Chairman Tim Hudson
MEETING 142 Tues 18th FEBRUARY 2014 MINUTES 142
F. OPEN FORUM for items from our Shropshire Councillor, the police, parishioners and visiting speakers.
F.X Police Report 141 from PC Jon Summerfield for January 2014 as circulated to Councillors was NOTED.
F.1 New House behind Barnfields a) Landowners' presentation. b) Other people's comments. see 4.2 ↓
a. The applicant landowner Stephen Mulloy explained the reasons for his application and answered questions.
b. Objections were made on behalf of neighbour Sarah Goodwright of Barnfields by her father in her absence.
c. Further questions were asked and objections were made by the Parish Councillors plus other parishioners.
1. ATTENDANCE at MPC Routine Meeting 142 held at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall:
1.1 Present Parish Cllrs: Presiding at Meeting 142: Chairman Tim Hudson and then Roy Bayley MBE.
Also present: Tricia Jones, Tony Hill, Angela Hanmer, Malcolm McSporran MBE, David Schofield. Plus: Ian A. Hutchinson Parish Clerk.
Others: Shrawardine Landowner Stephen Mulloy, Montford Landowners: Kat Bright, Jim Stephens, Joanna Stephens and their Morris Property Agent. Plus 8 Montford Bridge+Shrawardine parishioners.
1.2 Apologies Vice Chairman Andrew Beckett, Adrian Bright. Plus: SC Cllr David Roberts. ACCEPTED
2.1 The Chair declared a personal interest in Planning Item 4.3 and he left the meeting at that point. NOTED
3. PREVIOUS MEETING 141 held on Tues 21 Jan'14 previous minutes and matters arising as follows:
3.1 Minutes 141 The Chairman signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record after the insertion of decisions after the word applications in Min 141-8.2: Minutes 141 CONFIRMED unanimously
3.2 Any Other Matters Arising from the last meeting:
New House in Kingston House Garden 13/01193/OUT Note: The Planning History is as follows:
a. MPC Comment 134-4.1 on Tue 16 Apr'13 MPC OBJECTION - as the house would be in the flood plain.
b. MPC Amended Comment 141.-4.2 on Tues 21 Jan'14 MPC NO OBJECTION - as no danger of flooding.
c. MPC Re-amended Comment 142-3.2 on Tues 18 Feb'14 despite the fact that there is no danger of flooding MPC now strongly OBJECTS to this proposal because this is a totally inappropriate place in which to build a house because it would be well below the level of the road and it would look incongruous in this location.
d. The Clerk was instructed to check the current status of this application and if it is still Pending Decision the Clerk must send this re-amended MPC Comment to SC Planning Dept tomorrow. AGREED unanimously.
4.1 14 Alloe Brook 14/00154/TPO Miss R Cook fell nine larch trees and one fir tree with TPOs on them:
MPC SUPPORTS the proposed felling in view of the Tree Officer's advice the trees are dead. AGREED
4.2 New House behind Barnfields Shrawardine 14/00433/OUT Stephen Mulloy: See also F.1 above ↑
The Clerk read out letters of strong OBJECTION from MPC Shrawardine Cllr Andrew Beckett and the two nearest neighbours Sarah Goodwright of Barnfields and Amanda Harlech of Shrawardine Farm. NOTED
MPC strongly OBJECTS to this proposal because it is clearly NOT sustainable for the following reasons:
a. It is contrary to the recognized SAMDev classification of Open Countryside status for Shrawardine village.
b. It is contrary to Montford Parish Council's Montford Housing Strategy MHS 127 which was firmly based on the majority wishes of the inhabitants of Shrawardine as expressed at several public consultation meetings.
c. The proposed house would be incompatible with the current building line and extremely intrusive upon the two closest neighbours and it would also greatly increase local traffic movements along this shared drive.
d. The proposed site is unsuitable because it is extremely wet with a long history of land drainage problems.
e. The Clerk was instructed to broadcast to all relevant authorities the Parish Council's STRONG PROTEST against the undemocratic planning rules in Shropshire which now unfairly negate the legitimate strategic housing policies of all Shropshire parish councils against the wishes of local communities. All AGREED
4.X Tim Hudson left the meeting at this point: Election of a Chairman to continue to preside over this meeting:
Cllr Roy Bayley was duly elected as Chair of the second half of this meeting: RESOLVED unanimously
MINUTES 142 Continues Over CHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______
MINUTES 142 Continued Tuesday 18 FEBRUARY 2014 Page 142 b
Second Half of Meeting 142 Cllr Roy Bayley MBE presiding:
ADJOURNMENT to provide time for public debate about the proposed new 35 houses by Oaklands.
