Advanced Algebra II
Instructor & Contact Information
Mrs. Kim Childress
Mr. Alan Mila
Course Description
The emphasis in the Algebra II curriculum is on the study of functions: linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, rational, and logarithmic. These functions are studied symbolically, graphically, and numerically. Through use of mathematical modeling, data analysis, matrices, and algorithmic thinking, students will see algebra as a problem-solving tool. The TI – 83+ or TI – 84 calculators as well as the computer with suitable software will be used throughout the course.
Semester One / Length of Unit of StudyPolynomial Functions / 5 weeks
Binomial Distribution / 3 weeks
Inequalities / 2 weeks
Inverse Functions / 4 weeks
Horizontal Transformations with Ellipses and hyperbolas / 4 weeks
Semester Two
Exponential Functions / 3 weeks
Logarithmic Functions and properties of logarithms / 6 weeks
Conic sections / 2 weeks
Sequences and Series / 4 weeks
Matrices / 3 weeks
Text: Larson, Boswell, Kanold, Stiff. Algebra 2 Applications, Equations, Graphs.McDougal Littell, 2004 ISBN 0-618-25020-4
Description / Abbreviation / NotesPending / Pending / Assignment has not been graded or the deadline has not arrived
Complete / - / Completed assignment
Not Turned In / NTI / Student was present but did not turn in the assignment. Late penalties apply.
Missing Assignment / M / Student was absent. Student can receive full credit for the assignment when returning to school.
Incomplete / Inc / Student failed to finish or hand in an acceptable quality of work on a major assessment.
Not Required to Complete / NREQ / Student is not required to complete the assignment
Assessment Types and Forms
Type / Description / Assessment Form / Approx. WeightHomework / Daily preparation for class that involves work from the textbook and supplementary worksheets / - Textbook problems: work should be dated, done neatly, and placed in notebook
- Handouts: work to be done either on the handout or on separate loose leaf paper/graph paper and dated
- Students’ homework will be collected daily / 5% completion
15% accuracy
Quizzes / Homework quizzes will cover announced previous material
Individual and Group Quizzes / - Homework quizzes will consist of questions from homework assignments and/or any new questions similar in nature
- NO partial credit awarded
- Individual and group quizzes
- Partial credit will be awarded
- Pop quizzes or evaluations in the middle of class / 25%
Tests / Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Free Response, Projects / - The majority of the tests will include free response questions where students must show all of the work as well as the final answer
- Projects as well as the rough drafts required for them will count as major tests grades
- Make-up tests will follow school policy / 55%
Exams / Mid-Term Exam and Final Exam / - The exam may contain both multiple choice and free response questions similar to the major tests given during the semester / Separately, the exams count as 20% of the semester grade each term.