November 18, 2008 9:00 A.M.
Marshall County Boardroom
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Chairman Carlson called the meeting to order with the following present: Commissioners Sharon Bring, Gary Kiesow, Kenneth Borowicz, LeRoy Vonasek, Curtis Carlson, and Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters.
The November 18, 2008 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Kiesow, Vonasek
The Board approved the November 6, 2008 meeting minutes as submitted. M/S/C – Vonasek, Borowicz
Social Services Director Jennifer Anderson addressed the Board and received acceptance and approval in the following areas:
The Commissioners accepted the County Cars Usage Report. M/S/C – Vonasek, Kiesow
The Board accepted the County Maintenance of Effort & Matching Requirements Update. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz
The PrePIN, Targeted Case Management & Transfer Update was accepted. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek
Approval was given to the UCare Telemedicine Psychiatry Grant. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring
Licensing and Contracts
The Fraud Prevention Investigation Contract Amendment was approved. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring
The Area Agency on Aging Memorandum of Understanding for Provision of Transition to Housing with Services Consultation received Board approval. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek
Case Activity, Bills, and Director Actions received Board approval. M/S/C – Vonasek, Borowicz
Highway Engineer Lon Aune met with the Board.
Engineer Aune received approval on an amended agreement with First Lab for Drug and Alcohol testing. M/S/C – Vonasek, Kiesow
RESOLUTION 11-18-01 – Final Payment
WHEREAS, the Engineer in charge has filed his final certificate setting forth that the Contractor on CP 150:98 has completed the contract in accordance with plans and specifications and the total cost of said job was $409,120.15 and the balance due the Contractor is $25,063.51.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said certificate be and the same is hereby approved and the County Auditor is hereby authorized to issue a warrant on the Road & Bridge Fund in the amount of $25,063.51 to Midwest Contracting, Inc.
M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring
Mr. Aune reported on city road improvement assessments on the Stephen Shop with the Board.
Mr. Aune and the Board addressed winter snow concerns with straw bales near County right of way and various ditch cleaning requests.
Assessor JoAnn Kerian met with the Board to discuss retirement considerations for her position. Ms. Kerian submitted a retirement notification letter to the Board effective December 31, 2008.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
Don Buckout and Brian Dwight from the Board of Water and Soil Resources addressed the Board to provide an update on a performance review of the Middle Snake Tamarac Watershed District. Nick Drees, Lon Aune, Loren, Zutz, Elden Elseth, and Wally Diedrich were also present for this discussion. Mr. Buckout indicated that the watershed district is able to carry out the function of the district, despite some lingering internal conflicts. Mr. Buckout did recommend that these issues be addressed head on by bringing in a professional conflict mediator to find a resolve to these issues so that they will not interfere with the mission of the district. Mr. Buckout said that BWSR is committed to offer assistance and guidance to aid the watershed district with these or any issues that would be beneficial for the district. The watershed board has not approved using any outside mediators at this time. Mr. Buckout indicated that BSWR may offer additional recommendations that could provide conflict resolution that may be accepted by the watershed board.
RESOLUTION 11-18-02 Per Diems/Meals
Sharon Bring $120.00 $17.76
Kenneth Borowicz $180.00
Curtis Carlson $180.00 $18.91
Gary Kiesow $240.00 $20.20
Leroy Vonasek $60.00 $7.71
Leanne Novacek $27.16
Totals $780.00 $91.74
M/S/C – Kiesow, Vonasek
RESOLUTION 11-18-03 Payment of Bills
BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office.
Auditor bills:
October 21, 2008 $5,000.00
October 24, 2008 $549,665.30
October 29, 2008 $47.65
October 31, 2008 $114,724.85
November 7, 2008 $38,073.10
November 14, 2008 $194,586.47
Total $902,097.37
Commissioner bills: $236,258.17
M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz
Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters reported on the following:
1. Notice of a DNR Trail Meeting at McIntosh
2. Election update/Recount information.
3. 2009 Budget Review
4. An agreement with the Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative for MCAPS Maintenance and Support beginning 1/1/09 through 12/31/11 received Board approval. M/S/C – Borowicz, Kiesow
5. Corporate Health Systems employee meeting update
The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared:
Commissioner Meeting/Report
Borowicz Corporate Health Systems Meeting, Watershed Advisory, KaMarR
Bring MarKit, Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging
Carlson Watershed Advisory, Personnel committee
Vonasek Area Agency on Aging, MarKit, Dancing Sky Agency on Aging
Chairman Carlson shared correspondence from DEED regarding a small cities grant for Argyle and Stephen. Mr. Carlson also shared correspondence regarding federal funding for energy efficiencies.
