainconfidentialitypertainingto mattersthataredeclaredconfidential. Theconsequences ofanyknownbreachof confidentiality shallberemovalfrom theSchoolBoardbyamajorityvote oftheSchool Boardmembers.

4.06 CONFLICTOF INTEREST: SchoolBoardmembersare toavoid anddeclareallconflictsof interestwhen contemplatingand/or conducting business withCWAA.

4.07AUTHORITY: TheSchoolBoardisresponsiblefortheoperationofCWAAwithinthe guidelinesand policiesenumeratedby theConferenceBoard ofEducationandthe CWAA Constituency asstatedintheConstitutionandBylaws. TheSchoolBoardhas authorityonlywhenmeetinginofficialsession. IndividualSchoolBoardmembersmay notspeakfortheSchoolBoardunlessdirectedbytheSchoolBoard todoso. Allactions of theSchoolBoardareimplementedthroughitsSecretary.


a)Toorganizeitselfatthefirstmeetingoftheschoolyear,inharmonywithConferencepoliciesand inaccordancewiththeseBylaws.

b)The appoint the Officers of the Board (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer)


  1. The employment, assignment, transfer, retirement, terminationordismissalofallpersonnel.
  2. The planning ofin-service continuing education and conventions forthe teachingstaffinordertomaintain provincialand denominationalcertification.
  3. Curriculumdevelopmentand innovations.
  4. Thepreparationof aschool calendar.

d)Toensuretheimplementationofthepoliciesand plansof theConference EducationDepartment andtheSDACCEducationCodeincludingschool curriculumandConferenceprograms.


f)Tocreateasupportiveandspiritualenvironmenttoenhancestudent learning.

g)Todevelop policiesin areasof local concern,suchas:

  1. SchoolMission,VisionandStrategicPlan.
  2. Numberofgradesofferedandcurriculumdevelopment.
  3. Admission requirementsand registrationprocedures.
  4. Tuition and registrationfees.
  5. Transportation of students.
  6. Dress code, code of conduct and safety policies.
  7. Administration, management and useofschoolproperty.
  8. Equipment and maintenancerequirements.
  9. Purchasingprocedures,includingtextbooksandresource materials.
  10. Employment assignments for local employees.
  11. School closures.
  12. Establishment of special committees.

h)Toensure school polices will not impose duties and obligations on a principal, teacher, or other employee contrary to, or conflict with the contract of employment.

i)To supporttheprincipalin the administrationof theschoolprogram including:

  1. Implementationof SchoolBoardpolicies.
  2. Teacherload.
  3. Daily schedule.
  4. Developmentand enforcementofa codeof conduct.

j)Toassume responsibility for the planningandfundingof anannual operatingandcapitalbudget,including:

  1. Operatingexpenses.
  2. Curriculummaterials.
  3. Developmentand enforcementofa codeof conduct.
  4. Playground and physical education supplies.
  5. Media materials.
  6. School supplies.
  7. Insurance.
  8. Indebtedness.
  9. Equipment.

k)Tomanagethefinancesoftheschoolincludingestablishingtuitionand otherfees.

l)Toholdaschoolbankaccount,paybillsandensurecompletefinancial record keeping.

m)To cooperatewith the Conferenceexternalauditorand to prepare such documentsastheauditor mayrequire.

n)To support the Parent Council.

o)Toratifytherecommendationsoftheschooladministrationinsituations involvingseriousdisciplinarycasesandtoserve astheultimateauthority inthedismissalofstudents. TheSchoolBoardconsideration ofdismissal recommendationsmustbeinclosed or in-camera session.

p)ToensurethatofficialminutesofeachmeetingoftheConstituencyand the SchoolBoardarekeptandtofile onecopywiththeConference Education Department.

q)Toconsiderappealsandanswerquestionsregarding the operationofthe school.

