Meeting of September 12, 2017

3:30 pm-4:10 pm, Dean’s Conference Room Caumsett Hall


Membership: Jason Ramirez, Janet Simpson, Bruce Seger, Dawn Tracy-Hanley, Dr. Elia Colon-Mallah, John Jerome, Joni Al-Hihi, Murph Kinney, Nancy Hormann, Richa Rawat Prakash, Al Heraghty, Dawn Tracy Hanley, Bernadette Garcia, Dean Donna Ciampa, Ginny Horan, Kathryn O’Donoghue, MaryAnn Verdolino - Van Aalten

Absent: William Desimini, Ali Laderian

Guests: Dean Christopher Gherardi, Dean Jennifer Browne

1) Call to Order

Dr. Ramirez called the meeting to order at 3:35 PM

2) Approval of the minutes of April 18, 2017

A motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded. Minutes were approved as is.

3) New GCC members were welcomed.

4) Elections:

Ginny Horan was elected secretary of the GCC and as such will serve on the College Curriculum Committee.

Dr. Richa Rawat Prakash was elected as the Grant Campus representative for the College Curriculum Committee.

5) Preliminary discussion of upcoming proposals

Veterinary Science Technology Revised Curriculum and Course proposals:

The primary concern with this proposal is to evaluate the addition of nursing courses in the second and third semester. Feedback is requested on the inclusion of Anatomy and Physiology I by Dr. Elia Colon-Mallah.

Marketing AAS Expedited Curriculum proposal

A lab science has been added and 1 PE credit removed to meet the 64 credit limit. The remaining PE credit meets LGRs.

Dental Hygiene AAS Program

A lengthy and unfamiliar curriculum: see below.

Performing Arts AA New Course and Program proposals

New course proposals in Dance (2), Musical Theatre (2) and an AA Program in Performing Arts will be introduced in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Based on the length of the upcoming proposals. Dean Ciampa made a motion to allow an exception to current protocol of two weeks notice to review proposals in favor of a one-month timeline. The proposal was passed. Dr. Ramirez will forward proposals via email.

Dean Browne suggested that for the Dental Hygiene, we might want to break the work up among committee members, making certain teams or individuals responsible for a given number of pages or sections.

7) New Business

John Jerome announced that his department will be looking into creating a “stackable” credential for Manufacturing Technology & HVAC. By breaking the programs into certificates, the goal is to improve retention and offer incoming high school students an opportunity to get into the workforce sooner.

8) Meeting Schedule:

Our next meeting will be October 17 in Sagtikos 221. All upcoming meetings will take place in Sagtikos 221.

7) Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:08 pm.