The Board accepted Assessor Kerian’s retirement, effective 12/31/08, offering thanks for her many years of service to the County. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz
The Board met with Sheriff John Novacek to discuss garage options for the winter months.
The Board met with County Attorney Mike Williams regarding severance issues.
The meeting adjourned the meeting at 4:07 p.m. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek
November 6, 2008, 9:00 A.M.
Marshall County Boardroom
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Vice-Chairman Vonasek called the meeting to order with Commissioners Gary Kiesow, Sharon Bring, LeRoy Vonasek, Kenneth Borowicz, and Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters attending.
The Board approved the November 6, 2008 agenda with additions. M/S/C – Borowicz, Kiesow
The Board approved the minutes of the October 21, 2008 regular meeting. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring
Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters provided the following items for his report:
1. JD 25 obstruction complaint – The Board reviewed pictures of the structure in question. The County Attorney was consulted on this complaint. This ditch is under the jurisdiction of the Middle Snake Tamarac Watershed District.
2. Resolution supporting Community Action Grant funding
RESOLUTION 11-6-01 – Community Action Funding
WHEREAS, Minnesota Counties and Community Action Agencies partner to prevent, and respond to, the crisis needs of local families, and;
WHEREAS, Community Action Agencies are the only non profits serving low income families that cover the entire State of Minnesota, and;
WHEREAS, nearly 500,000 Minnesotans are living at or below the federal poverty line, and;
WHEREAS, nearly 50,000 or 10% of these low income families are headed by seniors, most of whom are on fixed incomes, and;
WHEREAS, low income Minnesotans are simultaneously experiencing multiple abrupt dislocations to their ability to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, transportation, housing and health care, and;
WHEREAS, we have grave concerns that this winter, despite record levels of Federal Energy Assistance Funding, Minnesotans’ inability to heat their homes could still trigger deep-end public costs for child protection and vulnerable adults, and;
WHEREAS, Statewide Community Action Grants provide the flexible funding needed to meet needs specific to individual Counties.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we do hereby support grant funding that will allow Counties and Community Action Agencies the flexibility to creatively address the unprecedented increase in unmet basic needs and prevent dislocations, suffering, and expense as much as possible.
M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
The Board met with Emergency Manager Gary Durand for an annual performance review.
The Board met with County Engineer Lon Aune.
Mr. Aune indicated that the Highway Department will not have to advertise for the surveyor technician position due to no changes at the position.
Engineer Aune provided projects updates on the County Shop at Stephen and County Road 43 in New Solum Township.
The Board closed the regular meeting and opened the Ditch Authority meeting. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
A cleaning request on County Ditch 38 in Bloomer Township, south of section 28 was approved with an estimate cost of $5000 was approved. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz
A cleaning request on County Ditch 41 along Highway One on the south side of sections 33 and 34 with an estimate of $6,000 was approved. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek
The Board closed the Ditch Authority meeting and reopened the regular meeting. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring
The Board asked Mr. Aune to look at ditch mowing concerns on Farm Avenue on the east edge of Warren, and on the west boundary of the County Park.
Acting as chairman of the Employee Benefit Committee, Mr. Aune shared results from a survey regarding placing unused vacation in a Health Care Savings Plan upon separation from the County with 52 persons in favor, 37 against and 9 undecided.
Auditor Peters continue his report with the follow items,
1. A Forfeiture Repurchase Request on Parcel 56.0239.000, paying all costs due, was approved. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz
2. Pay Equity Compliance Notice
3. Ditch Report through October
4. AMC Door Prize Consideration
5. A Partial Release of Repayment Agreement for Walter Steinhauer Farms, Inc. was approved. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring
6. Tax information
7. Election Update
8. Five year financial report
9. 2009 Budget review
10. Defibrillator consideration
11. Correspondence on MST Watershed Advisor Subcommittee was shared
Board members reported on the following meetings:
Commissioner Reports/Meetings
Kiesow AMC, Water Resource Advisory, MRCC, Northwest Regional Development
Vonasek AMC, Area Agency on Aging
Bring Wind Meeting, AMC, Tri-Valley Community Action, MRCC
Borowicz Quin Advisory, Water Advisory, AMC
The meeting adjourned at 12:09. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
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