Accessing Online Investigations Resources

through Pearson SuccessNet

SuccessNet gives teachers access to the following online components:

·  Teacher Edition planning resources

·  Student Resources (Shapes, GeoLogo, and e-tools)

·  Investigations Student Math Handbook in English

·  Investigations Student Math Handbook in Spanish

·  Printable Resources:

- Online Activities in English and Spanish (supplemental activities to

meet VA SOLs)

- Resource Masters in English and Spanish

- Transparency Masters in English and Spanish

·  The ability to send notices to students and parents

Once a class is registered on SuccessNet, students and parents can have online access from home to:

·  Student Resources (Shapes, GeoLogo, and e-tools)

·  Investigations Student Math Handbook in English

·  Investigations Student Math Handbook in Spanish

·  Notices the teacher has posted for the class or for particular students

Registering in SuccessNet

Before you can begin using SuccessNet, you must first register. Registering enables you to set up your user name and password. When selecting your user name and password, remember that both of these fields are case sensitive.

  1. Go to
  2. From the “Welcome” page, click Register.
  3. Enter the access code for your grade level Teacher Resources Bundle.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the “Enter Profile” page, enter your school's Zip code in the “Enter Zip code” text box.
  6. From the “Select School or Building” list that displays, click your school or building name.
  7. Using the drop-down down arrow in the “Title” box, choose Mr., Mrs. or Ms.
  8. Complete the text boxes highlighted with red asterisks.
  9. Click Register.

After your registration is complete, you may confirm your registration or log in. Hereafter, when you go to, you will enter your name and password and click Log in.

To add access codes for the English and Spanish versions of the Student Math Handbook

After logging in, you will see your SuccessNet Home Page.

The “My Library” section displays links to the Investigations Teacher Edition planner and the online Student Resources. (The Student Resources include the two software programs used in instruction—Shapes for K-2 and GeoLogo for 3-5. Also included are e-tools—a selection of virtual manipulatives and online mathematics tools).

You now need to enter access codes for the handbooks.

  1. Click on the My Account link in the dark blue bar at the top.

You will be taken to the “My Account” page where you can view or change your profile and view or change the products currently available to you.

  1. Under “My Products,” click on Manage Products.
  2. In the next screen you will see an Add New Products button. Click on that.
  1. On the “Add New Products” page, type in the access code for the Student Math Handbook in English. Press Check Code.
  2. Confirm that you have selected the correct product and register it.
  3. Repeat the process for the Spanish edition, if you wish to make it available.
  4. Click on the Logout link in the dark blue bar at the top.

Note: You must log out and log back in to update your list of products.

8. Now, if you return to My Account to view your products, you will see the products you added. You can use the Show/Hide buttons to determine whether the products will be displayed on your home page under “My Library.”

Using the Investigations Teacher Resources

Examining your Home page:

In “My Library,” you will see the following links:

·  Student Resources (Investigations student software online)

·  Teacher Edition (planning sections of your Investigations teacher units)

·  Student Edition (Investigations Student Math Handbook in English)

If you entered the access code for the Spanish edition you will see a second student link:

·  Student Edition (Investigations Student Math Handbook in Spanish)

In “Success Tracker” you will see links to help you manage classes.

In “Teacher Resources” you will see links to Scott Foresman’s home page and to video tutorials for using SuccessNet. (Note: Not all features described in the videos are currently available.)

To access teaching materials, from your Home page:

  1. Click on Teacher Edition.
  2. Select any of the Unit buttons to access planning resources for all Investigations and Sessions within that Unit.
  3. Select the Printable Resources button (at the top) to reveal links to:

·  Online Activities in English and Spanish (supplemental activities for VA SOLs)

·  Resource Masters in English and Spanish

·  Transparency Masters in English and Spanish

To view pages from the Student Math Handbook (in English or Spanish):

  1. From your Home page, select the appropriate Student Edition link.
  2. Select the desired tab—Math Words and Ideas or Games.
  3. Click on the desired item from the table of contents to display it as a PDF file. These pages may be printed or displayed using video projection or SmartBoard technologies.

To make the Student Resources and Student Math Handbooks accessible to your students online

Create a class:

  1. On your Home page, in the Success Tracker box, select Go to Class/Group Management.
  2. On the “My Classes and Groups” page, click Create a class/group.
  3. In “Enter Class/Group Details” give a name to your class and select (Ö) all the available products.
  1. If you teach more than one math class, enter a period number; otherwise, leave it blank.
  2. Click Save.
  3. You now see your class listed in “My Classes and Groups.” Click on the view link under the word “Roster.”

Create your student roster:

Note: There are three ways to create a class roster. Two will be described here.

Procedure 1: Create a roster by adding one student at a time

  1. In “My Classes and Groups.” Click on the view link under the word “Roster.”
  2. On the “Class/Group Roster” page, you see three buttons: Add a student, Select from School Roster, and Upload my roster. Click on the Add a student button.
  3. On the “Add student” page, complete the red-asterisked fields. (Disregard the others.)

Note: The “SuccessNet language” selection will determine the language used on the child’s home page.

  1. Click Save and add another student.
  2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all students have been entered.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Return to the Home page. You will see your students listed in the Success Tracker section.

Procedure 2: Create a roster by importing a text file

  1. In “My Classes and Groups.” Click on the view link under the word “Roster.”
  2. Select the Upload my roster link.
  3. Follow the instructions in the link For help creating a text file, click here to create a file in an Excel spreadsheet and save it as a text (.txt) file. (Complete only the required fields; leave the rest blank.)
  4. Use the Browse feature to locate your file.
  5. Click on the Upload file button.
  6. Return to the Home page. You will see your students listed in the Success Tracker section.

To print parent letters with instructions for accessing SuccessNet

  1. From your Home page, click on Go to class/group management.
  2. In “My Classes and Groups” click on the view link under the word “Roster.”
  3. To print a letter for every student, check (Ö) the box in front of “Student Name.”
  4. Click Print parent letter.

You will see personalized letters for each student. You can choose to print all or to print one student at a time. For individual students, you can select to print the letter in Spanish by selecting the click here link in the box at the top.

Any time during the year that you add a new student, you can print a letter by selecting only the new student.

To print notes (“notices”) on student home pages

  1. From your Home page, select Post notices from the Success Tracker box.
  2. From the “My Notices” page, be sure your class is selected, and click on the Post a notice button.
  3. Give your notice a title and enter the beginning and ending dates for which you want the notice to appear. (You can either type in the dates manually or select them from a calendar (by using the calendar icon button).
  4. Type the text of your message in the “Notices” area.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Choose to post the notice to the whole class or select specific students.
  7. Click Next.
  8. If the notice is correct, select Publish notice.
  9. You will be returned to the “My Notices” page where you can review or delete any messages or create new ones.

When students log on, they will see their home page (as illustrated above). Any notices will appear as a link in the blue “From My Teacher” box. Clicking the link will display the text of the notice.

CCL 10/07