Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project of the World Bank Loan
Social Assessment Report
Center for Ethnic and Folk Literature and Arts Development, Ministry of Culture
Guizhou Provincial Center for Tourism Research and Public Outreach
April, 2008
The proposed Guizhou Cultural & Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project involves 18 villages, 4 ancient towns, 4 scenic sites, and 5 gateway towns, ranging over 19 counties in 4 prefectures and municipalities. Among the 19 counties, 13 are national poverty counties, and 13 are ethic autonomous counties. The total beneficiary population of the project is 66957. 65.7% of the beneficiaries are ethnic minorities, the population of which is 43965, and the total of Miao, Dong, Buyi accounts for more than 90%. Under the guidelines in OP4.10, the social consultant assessment team conducted field investigation in the project sites.
The social assessment report comprises 7 chapters, in 2 parts:
Part I: Project Fundamentals and Free, Prior, and Informed Consultation
Chapter 1 Project background: project objectives/components/themes, purpose and principles of social assessment, site selecting and methodology of social assessment.
Chapter 2 Baseline information of project sites: project beneficiaries, socioeconomic profiles, ethnic minorities composition and the related policies. It is identified that, according to OP4.10, most residents in project sites are Indigenous peoples.
Chapter 3 Free, prior, and informed consultation: a summary of free, prior, and informed consultation in project stakeholders, problems found out in consultation process and proposed solutions, consultant methods and procedures of the social assessment consultant team, consultant processes in different project sites, and feedback from stakeholders. It is indicated that the proposed project has obtained broad community support and receive high expectancy from stakeholders in general.
Part II: Project Analysis
Chapter 4 Stakeholders analysis: project stakeholder identification, project beneficiaries’ demand analysis, and project stakeholders’ benefit analysis.
Chapter 5 Impact analysis: categorized by project theme: villages, ancient towns, natural heritage and scenic sites, gateway towns, and capacity building. Analysis of different project components was to explore the general impact as well as specific impacts on particular sites. Meanwhile, the social risks are identified and analysis, In general, positive impacts overwhelmed adverse ones.
Chapter 6 Suggestions and social action plans: suggestions for optimizing project design are presented, and furthermore, social action plans for the Cultural Heritage protection and Indigenous Peoples benefits are also prepared.
Chapter 7 Assessment on the need of a separate IPP
Special assessment has been conducted in project sites, according to the IPP requirements in OP4.10. It is concluded that a separate IPP is not needed.
Contents 3
Introduction 5
Part I Project Fundamentals 6
1 Project Background 6
1.1 Project Development Objective 6
1.2 Project Components and Themes 6
1.3 Purpose and Principles of SA 9
1.4 Site-Selection of SA 9
1.5 Methodology of Social Assessment 13
1.6 Report Structure 15
2 Socioeconomic Condition of the Project Sites 16
2.1 Baseline Information of the Project Sites 16
2.2 Identification of Indigenous Peoples in Project Sites 24
2.3 Policies and Laws That Protect Ethnic Minorities’ Rights in the Project Sites 39
2.4 Characteristics of the Ethnic Cultural Heritage in Project Sites 39
3 Free, Prior, and Informed Consultation 43
3.1 Consultation with Project Stakeholders 43
3.2 Problems and Proposed Solutions 45
3.3 Consultation within the Social Assessment 46
3.3.1 Framework of the Free, Prior and Informed Consultation 46
3.3.2 Specifics in Each Project Site 48
3.3.3 Feedback of Social Assessment Consultation 53
Part Ⅱ Project Analysis 54
4 Analysis of Project Stakeholders 54
4.1 Identification of Project Stakeholders 54
4.1.1 Main Stakeholders 54
4.1.2 Other Stakeholders 55
4.2 Demand Analysis of Stakeholders 56
4.3 Benefits Analysis of the Stakeholders 59
4.3.1 Potencial Project Componets Selection 59
4.3.2 Benefit Analysis of Main Stakeholders 62
4.3.3 Benefit Analysis of Other Stakeholders 63
5 Social Impact Analysis 65
5.1 Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection (in Villages and Ancient Towns) 65
5.1.1 Investments in Infrastructure 65
5.1.2 Rehabilitation and Protection of Traditional Buildings 65
5.1.3 Safeguards and Support for Intangible Heritage Protection 65
5.1.4 Tourist Information Centers and Culture Preservation Centers 66
5.1.5 The Small Loan Program 66
5.2 Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development 70
5.3 Gateway Town Facilities 72
5.4 Capacity Building Support and Project Implementation Support 74
5.4.1 Project management and monitoring 74
5.4.2 Community Support and Organization Capacity Building 74
5.4.3 Architectural Guidelines and Business Planning Manual 74
5.4.4 Update of the Guizhou Tourism Master Plan and Implementation 75
Support to VTAs 75
5.5 Problems and Risks for Cultural Heritage Protection 75
5.5.1 Lack of Community Participation and Villager-Participation 81
5.5.2 Inadequate Understanding on the Issue of Cultural Heritage Protection 81
5.5.3 Lack of Protection of Ethnic Handicrafts, Folk Arts, Traditional Skills, and Rituals 81
5.5.4 The Great Risk of Over Commercialization 82
5.5.5 The problems with the renovation of old buildings 82
5.5.6 The Building of Village Hotel and Family Museum Should follow Certain Criteria 82
5.5.7 Lack of Funding 83
5.5.8 Inadequacy of Villagers’ Capacities 83
6 Suggestions and Social Action Plans 85
6.1 Suggestions for Project Design 85
6.1.1 Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection (Investments in villages and ancient towns) 85
6.1.2 Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development 85
