12-13 NOVEMBER 2009
As of 13 November 2009
Ms. Barbara Lee
Chairperson of the Second United Nations Forum on Minority Issues / Member of the United States House of Representatives,
Chair of the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus
Ms. Gay McDougall
United Nations Independent Expert on Minority Issues / Served as UN Expert since 2005. Former Member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination
Mr. Mohamed Yousef Madallah Tarawneh / Chairperson,
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Mr. Victor Manuel Rodriguez Rescia / Chairperson,
Sub-Committee on Prevention of Torture
Mr. Claudio Grossman / Chairperson,
Committee Against Torture
Ms. Dubravka Simonovic / Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
Mr. José Brillantes / Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant
Workers and Members of Their Families
Mr. Azzouz Kerdoun / Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Mr. Ion Diaconu / Committee on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination
Ms. Jannie Lasimbang / Chairperson of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Ms. Sophia Abdi Noor
KENYA / Founder and first chairwoman of Womankind Kenya.
Member of the Parliament of Kenya
Mr. Kiyonga Adamson
UGANDA / Shadow Minister for East African Community Affairs
Mr. Jean-Claude Beaujour
FRANCE / Lawyer - Former candidate for MP elections in Paris
Mr. Eddie Bernice Johnson
USA / Member of US Congress
Ms. Corinne Brown
USA / Member of US Congress
Ms. Epsy Campbell
COSTA RICA / Academic. Former candidate for the Presidency in Costa Rica
Mr. Francisco Campbell
NICARAGUA / Member of Nicaraguan Parliament, Member of Central American Parliament
Ms. Mary Anne Chambers
CANADA / Former member of the Ontario Parliament, Canada
Mr. Boris Cilevics
LATVIA / Member of Latvian parliament,
Member of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Ms. Donna Christian / Member of US Congress
Ms. Piedad Cordoba
COLOMBIA / Senator
Ms. Graciela Dixon
PANAMA / Attorney and former Chief Justice of the Corte Suprema de Justicia de Panamá (Supreme Court of Panama)
Ms. Loria Raquel Dixon
Mr. Nabil de Freige
LEBANON / Holds the minorities seat for Beirut in Lebanon
Chairs the Parliament’s trade and industry Committee
Mr. Joe Frans
SWEDEN / Former Chair, UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent Former member of the Swedish Parliament and served on the Justice Affairs Committee as well as the European Union Advisory Committee. Founder and CEO of Next Generation Africa and President of Next Generation Broadcasting, Africa
Mr. Kamil Geoffrey
UNITED KINGDOM / UK Judicial Studies Board
Mr. Alcee L. Hastings
USA / Member of US Congress
United States Helsinki Commission
Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee
USA / Member of US Congress
Mr. Alex T. Johnson
USA / Policy advisor, US Helsinki Commission
Mr. James Glyn Ford
UNITED KINGDOM / United Against Racism,
British Labour Party
Ms. Alia Hogben
CANADA / Canadian Council of Muslim women.
Mr. Michael Honda
USA / Member of US Congress
Mr. Yonadam Kanna
IRAQ / Assyrian member of Parliament in Iraq
Ms. Shanti Kumari Biswokarma
NEPAL / Dalit woman political actor
Mr. Serge Letchimy
FRANCE / French Parliamentarian, Mayor of Fort de France, Martinique
Mr. Victorin Lurel
FRANCE / French Parliamentarian, President of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe
Ms. Yvette Jarvis
GREECE / Special advisor to mayor, Athens
Ms. Jayshree Mangubhai
INDIA / Main author and leader of the study on Dalit Women’s Right to Political Participation in rural Panchayati Raj, Justicia et Pax Netherlands, 2009
Mr. Chanchu Mani Chakma
BANGLADESH / President Parbattya Jan Bahan Sramik Kalyan Samity Office, Mohajan Para Khagrachari, Bangladesh. Contested last Upazila Election (local Government) from Khagrachhari, in January 09
Ms. Viktoria Mohácsi
HUNGARY / Chairperson of the first session of the Forum on Minority Issues, Former Member of European Parliament
Mr. Lorenzo Morris
USA / Chair of the Department of Political Science of Howard University
Mr. Radhakant Nayat
INDIA / Member of Parliament
Ms. Bintu Jalia Lukumu Ngonzi Abwooli
UGANDA / Member of Parliament
Mr. Pheroze Nowrojee
KENYA / Lawyer
Ms. Liberate Nicayenzi
BURUNDI / Member of the Parliament of Burundi since 1998
Président of the organisation «Unissons-nous pour la promotion des Batwa» « UNIPROBA »
Ms. Alexandra Ocles Padilla
ECUADOR / Vice-ministra de la SPPC
Mr. George Pau-Langevin
FRANCE / Member of French National Assembly, Lawyer
Mr. Abdullah Salik
PHILIPPINES / Vice Mayor of a municipality (town) in Northern Mindanao;
Ms. Martha Stocker
ITALY / Vice-President of the Government of the Autonomous Region Trentino-South Tyrol
South Tyrolean People Party
Ms. Misha Thompson
USA / Staff, US Helsinki Commission
Mr. Thol. Thirumaavalavan
INDIA / Member of Parliament
Mr. Jean-Leonard Touadi
ITALY / Member of Italian Parliament