r)Toensure appropriate policies are in place for conflict resolution between parent or child, and a teacher or other employee or for appeals regarding disciplinary actions.

s)Toensuretheschooloperatesinanappropriatelearning environment.

t)Toarrangeforadequateinsurance,includingfire,theft,vandalismand generalliabilitycoverage.

u)Toparticipateintheprocessofschoolevaluationasscheduledbythe SDACC,theConferenceEducationDepartmentandasmayberequiredby Alberta Education.

v)ToreporttotheConstituencythroughConstituencyMeeting, as well as through reports to the Member Church boards and/or business meetings.

w)To plan for andconduct Constituency Meetings and School Board meetings.

x)ToreviewtheConstitutionandBylawsofCWAAfromtimetotimeand consideramendmentstheretoasmayberequired. All proposed amendments (either presented by a constituent member or a Bylaws subcommittee) must be approved by the School Board prior to any ConstituencyMeeting.

y)Tokeep available a current and accurate record of all board policies.

z)Tokeep available a record of short and long range operating and capital expenditure plans.

aa)Toconductsuchotherdutiesasusuallypertaintotheoperationofa school.

4.09RESTRICTIONOFPOWERSOFTHEBOARD: TheSchoolBoardshallnotpurchasereal

property, undertakemajorbuildingprojectsoralterations,borrowmoneyordelegate anyofthedutiessetoutatArticle3.08,withoutfirstobtainingthe consentofthe Constituencyand the Alberta Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.


5.01REGULARMEETINGS:TheSchoolBoardshallholdregularmeetingsthroughoutthe schoolyearatsuchdatesandtimesastheSchoolBoardshalldetermineatitsfirst

meetingof theschoolyear.

5.02NOTICEOFFIRSTREGULARMEETING: Noticeofthedate,timeandplaceofthefirst regularSchoolBoardmeetingofaschoolyearshallbedeterminedbytheChairor,in theabsenceoftheChair,bytheSecretary anddeliveredtoeachSchoolBoardmember nofewerthanseven (7)days prior tothedateofsuchmeeting.

4.03SPECIALMEETINGS: SpecialmeetingsoftheSchoolBoardmaybecalledatanytime by theSchoolBoardChairuponthewritten requestoffive(5)ormoreSchoolBoard membersorupontherequestoftheConference. NoticeofaSpecialMeetingofthe SchoolBoardshallbegiventoeachSchoolBoardmember nofewer thanseven(7)days

priorto thedateofsuchmeeting.

4.04WAIVEROFNOTICE: ThetransactionsofanymeetingoftheSchoolBoard,however calledandnoticed,shallbeasvalidasthoughtakenatameeting duly heldafterregular call and notice ifa quorumispresent.

4.05QUORUM: A simple majority(1/3) oftheSchoolBoardmembersmustbepresentatall times atanySchoolBoard meeting toconstitutea quorum for thetransactionof business.

4.06RESOLUTIONS IN WRITING: A resolution inwriting, signedbyall of theSchool Board membersentitledtovote onthatresolutionatameetingoftheSchoolBoard,isasvalid asifithad beenpassedatameetingof theSchoolBoard.

4.07MEETINGS BY CONFERENCING: Meetings may be held by way of telephone, video conferencing, or other electronic means that allow committee members to dialogue so that participants can be clearly understood by each other.

4.08EMAIL VOTING: Email voting(“e-vote”) shall bepermitted for time sensitive uncontrovertedmattersinaccordancewiththefollowing procedures:

a)AllSchoolBoardmembers musthaveaccesstothenecessary equipmentto participatein the e-vote,failing whichan e-votecannotbetaken.

b)A second isnot necessaryforthemotiontobe considered.

c)TheSecretaryshallassignanumber tothe motionandincludethe numberinthe subjectline(i.e.:Motion E-01 of2016).

d)TheSecretaryshallprepare andemailthemotiontobeconsideredtoallofthe SchoolBoardmembers requesting themtovotefororagainstthemotionby replyemail.