6.1.3 Gateway Town Facilities 85
6.1.4 Capacity Building Support and Project Implementation Support 86
6.2 Actions to Protect Cultural Heritage 86
6.2.1 Safeguard the Interests of Minority Villages and Prevent from Over-Commercialization 86
6.2.2 Income Generation and Poverty Alleviation in Minority Villages 86
6.3 Actions to Benefit Indigenous Peoples 87
6.3.1 Actions Relevant to Indigenous Peoples in Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection 87
6.3.2 Actions Relevant to Indigenous Peoples in Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development 89
6.3.3 Actions Relevant to Indigenous Peoples in Gateway Town Facilities 89
6.3.4 Actions Relevant to Indigenous Peoples in Capacity Building project 89
7 Assessment on the Need of a Separate IPP 90
7.1 Assessment Criteria 90
7.2 Assessment on each project category 90
7.2.1 Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection( in villages and towns ) 90
7.2.2 Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development 94
This social assessment report (SA) has been prepared for the proposed Guizhou Cultural & Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project (hereafter referred to as “the project”), complying with World Bank OP4.10. Field investigations were carried out at the 20 project sites for a total of 20 days, in May and November, 2007, by the joint-efforts of the social assessment consultation team and the resettlement consultation team. The final assessment results are therefore divided into two parts, the former is the social assessment report (by Tsinghua University experts) and the latter RIs (by Hohai University experts).
The PRA (participatory rural appraisal) methodology was adopted in the social assessment, including group discussions, semi-structured interviews, direct observations, questionnaire surveys, and desktop study. The first draft was completed in September, 2007, and the final report in March, 2008.
The project chooses Guizhou primarily based on its striking richness of intangible heritage and the natural beauty of the landscape, which not only represents valuable assets for tourism and thereby generate economic benefit, but also contains the potential to preserve cultural diversity, revitalize indigenous communities, and facilitate social development of indigenous peoples.
Guizhou province lies in one of the two extremely impoverished regions identified in China’s Agenda 21. Of the total 39.5 million people in Guizhou, 85% are rural population, distributed in more than 50 thousand villages. Per capita annual income of rural residents is 1877 RMB, the lowest in China. The natural environment in Guizhou is vulnerable, of weak agricultural infrastructure, frequent natural disasters, and heavy loss of soil and water. Despite of economic poverty, Guizhou is distinguished by its rich cultural resources and knowledge, preserved in ethnic minority groups, which constitutes 37.85% of the whole provincial population. Meanwhile, the cultural and natural heritage is made vulnerable by over-commercialization under social change and globalization, in particular.
The purpose of the Social Assessment is to provide evidence and safeguards for project design and implementation, through measurements on mitigating adverse impacts and promoting positive ones, after comprehensive evaluations on the project’s possible social/cultural impacts on local communities. The breadth, depth, and type of analysis are proportional to the nature and scale of the proposed project’s potential effects on the Indigenous Peoples.
The social assessment has received robust support from the Provincial and Local Project Management Offices, as well as local government and villagers in project sites. Guizhou Tourism Bureau offered substantial help to the social assessment process. The social assessment consultant team sincerely appreciates all the efforts made by the aforementioned people and groups.
Part I Project Fundamentals
1 Project Background
1.1 Project Development Objective
Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province in south-western China, 37.85% of the population of which belongs to ethnic minority groups. Splendid indigenous cultures and resources distinguish the province as a diversified cultural field while make it vulnerable to social changes and globalization. The project chooses Guizhou primarily based on its striking richness of intangible heritage and the natural beauty of the landscape, which not only represents valuable assets for tourism and thereby generate economic benefit, but also contains the potential to preserve cultural diversity, revitalize indigenous communities, and facilitate social development of indigenous peoples.
The project objective is to better protect cultural and natural heritage in local communities including minority groups, national parks, and increase economic benefits through increased tourism in participating sites. In order to achieve the harmony of human development and rural tourism, actions would be taken, such as prioritized and sustainable investments in infrastructure, initiatives to enhance incomes of the ethnic population, and a set of tourism industry interventions paying special attention to the protection and development of Guizhou’s natural and cultural heritage, as well as by capacity building in tourism and protection sectors.
1.2 Project Components and Themes
Project interventions will be in Qiandongnan, Qianxinan Prefectures, Guiyang and Anshun Municipality, of 19 counties. Project implementations aim at following purposes:
l Improvement in infrastructure and capacity building in cultural & natural heritage protection at village level;
l Inheritance and development of ethnic cultural traditions and skills such as craft, rituals and arts;
l Enhancement in sense of community participation, cultural protection and identity;
l Innovation in management of cultural & natural heritage protection and development.