Ms. María Isabel Urrutia Ocoró
COLOMBIA / Representante a la Cámara, Vocera de la Alianza Social Afrocolombiana
Mr. Ali Wario
KENYA / Former member of Kenyan Parliament and Chairperson of the Kenyan Pastoralist Parliamentarian Group
Ms. Patricia Williams
USA / US House of Representatives, Office of Rep. Alcee L Hastings
Mr. Asbjorn Eide
SWEDEN / Norwegian Center for Human Rights
Mr. John Herlyn Anton Sanchez
ECUADOR / Academic. Ecuadorian researcher on afro-descendant movement in Ecuador
Ms. Allison Blakely
USA / Boston University
Mr. Joshua Castellino
UNITED KINGDOM / Professor of Law & Head of Law Department, Middlesex University
Mr. Moise Cifende Kaciko
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO / Professor at the Law Faculty in the Catholic University of Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Ms. Dimitra Clayton
GERMANY / State Ministry for integration in North Rhine Westphalia
Mr. Abdulhalim Dede
GREECE / Greek journalist who has represented the Minority in several international Fora
Mr. Carlestine Denson
USA / International Human Rights Association for American Minorities (IHRAAM)
Mr. Renato Ferreira
BRAZIL / University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ms. Marquetta Goodwine
USA / Permanent UN Representative for the International Human Rights Association for American Minorities (IHRAAM)
Mr. Tom Hadden
UNITED KINGDOM / Human Rights Center, Queen University Belfast
Mr. Hurst Hannum
USA / Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Mr. Hassan Jabareen
ISRAEL / Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Ms. Kristin Henrard
NETHERLANDS / Rotterdam University
Mr. Dennis Kadima
Ms. Laura W. Murphy
USA / Expert on minority issues. Campaign for a new domestic human rights agenda
Mr. Paul Divakar
INDIA / Justicia et Pax
Ms. Corinne Lennox
UNITED KINGDOM / Lecturer in Human Rights
University of London
Ms. Magdalena Matache
HUNGARY / Romani CRISS (NGO Hungary)
Mr. Sabir Michael
PAKISTAN / Assistant Professor Faculty of Social Sciences Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Pakistan
Mr. Ralston Rex Nettleford
JAMAICA / Working Group on Afro-descendants
Mr. Chibo Onyeji / Vice President, European Network Against Racism
Mr. John Packer
UNITED KINGDOM / Essex Human Rights Centre
Mr. John Payton
USA / NAACP Legal Defense and educational fund
Ms. Randianina Peccoud
USA / Public Affairs Specialist in charge of Civil Society at US Embassy in Paris
Ms. Marilyn Sephocle
USA / Howard University
Ms. Marcel Sephocle
USA / Lecturer at Sciences Politiques, Paris
Mr. Kwame Sha Sergu Neter
USA / International Human Rights Association for American Minorities (IHRAAM)
Ms. Alice Ratyis
ROMANIA / National Democratic Institute
Mr. Gurbachan Singh
SINGAPORE / Appointed by the Minister of Community Development as a member of the Sikh, Advisory Board from 2002 to 2003
Mr. Lee Swepston
SWITZERLAND / Former Senior Advisor of Human Rights of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Mr. Wouter Van Bellingen
BELGIUM / Deputy Mayor of Sint-Niklaas
Mr. William G. Psillas
USA / Minority expert. Campaign for a new domestic human rights agenda
Mr. Simon Woolley
Operation Black Vote
Mr. Edward Shalala / Head of DDIP (Design of Democratic Institutions and Processes) at International-IDEA
Mr. Azhagan Chenganna
MAURITIUS / Lecturer University of Mauritius
Mr. Fernand de Varennes
CANADA / Murdoch University
Albania / Mr. Sedji Qerimaj
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Mission of Albania to United Nations Office at Geneva
Albania / Mr. Inid Milo, Second Secretary, Mission of Albania to United Nations Office at Geneva
Algeria / H.E. Mr. Idriss Jazaïry, Ambassadeur, Mission permanente de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire
Angola / S.E. M Cornelio Caley
Vice-Ministre de la République de l’Angola
Angola / M. José Silva
Conseiller à la Mission de la République d’Angola
Angola / Me. Claudia Santos
Armenia / Mrs. Satenik Abgarian, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of Armenia to United Nations Office at Geneva
Armenia / Mr. Vaneh Gevorgyan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Armenia to United Nations Office at Geneva
Austria / Ms. Christa Achleitner,
Austrian Federal Chancellery, Volksgruppenbeirat
Azerbaijan / H.E Elchin Amirbayov, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Azerbaijan / Mr. Alimirzamin Askerov, Head of the Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Azerbaijan / Mr. Habib Mikayilli, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Azerbaijan / Ms. Samira Safarova, attaché, Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Bangladesh / H.E. Mr. Abdul Hannan Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Bangladesh / Mr. Faiyaz Mursgid Kazi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Bangladesh / Mr. Mohammed Nore-Alam,First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Bangladesh / Ms. Samia Israt Ronee, Assistant Secretary, UN wing, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka
