Syllabus: Math 254

Exams / Time: / MWF, 2:40pm - 3:30pm
Place: / Math/Geo Room 136
Instructor: / Kathleen Green
Text: /
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
Moore – McCabe – Craig
Sixth Edition
Content: / We will cover most of Chapters 1-17. See the course calendar for details.
Exams: / There will be four in-class exams and a comprehensive final exam. Dates are available in the course calendar. The date and time of the
Final exam:______
are non-negotiable. Failure to take the final will constitute a failing grade in the course.
Homework: / I will collect and grade something every Friday, or on Blackboard (as a requirement).
Sometimes it will be one or more particularly interesting homework problems. Sometimes it will be a problem or two that you work on and turn in during class. Sometimes it will be a quiz. Some weeks we will have an exam.
All graded, collected homework will be announced in advance and posted on the homework page. Check this page regularly for updates.
Make Ups: / 1.) The final exam cannot be made up. If you don't take the final, you don't pass the class.
2.) In-class exams should be taken when scheduled. If you have a valid reason for missing an exam and you notify me prior to the exam date, a make-up can be arranged. Make-up exams will be more difficult than regular in-class exams, so it is to your advantage to take them as scheduled.
3.) Late homework will not be graded. Turn it in on time or take a zero for that assignment. In class quizzes or group work cannot be made up, but one or two assignments could be dropped if the absence is excused and properly documented.
Attendance: / I don't take attendance, but you are responsible for all information that comes up in class or that goes out via email. If you are not yet on the mailing list, you should sign in now. You are also required to attend in-class work and quiz days.
Grading: / There are 700 total points possible, not counting the ALEKS assessment: four exams at 100 points each, homework/classwork/quizzes scaled to 100 points, and a final worth 200 points. These points will be scaled to a maximum of 90, and then 10 points will be added if your ALEKS assessment was 70% or greater. I will then grade on a straight scale:
90-100 / ..... / A
80-89 / ..... / B
70-79 / ..... / C
60-69 / ..... / D
0-59 / ..... / F
I may curve slighly up (in your favor) if the score distribution warrants. I will not curve down. Plus/minus grades might be used if your final percentage falls near the top or bottom of one of a grade rangs.
Core Outcomes: / In this class you will be assessed on a wide range of skills. Among these are ten particular items that make Math 254 a part of the University Core. By the end of this course you should be able to:
  1. Compute descriptive statistics for raw data as well as grouped data
  2. Determine appropriate features of a frequency distribution
  3. Apply and understand the use of Chebyshev’s Theorem
  4. Distinguish between and provide practical descriptions of a sample and a population
  5. Apply and compute the rules of combinatorics
  6. Differentiate between classical and frequency methods to probability
  7. Apply probability model ideas to events
  8. Apply the rules of probability
  9. Determine when to apply the concepts of discrete random variables and the probability distributions
  10. Compute probabilities for a normal and non-normal distributions

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