Project components are organized by 4 themes: Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection (in villages and ancient towns), Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development, Gateway Town Facilities, Capacity Building Support and Project Implementation Support.
Tab 1.1 project themes and components
Component Description / US$Million
A. Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection
Investments in 22 villages and ancient towns* including: (a) small scale infrastructure facilities in villages and towns; (b) protection of unique historic buildings and establishment of cultural and visitor centers; (c) pilot rehabilitation of traditional private houses; and (d) intangible cultural heritage protection (arts, crafts and music, etc).
Subtotal / 48.85
B. Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development
Infrastructure and facilities improvement in: (a) Guanlin Geo-Park in Anshun Municipality; (b) Dingxiao Geo-Park in Qian Xinan Prefecture; (c) Wanfenglin National Scenic Area in Qian Xinan Prefecture; and (d) Shibing Sanmu River Scenic Area in Qian Dongnan Prefecture.
Subtotal / 24.71
C. Tourism Gateway Town Facilities
(a) Gateway Town Facilities: (i) Liping Tourism information Center; (ii) Jianhe Tourism Information and Training Center ; (iii) Leishan Tourist Information Center [US$ 4.74 million]
(b) Provincial Heritage Protection, Tourism Development and Information Center. (a) Heritage Protection and Tourism Development Research Center to include a building (16,000 km2) and operational budget for research sections on: (i) natural heritage, (ii) tangible cultural heritage, and (iii) intangible cultural heritage, (iv) an international academic research and exchange facility, (v) a performance hall (seating capacity 400) and a (vii) lecture hall (seating capacity 200); (b) Tourist Information Center including areas for information and services, and minority culture displays and sales; (c) Tourism Training Center for vocational and management training for tourism bureau staff, site managers and villagers; and (d) Tourist Destination Management Website for site information and marketing.** [US$11.05 million]
Subtotal / 15.79
D. Capacity Building and Project Implementation Support
including: (a) technical assistance for project implementation and capacity building; (b) PMO strengthening and training for tourism sector staff; (c) revision of the Guizhou Tourism Master Plan and development of guidelines for the conservation of traditional buildings and environments in minority villages; and (d) tourism promotion in Qian Dongnan Prefecture.
Subtotal / 2.60
Total Project Cost Estimate / 91.95
Tab 1.2:Project loan Summary
Project Theme / Project Site / US$(thousand) /
Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection(Village) / Basha Miao Village Cultural Heritage Protection / 3300
Xiaohuang Dong Cultural Heritage Protection
Zengchong Dong Cultural Heritage Protection
Danzhai Shiqiao Ancient Handmade Paper Protection Project / 883
Zhanliu Village Tin Embroidery Cultural Heritage Protection / 2000
Wu Bao Village Miao Red Embroidery Cultural Heritage Protection
Balla River (Kaili) Miao Cultural Heritage Protection(Jidao Village) / 2000
Balla River (Kaili) Miao Cultural Heritage Protection(Huaienbao Village)
Balla River (Kaili) Miao Cultural Heritage Protection(Nanhua Village)
Balla River (Leishan) Miao Cultural Heritage Protection(Langde Upper Village) / 3000
Balla River (Leishan) Miao Cultural Heritage Protection(Xijiang Village)
Zhaoxing Dong Cultural Heritage Protection (Zhaoxing Village) / 3000
Zhaoxing Dong Cultural Heritage Protection (Tang’an Minority Village)
Zhaoxing Dong Cultural Heritage Protection (Xiage Minority Village)
Sanbao Dong Minority Village / 1000
Shidong Miao Ethnic Cultural Heritage Protection(Tangba Village) / 2200
Sanmentang Cultural Heritage Protection / 1300
Nachan Buyi Cultural Heritage Protection / 2086
Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Protection(ancient towns) / Jiuzhou Ancient Town Protection / 3000
Longli Old Town Rehabilitation / 3700
Tungpu Cultural Heritage Protection(Tianlong) / 773
Tungpu Cultural Heritage Protection(Jiuzhou) / 2877
Natural Heritage and Scenic Site Protection and Development / Shanmu River Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection / 2200
Guanling National Geo-Park / 3938
Wangfenglin National Scenic Area: Lower Nahui Village / 7296
Dingxiao Geo-Park / 2020
Gateway Town Facilities / Jianhe Tourist Information Center / 1000
Liping Tourist Information Center / 1000
Leishan Tourist Information Center / 2740
Tourism Sector Capacity Building and Technical Assistance / 1500
Provincial Heritage Protection and Cultural Tourism Center / 6927
1.3 Purpose and Principles of SA
The purpose of the Social Assessment is to provide evidence and safeguards for project design and implementation, through measurements on mitigating adverse impacts and promoting positive ones, after comprehensive evaluations on the project’s possible social/cultural impacts on local communities. The breadth, depth, and type of analysis are proportional to the nature and scale of the proposed project’s potential effects on the Indigenous Peoples.