South River- Machar FireCommitteeMeeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Department
Committee Present:Bill Russell
Ron McLaren
Les Mahon
Jeffery Dickerson
Staff Present:Skye Buchanan, Secretary
Risto Maki, Fire Chief
Brad Schell, Deputy Fire Chief
Guests:Bob Barker
Ray Maki
Art Whitelock
Bob Dell
- Meeting called to order
Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bill Russell at 7:00 p.m.
- Declarations of pecuniary interest – none
- Deputations– none
- Adoptions of minutes
4.1February 4, 2014
That the South River – Mach Fire Committee does hereby rescind motion 2014- 14.
That the South River - Machar Fire Committee does hereby recommend to the owner municipalities to accept the Fire Chief’s recommendation to appoint Bob Dell as a new volunteer fire fighter at the South River – Machar Fire Department.
That the South River – Machar Fire Committee hereby adopt the minutes of the meeting of February 4, 2014, as printed.
South River – Machar Fire Committee Minutes
March 4, 2014
Page 1
- Business arising from minutes
Spill Trailer
Risto Maki advised that he looked into the prices of a spill trailer. He will reseach grant options and donations for the trailer. Risto Maki advised that the trailer would be self supporting eventually.
Press Release
Risto Maki advised that the press release regarding cell phone coverage and 911 calls has been completed.
- Financial reports
6.1A/P Ledger to February 28, 2014
6.2Income Statementto February 28, 2014
That the South River – Machar Fire Committee receives its A/P Ledger to February 28, 2014.
That the South River – Machar Fire Committee receives its Income Statement to February 28, 2014.
6.3Draft 2014 Budget – received
The budget is to be further reviewed at joint council or next fire committee meeting.
7.Reports from committee members or staff
7.1Fire Chief’s Report
That the South River- Machar Fire Committee does hereby recommend that the Fire Chief purchase the repeater system and other required components for the EagleLake tower, up to$15,000.00.
That the South River – Machar Fire Committee does hereby accept the fire chief’s report dated March 2014, as presented.
8.In Camera– none
9.1Letter to Council- reviewed
9.2Letter from JolyTownship - reviewed
9.3Joly Agreement
The Agreement was reviewed. Risto Maki will review further with Administration and send to JolyTownship for their signature.
10.Other Business
10.1Tanker Information– reviewed
Risto Maki advised that he is actively researching tankers.
That the South River – Machar Fire Committee be now adjourned to meet again on April 1, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. the Fire Hall in South River or at the call of the Chair.
Bill Russell, ChairpersonSkye Buchanan, Secretary