Age Calculation Worksheet

In order to figure out how many days you have been alive, you must break it down into several parts.

STEP 1: Unless you were born on January 1 of any particular year, your first year of life will be a partial year. You will need to calculate this first.

  1. In order to do so, you will first add the number of days you were alive in the month that you were born. I was born on April 17, 1980. I would calculate my first partial month by subtracting 30 (days in April) from 17 (my birth date) 30 – 17 = 13. Therefore, I was alive for 13 full days in April of 1980.
  2. Then I would add all of the days that I was alive for each of the remaining months of the year in 1980. The following chart should help in determining how many days are in each month:













In other words, I was alive for 13 days in April; 31 in May; 30 in June; 31 in July; 31 in August; 30 in September; 31 in October; 30 in November; and 31 in December, for a grand total of 258 days in my first year of life.

STEP 2: Next you will need to add up the total number of days that you were alive in each full year that you lived (excluding the first year and the current year). Since I was born in 1980, I would add up the following:

1980366 (Exclude for me)1997365
















19963662013365 (Exclude for me)

After I added days for 1981-2012, I found I have been alive for a total of 11,688, days in complete years.

STEP 3: If your first partial year was a 366-day year and you were alive for even a single day in the month of February, you must adjust your first partial year of life by adding +1. Because 1980 was a 366-day year but I was not alive any days during the month of February, I do not need to adjust the first partial year.

STEP 4: Next you must calculate the number of partial days you have been alive in the current year. If the current date is December 21, 2013 calculate as follows (Please remember that 2013 is a 365-day year so there will not be an extra day listed in February):













Because we have all been alive for the same number of days during the year 2013 as of December 21, 2013, you may simply use this calculation in determining the number of days in the current year that you were alive. As of December 21, 2013, we will all have been alive for 355 days in 2013.

STEP 5: Finally, in order to calculate the total number of days you have been alive in your life, you need to add the number of days you have calculated as follows:

Total Number of Days Alive In Your First Partial Year of Life:______


Total Number of Days Alive In Complete Years of Life:______


A +1 Adjustment to Your First Partial Year of Life IF NEEDED:______


Total Number of Days Alive in the Current Year:______


In my example I have been alive for 258 days during my first partial year of life, + 11,688 days during complete years of my life, + 355 days in the current year. 258 + 11,688 + 355= 12,301 days alive as of December 21, 2013.

Mayan Age Conversion Worksheet

Once you have successfully figured out how many days you have been alive in your life, in order to express it as a Mayan age, you must do a few calculations. Mayan dates are expressed in several different increments of days:

Baktun = 144,000 days

Katun = 7,200 days

Tun = 360 days

Uinal = 20 days

Kin = 1 day

STEP 1: Baktun Calculation. Although it is unlikely that anyone is 144,000 days old (that would mean you are 394 years old), the first step would be to take your age expressed in days and divide it by 144,000 days. If you have not been alive for 144,000 days then you would leave off the baktun portion of your age. Since I am 12,301 days old I would leave off the baktun portion of my age.

STEP 2: Katun Calculation. Next, you will need to take your age expressed in days and divide it by 7,200 days. If you have not been alive for 7,200 days then you would leave off the katun portion of your age. Since I have been alive for more than 7,200 days, I would proceed with my calculation. 12,301 / 7,200 = 1 with a remainder of 5,101. I would therefore begin my Mayan age with 1 katun. I then take my remainder onto the next calculation.

STEP 3: Tun Calculation. Next, you will calculate with either the number of days you have been alive or your katun remainder. If you did not have a katun number, you will use your age expressed in days for this calculation. If you did have a katun number, you will use the remainder to your katun number for this calculation. Whichever it is, take that number and divide it by 360 days. Since I had a katun number, I am using my remainder for this calculation. 5,101 / 360 = 14 with a remainder of 61. Therefore, my Mayan age would be 1 katun, 14 tun, and I would take the remainder of 61 onto the next calculation.

STEP 4: Uinal Calculation. Next, you will use the remainder from your tun calculation for this step. Take the remainder and divide it by 20 days. Since I had a remainder in my tun calculation of 61, I would divide 61 / 20 = 3 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, my Mayan age would be 1 katun, 14 tun, 3 uinal, and I would take the remainder of 1 onto the next calculation.

STEP 5: Kin Calculation. Finally, you will use the remainder from your uinal calculation for this step. Take the remainder and divide it by 1 day. Since I had a remainder in my uinal calculation of 1, I would divide 1 / 1 = 1 days. At this point you should not have a remainder.

My final Mayan age would be expressed as: 1 Katun, 14 Tun, 3 Uinal, 1 Kin, or written simply as

Mayan Long Count Birthday Glyph

Once you have successfully expressed your age within the Mayan Calendar, you final task will be to use the Mayan glyph system to write your Mayan Long Count Birthday using Mayan Glyphs and the Mayan Counting Symbols. Unlike your age, which is really just a conversion of the number of days you have been alive, in order to properly express your birth date in Mayan, you must express your birth date relative to the starting date of the Mayan calendar cycle of or August 13, 3114 B.C. I have provided you with your Mayan birth date expressed in the Mayan Long Count. The following are used to represent baktun, katun, tun, uinal, & kin:

Baktun = 144,000 days:

Katun = 7,200 days:

Tun = 360 days

Uinal = 20 days

Kin = 1 day

To properly show you birth date, insert the sticks (5), stones (1), and shells (0) immediately to the left of the symbols shown. You should always show any sticks next to the symbols, immediately followed by stones or shells.

The Mayan Long Count Calendar

Name: ______

_____-Baktun _____-Katun _____-Tun _____-Uinal _____-Kin