e)TheSecretaryshallinclude the time frame/deadlinefor the e-vote.

f)SchoolBoardmembers shallstate“YES”or“NO”inreply email and reply to the Chairman.

g)TheChairshalltallythee-votesandreporttheresultsofthee-votesto the Secretary, includingthenumberofe-votescastforand againstthemotion.

h)The Chair shallannouncetheresultsof the e-vote.

i)TheSecretaryshall compile andmaintainthe e-votes in the minutes.

j)The e-voteminutes shall be approvedatthe next regular School Board meeting.

4.09COMMITTEES: TheSchoolBoardmayelectorappointsuchcommitteesasaredeemed necessarytofulfillthefunctionsoftheSchoolBoard. Suchcommitteesreceivetheir

authorityanddirectionfromtheSchoolBoard,andare responsibleto theSchoolBoard.

4.10OPEN AND CLOSED BOARD MEETINGS: AllSchoolBoardmeetings shall be open to constituent membersexcept closed meetings. Closed meetings shall be attended by elected Board Members only, except by invitation by the Board Chair.

4.11 SCHOOL BOARD PROCEEDINGS: School Board proceedings will follow Roberts Rules of Order

including the following:

a)Questions arising on a motion at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of vote. In the case of an equal vote, the chairman shall not have a second or casting vote and the motion shall be declared to be defeated.

b)If the Chair is absent, the Vice-Chair shall be the chairman of the meeting. If the Vice-Chair is absent, the Superintendent shall be the Chairof the meeting. If neither Vice-Chair nor Superintendent are present, the School Board shall appoint a member of the Board to be chairman of the meeting.

c)All decisions made at a meeting, by any person acting as a current Board member shall be valid, even if it is later discovered that a Board member is disqualified.


5.01OFFICERS: The officers of the School Board shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The office of Secretary shall be filled by the Principal. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be chosen by the school board at the first meeting of the year.

5.02CHAIR: TheChairshall:

a)Calland presideover allmeetingsoftheSchool Board.

b)ServeastheChairof all ConstituencyMeetings.

c)Becomeacquainted withparliamentaryprocedures.

d)Encouragediscussionwhich isrelevanttoagendaitems.

e)ConsultwiththeSecretaryinthepreparationoftheagendaforSchoolBoard andConstituencyMeetings.

f)Become acquaintedwiththe school program and conferwiththe principalonitemspertainingtotheoperationof theschool.

g)Supporttheprincipalin the administrationof theschool.

h)Actastheliaisonorspokesperson,unlessotherwisedelegated,forthe SchoolBoardinmatters requiringconsultationwithoutsideentities, includingcommunication.

i)asanex-officio memberof allcommittees.

j)Performsuchotherdutiesasaresetoutin theSDACCEducationCode.

5.03 SECRETARY: TheSecretaryshall:

a)Ensure that the proceedings and actionsof all School Board andConstituencyMeetingsare accuratelyrecorded.

b)Keepthe minutes and other recordsof the School Board andConstituencyMeetingsinapermanentfashion.

c)Notify a member if he/she has been absent for 3 consecutive meetings.

d)ProduceanddistributecopiesoftheminutesofmeetingstotheSchoolBoard membersandtotheConferenceEducation Department.

e)ProvidenoticesofallmeetingsoftheSchoolBoardtotheSchoolBoard members.

f)ProvidenoticesofallConstituencyMeetingsto theMembers.

g)Prepare the agenda forSchoolBoard and ConstituencyMeetings in consultation with theChair and theSchoolBoard.

h)PresentthePrincipal’sreportontheoperationoftheschoolatregularly scheduledSchoolBoardmeetingsandatannual ConstituencyMeetings.

i)Serve on theSchool Board financial committee and otheradhoc committeesasdeterminedby the SchoolBoard.

