1 Research Report (Lifestyle Focus):

Educational Requirements:

What sort of degrees, certifications, training, licenses, etc. do you need to be considered for employment in this job?

What schools, training centers, etc. offer this sort of preparation?

Opportunity for advancement:

What type of opportunities exist to move up the ladder in this company?

In what way can you take on more responsibilities, leadership opportunities, pay increases, etc.?

Travel requirements/opportunities:

Does this job require you to travel? If so, how much? To what parts of the world?

What is the potential of a transfer to another location?

Company size and growth potential:

How many people does this company employ?

How many branches/offices comprise this company?

What is the predicted rate of growth for the position you are pursuing?


How much is the starting salary for this position?

How much can you expect the salary to increase over the years as you gain experience and move up in the company?

Benefits included:

Will this company pay for any of your health insurance?

Are there paid vacations?

Will this company pay for any additional training you may need?

Does this company have a retirement plan? Does the company contribute anything to your retirement plan?

6 Analysis Essay (Lifestyle Focus):

Lifestyle Inventory compared with Lifestyle available with this company:

How much does your desired lifestyle cost per year?

Will working for this company allow you to reach your desired income? If so, approximately how long will it take?

Will working for this company allow you to live in the type of home environment you want?

What is most important to you in your desired lifestyle inventory?

How/when will you reach these most important goals?

4 Detailed Plan (Lifestyle Focus):

Resume (fall 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, or 2028 (you choose)):

Project yourself about 6 years or so into your future after high school graduation.

Where might you be living then?

What type of job experience will you have by then?

What might your current job be in 2021?

What type of educational experiences might you have accumulated by then?

What specific job might you be applying for in 2021 or beyond?

Cover Letter (fall 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, or 2028 (you choose)):

What can you tell your potential employer about you that would pique his/her interest in you for this position?

How are you a good match for this company?

How does your experience, passion, etc. match with the mission of the company?

Major Goals by year (2015-2025 (or beyond if you want)):

What major life goals would you like to accomplish in the next ten years (schooling, work, family, housing, vehicles, travel, etc.)?

Realistically, when would you like to achieve each of these goals?

7 Reflection (Lifestyle Focus):


What classes have you taken that will prepare you for success in this career?

If you need training, how will you pay for it?

If there are prerequisites for getting into the training you need, have you met or can you meet them?

Personality Match:

How well do the work habits you have now mirror the work habits you will need for success in your career?

How well do the daily/regular tasks match up with the types of tasks you enjoy?

How well will the working environment in your career correspond with your preferences? (outdoors, small cubicle, constant travel, etc.)

Lifestyle Match:

How well does your career offer you the opportunity to achieve the lifestyle you would like to have? Be specific on what, when, how, etc.

How long will you have to work before you can achieve some of your major goals?

Will you need to make any compromises? If so, on what are you willing to compromise?

8 Presentation (Lifestyle Focus):

Who are you?

Briefly tell us who you are. (Gone to BSD your whole life? Moved here from Guam last year? Baseball player? Flautist?)

Where are you going?

What career do you plan to pursue?

How do you know this career is a good choice for you? (How well does it match your personality, what you love in life, work preferences, educational plans, etc.?)

What experiences have impacted you so far?

What process did you use to figure out what career you want to pursue?

How did you use your Lifestyle Inventory to help you make choices/decide if your career was a good match for you? (Use specific details from your inventory compared with your career choice.)

What high school classes have you taken that will support you in your career field? How will they help you?

If you work now, how has having that job helped prepare you to be successful in the job you want in the future? (hard or soft skills)

If you volunteer or participate in extra-curricular activities, how have these activities helped to prepare you for the job you want in the future?

School Work [Optional!!!]

Which exemplary works best showcase your skills? Where are your strengths in these works?

How will the skills you used to succeed on each of these works also help you be successful in the job you want in the future?

How am I going to get there?

What additional training/schooling will you pursue after you graduate?

What have you done so far to make sure you are ready to pursue this training/schooling?

What are your personal strengths that will help you be successful in this plan? (10 Things, 7 Habits, WST, etc.)

Who is a good reference for your work habits/skills? Why would you choose this person? What would he/she say about your strengths? [Personal Qualities form]

What experience do you have with creating a professional cover letter and resume? What needs to be included in each? What’s the difference?


What are your major life goals and, based on your research/knowledge/education/experience/plan, how do you know you will be able to achieve these goals?