F.2 Montford Bridge Village Extension a) Landowners' presentation. b) Other people's comments. see 4.3 ↓
a. The Landowners Kat Bright and her brother and mother plus their Morris Property Agent tabled an outline plan of their proposal and gave a brief presentation and answered questions about this application. NOTED
b. Neighbour Bruce Blackledge of Oaklands strongly objected to several aspects of the outline plan but the applicants assured him and the Parish Councillors that every effort would be made to address his concerns.
4.3 Montford Bridge Village Extension 14/00518/OUT Applicant Morris Property: 35 houses by Oaklands
a. Cllr Tricia Jones said she strongly objected to this proposal because the number of houses planned would far exceed the Parish Council's Strategic Housing Limit of five houses in any one location in Montford Bridge: Cllr Malcolm McSporran and Cllr Tony Hill fully supported Tricia's objection for the same reason. NOTED
b. The Clerk read out an email from neighbour Sandra Sutcliffe of Chatham across the road from the site that listed her five concerns about the proposal including problems with traffic, access and screening. NOTED
c. After debate Cllr Roy Bayley proposed that MPC should defer its final comment on this plan until Meeting 143 on Tues 18 March 2014 and SC Planners have already agreed in principle. RESOLVED unanimously
d. Clerk to confirm to SC Planners that MPC requests a consultation extension: DEFERRED to Meeting 143
5.1 Slurry on the Road Woodside Farm: the residents' complaints have been referred to Shropshire Council: Clerk to email SC Officer Perry Muir to ask what action SC Roads+SC Environment have taken. AGREED
5.2 Lorries parking overnight in Montford Bridge Lay-by: consider any advice or information from VOSA: VOSA has not yet replied to the Clerk's email: Clerk to seek informal advice from the police. AGREED
5.3 Proposed New Montford Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Project Leader Cllr David Schofield's report was noted and he will liaise with Cllr Malcolm McSporran to take this project forward. DEFERRED to 143
6.1 Monthly Audit of Accounts Bank Statement 267 at 29 Nov'13 = £3032.23 VERIFIED by Meeting 142.
6.2 MPC Parish Memorial for Dick Roberts MBE: MPC will pay for a memorial plaque in the Parish Hall and will also suggest to the Hall Committee that the committee room be named The Dick Roberts Room in honour of one of its founder members and builders. The Clerk will contact the Hall Committee. ONGOING
7. PARISH ACCOUNTS Meeting 142 Date: 18 Feb 2014 NO accounts were received Year-14
8. EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine correspondence and other general information.
8.1 Corbet School Invitation to meet with the Chair and/or Parish Council to discuss issues of mutual interest:
The Clerk will ask Cllr Adrian Bright and Cllr Andrew Beckett who have children who are Corbet pupils if they would be interested in meeting with the Corbet Headmaster and/or Chairman of Governors. AGREED
9. EXTRA INFORMATION was discussed at the Chairman's discretion and NOTED but not resolved.
9.1 Any Late Correspondence not included on this agenda: NONE received this month. NOTED
9.2 Any Other Parish Reports and any other information plus comments and queries from the Councillors.
a. Cllr Bayley suggested that the moles on the green area by Laburnum House at Montford Bridge crossroads need controlling so the Clerk will ask Alan Dawson to investigate and remedy the problem. NOTED
b Cllr Tricia Jones reported various potholes on the lane from the Hall to the Church so the Clerk will ask SC Roads to check on all the minor roads around Montford Parish and repair any Winter damage. NOTED
c. Cllr Tony Hill reported on problems that lost strangers have had with diversion signs in the area and he suggested that all such diversion signs should always include the actual destinations for clarity. NOTED
10. NEXT MEETING 143 to be held on Tuesday 18 March 2014 at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall
MEETING 142 CLOSED 9.30 pm duration: two hours.
Chairman's Signature Dated: 18 Mar'14
Ian Hutchinson Montford Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1445 words Draft-2 printed: 19 Feb'14
Montford Parish Council Minute Book Seven Page 142 a