j)CooperatewiththeConferenceEducationDepartmentinprovidingsuch teacherevaluationsas mayberequiredfromtimetotime.

k)Performsuchotherdutiesasthe SchoolBoardshall direct

5.04 TEASURER: TheTreasurershall:

a)Oversee financial records generated by Business Manager.

b)Overseeappropriatebookkeepingrecordsofallmoniesreceivedand disbursed.

c)Renderamonthly financialstatementtotheSchoolBoard,andanannual financialstatement totheSchoolBoardandtheannualConstituency Meeting.

d)Oversee annual audits conducted by the Alberta Conference of SDA and General Conference of SDA.

e)Contribute to the creation of an annual budget in consultation with Principal and Finance Committee.

f)Serve as the Chair of the Finance in suchotherdutiesasthe SchoolBoardshall direct.

g)Performsuchotherdutiesasthe SchoolBoardshall direct.

5.05RECORDING SECRETARY: The School Board and the Constituency may appoint a recordingsecretarytorecord theminutesoftheirmeetings. Insuchcase, itshallbethe dutyoftheSecretarytooverseetherecordingsecretaryinthekeepingofaccurate



6.01FISCALYEAR: Thefiscal yearofCWAAshallbefromSeptember 1 to August 31.

6.02FINANCIALSUPPORT:The financialsupport ofCWAAshall be by:

a)Directsupportfrom patrons byway oftuition,registrationandotherfees assetby theSchoolBoard annually.

b)GrantsfromtheConference, SDACC or Division

c)GrantsfromtheProvinceof Alberta.


6.03ANNUAL BUDGET: The annualoperating budget shall be prepared, presentedandapprovedattheannualConstituencyMeeting. Inpreparing theannualoperatingbudget,thefollowingprocessshallbefollowed:

a)School administration in consultation with the Finance Committee shall meet regarding the next school year’s operating budget requirements and any projected capital costs.

b)A proposed operating budget for the next school year shall then be prepared and presented to the School Board.

c)Following approval of the proposed operating budget by the School Board it shall then be presented to the Constituency before May 31.

6.04CONSTITUENT MEMBER SUBSIDY: The contribution of the members to the financial support of the school (church subsidy) shall be determined according to three criteria: 1) the number of constituent students, 2) the number of constituents, 3) and the tithe contribution of each constituent.

a)The formula shall be as follows: The Church Subsidy = 1/3 (A + B + C) x total projected church subsidy where ratios A, B, and Cfor each church or company is calculated as follows:

A = Number of Constituent students

Total Number of Constituent students

B = Number of Constituents

Total Number of Constituents

C = Tithe Contribution of Constituents

Total Tithe Contribution

b)The church subsidy shall be payable in 10 equal monthly installments, unless otherwise arranged.

6.04TUITION FEES MEMBER SUBSIDY: Each constituent student shall pay tuition as scheduled annually by the board. Each non-constituent student shall pay tuition according to three criteria: 1) tuition payable by a constituent student + projected church subsidy + projected conference subsidy + past years’ enrollment. It shall be the responsibility of the chairman of the board to inform the members of the Tuition Fees prior to December 31st in each year.

6.05ANNUALAUDIT: Thebooks,accountsandrecordsoftheSecretaryandtheTreasurer shallbeauditedatleast onceeachyearbyaqualifiedexternal accountantandbythe ConferenceauditororanauditorapprovedbytheConference. Acomplete andproper statementofthestanding ofthebooksfor theprevious fiscalyearshallbesubmitted bysuchauditortotheConstituencyattheannual ConstituencyMeeting.


7.01SEVENTH-DAYADVENTISTSTUDENTS: TheprimaryroleofCWAAistoeducateandto spirituallystrengthenstudentswhoareeithermembersoftheSeventh-dayAdventist Churchorwhoseparentsaremembers oftheSeventh-dayAdventistChurchandwho attendoneof theConference Churches.