Bahrain / Mr. Ammar Rajab, third secretary. Permanent Mission Geneva
Brazil / Mr. Franklin Rodrigues Hoyer, Secretary, Permanent Mission of Brazil in Geneva
Brazil / Mr. Márcio Augusto Freitas de Meira, Head of “Fundação Nacional do Índio”
Brazil / Mrs. Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo, Head of Delegation, Permanent Representative of Brazil in Geneva
Brazil / Mrs. Maria Luisa Escorel, Minister-Councelor, Permanent Mission of Brazil in Geneva
Brazil / Mr. Murilo Vieira Komniski, Secretary, Permanent Mission of Brazil in Geneva
Brazil / Ms. Teresinha Gasparin Maglia, Adviser to the Minister of Justice and Executive Secretary of the National Indigenous Policy, Brazil
Brazil / Mr. Edson Santos, Minister of States of the Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Policies for Racial Equality in Brazil
Brazil / Mr. Paulo Celso de Oliveira, General Coordinator for the Protection of Indigenous Rights of Funai
Bulgaria / H.E. Mr. Gancho Ganev, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the United Nations in Geneva
Bulgaria / Ms. Evelina Ananieva, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Bulgaria to the United Nations in Geneva
Canada / H.E Marius Grinius
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Canada / Ms. Alison LeClaire Christie,
Deputy Permanent Representative
Canada / Mr. John Von Kaufmann, Counsellor
Canada / Ms. Johanne Forest, First Secretary
Canada / Mr. Manon Boisclair, Second Secretary
Canada / Mr. Jeffrey Heaton, Second Secretary
Canada / Ms. Alexa Nielson
Junior Policy officer
Canada / Ms. Jennifer Marcotte Ouellet,
Junior Policy officer
Canada / Mr. Brian Carl Phillips
Canadian International Development Agency
Costa Rica / Sr. Christian Guillermet-Fernández, Jefe de Delegación, Embajador, Representante Permanente Alterno, Encargado de Negocios a.i.
Costa Rica / Srta. Eugenia Gutiérrez, Ministro Consejero
Costa Rica / Srta. Griselle Rodríguez, Pasante
Cyprus / Mr. Myrianthi Spathi, Second Secretary, PM Geneva
Cyprus / Ms. Maria Soloyianni, Advisor, PM Geneva
Democratic Republic of the Congo / Mr. Mbanzoulou Dominique, Direction Générale des Droits Humains et des Libertés fondamentales
Georgia / Mr. Vladimir Lomsadze
Deputy head of the administration of the President of Georgia
Georgia / Ms. Maia Siprashvili-Lee
Adviser of the Minister of Probation of Georgia
Germany / Mr. Detlev Rein, Federal Minsitry of the Interior
Hungary / H.E Klara Tunyogi Akots,
Ammbassador, Permanent respresentative, PM Geneva
Hungary / Mr. Istvan Lakatos,
Human Rights Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungary
Hungary / Mr. Levente Szekely, Deputy Permanent representative, Hungary
Hungary / Mr. Adam Szesztay, Deputy Head of Office, Office of Foreign Relations, the Office of the National Assembly
Hungary / Mr. Norbert Toth, expert
Kazakhstan / Mr. Yerali Tugzhanov, Vice-Chairman of the Assembly of Nations
Indonesia / H.E. Mr. Dian Triansyah Djani, Head of Delegation, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and other International Organizations in Geneva
Indonesia / H.E. Mr. Desra Percaya, Alternate Head of Delegation, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and other International Organizations in Geneva
Indonesia / Mr. Benny Y.P. Siahaan, Member, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and other International Organizations in Geneva
Indonesia / Mr. Kamapradipta Isnomo, Member, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and other International Organizations in Geneva
Indonesia / Ms. Indah Nuria Savitri, Member, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, World Trade Organization and other International Organizations in Geneva
Iran / Mr. Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini, Director-General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Interior
Latvia / Mr. Janis Mazeiks, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Latvia in Geneva
Latvia / Ms. Irina Vasiljeva, Ministry of Justice
Latvia / Mr. Valrijs Romanovskis, first secretary, Permanent mission of the Republic of Latvia in Geneva
Latvia / Ms. Ruta Klimkane, Director of Department of Social Integration of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia
Madagascar / Mr. Jacob Félicien Andriampanjava, Secrétaire général du ministère de la population et des affaires sociales
Malaysia / H.E Datuk Othman Hashim
Permanent representative, Permanent Mission in Geneva
Malaysia / Mr. Siti Hajjar Adnin,
Deputy permanent representative, Permanent Mission in Geneva
Malaysia / Mr. Kapli Emek
Director, Policy and Planning, Department of National Unity and Integration
Malaysia / Mr. Pandian Sivamurugan, Deputy dean, Centre for Community Science Studies, national science university Malaysia
Ms. Barbara Lee Chairperson of the Second United Nations Forum on Minority Issues
