
Name & Address


The first paragraph should be limited to title, effective date, salary, and for professorial ranks, state whether position is tenure-track or with tenure. It can also state the pay basis. The AgCenter is committed to these terms.

I am pleased to offer you the position of ______effective ______(start date) with an annual salary of ______, pending approval by the LSU System Board of Supervisors. This is a tenure track position on a fiscal year basis.

This paragraph gives the specifics of the appointment and these can be changed later.

This appointment is at (in) ______(unit/location). Your official assignment will be ___% research and ___% extension. You will also have a joint teaching appointment of ___% with the College of Agriculture under the LSU and A&M College campus. Your official domicile will be at the ______.

The next paragraph applies only to individuals who have professorial rank service at other institutions that they may want to count toward future promotion in the AgCenter.

This is a tenure-track position and your service time at ______may be counted toward your promotion to full professor which means that you will be eligible to submit an application for promotion after three years of service with the LSU AgCenter. You will have the full time allowed by LSU System guidelines. A copy of the current LSU AgCenter promotion and tenure policy can be found under the policies section of the AgCenter web site (directions included below).

The next paragraph should be included in all letters. Only add the “and LSU and A&M campus” phrase if the individual will hold a joint appointment.

As an employee of the LSU System, you will be required to familiarize yourself with and comply with the policies and procedures governing the faculty and staff of the LSU Agricultural Center campus and LSU and A&M campus. (AgCenter policies can be found on the AgCenter website at On the top right-hand menu, go to “About Us,” and select “Chancellor’s Office,” then select “Policies” from the sub-topics on the right.)

The next paragraph should be included in all letters.

Each newly hired scientist with an appointment greater than or equal to 20% in the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) is required to submit an approved plan of work (Hatch Project) within 6 months of the official start date and thereafter have an approved project in place at all times. Currently these plans are on a 5-year basis. If at any time after the initial six months, a covered faculty member does not have an approved Hatch Project in place, the LAES Director has the discretion to discontinue all LAES resources available to the faculty member (funds, supplies, support personnel, equipment, etc.). A covered faculty member must have an approved project in place to remain employed by the LAES and the AgCenter.

The next paragraph lists those items that the AgCenter intends to provide the employee based on current circumstances, but these also are not part of a contract. The items listed are examples.

In addition to salary, this position will have the following equipment and support provided within available resources:

·  One-time reimbursement of up to 75% of your moving expenses not to exceed $3000. Receipts for all moving expenses are required for this reimbursement. Reimbursement must follow the guidelines of AgCenter PS-36 which can be found under policies on the AgCenter web site.


If there are other special conditions, list them next but contact HRM for assistance with wording.

In addition, your credentials are sufficient to become a candidate for ......

Include the following statement relative to benefits in all letters.

Please refer to the Schedule of Benefits booklet which explains the employee benefits requirements and options available to you. This booklet is provided to ensure that you have accurate information regarding our benefits program. The booklet can be found at Select “Schedule of Employee Benefits” under the NEW EMPLOYEES heading. Please contact our Human Resource Management Office if you have questions about this program. If you accept this offer, the HRM Office will contact you about completing your employment forms.

By signing the bottom of this letter, you are agreeing to the above terms. If you wish to accept this position, please sign and date on the lines provided at the end of this letter and return to me by close of business on ______

I await your favorable response. Please do not hesitate to call me at ______if you have any questions.


______(Unit Head)

cc Vice Chancellor

HRM Office


Signature______Date ______