WHEREAS,theJeffersonParishSchoolBoard haslearnedthataclass action lawsuitentitled“St.John theBaptistParishSchoolBoard,et al. vs.theState ofLouisiana,etal.,”Number622,693,Section24fortheParish ofEastBatonRouge,StateofLouisiana,hasbeenfiledallegingthat school districtsacrosstheStateofLouisianawerenotprovidedwiththe proper fundingforthe 2012-2013 Fiscal YearundertheMinimumFoundationProgram;

WHEREAS,theattorneysrepresentingthe plaintiffsadvisethatthe JeffersonParishSchool Boardis a member of the putative class;

WHEREAS,theattorneysrepresentingthe plaintiffsadvisethatthe JeffersonParishSchool Boardmusteither (a) not opt out of the class, should it be certified by the Court, or (b) intervene asaplaintiffinthe actiontorecover thefundsthatthe suit claimswerenot properlygiventotheJeffersonParishSchoolBoard;

WHEREAS,theattorneysrepresentingthe plaintiffshave further advisedthatthere is no guarantee that the JeffersonParishSchool Boardwill recover any funds as a result of the lawsuit and have also advised the JeffersonParishPublicSchoolBoard that its claims may, at the time that this Resolution is adopted, already be preempted or moot in the event that the class is not certified by the Court;

WHEREAS,theattorneysrepresentingthe plaintiffshave further advisedthat the interests of the JeffersonParishSchoolBoard will be best served by encouraging all other public city and parish school boards in the State of Louisiana to participate in the lawsuit;

WHEREAS,Mr.CharlesL.Patin,Jr.,Attorney atLaw,a memberof/andthelawfirmof KeanMiller, L.L.P.isone oftheattorneysrepresentingthe plaintiffsinthe aforesaid suitandhas representedtheJeffersonParishSchoolBoardinpreviousmattersrequiringhislegalspecialization andagrees torepresenttheJeffersonParishSchoolBoardintheaforesaidsuit;

WHEREAS, Mr.Brian F. Blackwell,Attorney atLaw,a memberof/andthelawfirmof Blackwell & Associatesisone oftheattorneysrepresentingthe plaintiffsinthe aforesaid suitandhas representedtheLouisiana Association of Educators and othersinpreviousmattersrequiringhislegalspecialization andagrees torepresenttheJeffersonParishSchoolBoardintheaforesaidsuit;

NOW,THEREFORE,BEITDULYRESOLVEDbytheJeffersonParishSchoolBoardin regularsession dulyconvenedthat:

SECTIONI-- ThisSchoolBoard doesherebyemploy Mr.CharlesL.Patin,Jr. and Mr. Brian F. Blackwell,asspecial counsel,toassist theBoardAttorney inthematterentitled“St.JohntheBaptistParishSchool Board,et al. vs.theStateofLouisiana,etal.,”Number622,693,Section24fortheParishofEast BatonRouge,StateofLouisiana;

SECTIONII--Mr.Patinand Mr. Blackwell shallbepaidfortheirservicesaccordingtothe contingency contractattachedtothisresolution;

SECTION III -- The attorney’s fee is ten (10%) percent of the amount recovered if the case is not certified as a class action and the attorney’s fees awarded by the court in excess of the recovery for the class if the case is certified as a class action as more fully explained in the contract submitted with the resolution for approval;

SECTIONIV--This School Board has been duly advised that the law firm of Blackwell & Associates of Baton Rouge, Louisiana has in the past, and may, in the future, represent school employees in matters in which this School Board is an adverse party. This School Board recognizes that such representation may present said law firm with an actual and/or potential conflict of interest. As an inducement to said law firm to undertake its representation on the terms set forth in this Resolution, this School Board irrevocably waives any and all such past, present and future actual and/or potential conflicts of interest.

SECTIONV–SubjecttoapprovalofthisresolutionbytheAttorneyGeneral,this employmentshallbeeffectiveimmediatelyuponadoptionofthisresolution.

Resolutionoffered by:______


The vote,inopenmeeting,onthewithinresolutionwasasfollows:





IherebycertifythattheforegoingResolutionwasadoptedbytheJeffersonParishSchool BoardinregularsessiondulyconvenedonOctober 1, 2013andthat samehas notbeenrescindedor repealed.

______,Louisiana,this _____dayofOctober,2013.




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