Annual subscription of £8 payable to Treasurer in November

The Society is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society

& the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies

Patron: The Earl of Darnley

President: J. Pye Esq.

Mr A. Holland
“Hartland House"
Sole Street

Tel: 01474 814391 / Vice Chairman
Mr M. Shipway
33 Sallow Shaw
Sole Street

Tel: 01474 814131
Mr P. Drain
24 Windsor Road
DA12 5BN

Tel: 01474 352756 / Show Co-ordinator
Liz Jardin
Main Road
Longfield Hill
Tel: 01474 702855

Joint Secretaries

Mrs C. Shipway
33 Sallow Shaw
Sole Street

Tel: 01474 814131 / Mrs J. Coulter
Larchwood House
21 Greenlands
Sole Sweet

Tel: 01474 814475


Mrs E. Holland Tel; 01474 814391

Mrs L. Jardine Tel: 01474 702855

Mr R. Martin Tel: 01474 813455

Mr P. Connellan Tel; 01474 816548

Programme for 2013

Meetings held in the Meadow Room

*Wed 13th. Feb. 8pm George Puddifoot, owner of Riverside Fuchsia, holder of the National Fuchsia Collection

*Wed 13th. March 8pm A year in a Cobham Orchards,

Scripps Farm with Mark Chapman

*Sat. 13th. April SPRING SHOW

*Wed. 8th. May 8pm North West Kent Countryside Partnership How to Encourage Garden Wildlife

*Sat 8th. June SUMMER SHOW and Plant Sale

*Sat. 0th JulyVisit to Eastcroft Rose Nursery, Cliffe

Date to be confirmed

*Sat 14th. Sept AUTUMN SHOW

* Wed. 9th. Oct. 8pmJacqueline Aviolet (RHS listed speaker)

How to grow Geraniums

Wed. 13th. Nov. 8pm AGM & Presentation of Trophies

Wed. 11th. Dec. 8pm Christmas Party

*Amateur Cup entries at these meetings

Show Co-ordinator Consultant Liz Jardin


Saturday 13th. April, Meadow Room 3.l5pm


Saturday 8th. June, Meadow Room 3.15pm


Saturday 14th. Sept Meadow Room 3.15pm.

Trophies will be presented at the Annual General Meeting

Current holders please ensure that they are delivered to Elizabeth Holland prior to the meeting



Ladies Challenge Cup E Holland

Flower Arranging

Marjorie Finlay Bowl S. Connellan

Miniature Flower Arrangement

Eaton-Matthews Challenge Cup C. Edwards

Most Points in Show

DT Brown Cup D. Spree

Best exhibit in classes 1-16


Cobham Gardeners’ Society Cup E. Holland

Rose Arrangement

Alfred Baker AwardC. Edwards

Arthur Aldridge Rose Bowl R. Dymond

Top Vase C. Greenfield

Centenary Tankard C. Shipway

(Jubilee Award)P Hodge & P Roberts


Coronation Tankard C. Spree

5 Tomatoes

T.G.Jackson Cup R. Martin

Best Vegetable

H.J.Couchman CupJ. Panton

Most points for classes 1-19

Eden Cottage Cup C. Spree

Vegetable tray

Pickwick Cup S. Connellan

CGS Top Tray C. Brown

Jack Pye Presentation Trophy D. Spree

CGS Potato Challenge Cup P. Connellan


Amateur Cup J. Panton

Junior Amateur Cup Max Edwards

Peter Drain Award C. Edwards

(Most points in all three shows)


Entries will be received between 10.45 am. & 12.45 pm.

Any entries placed after 12.45pm will be disqualified by the stewards.

Vases will be provided for classes where stipulated

The show opens at 3.15pm


Division 1. Trumpet Daffodils. One flower to a stem; Corona ("trumpet") as

Long as, or longer than the perianth segments ("petals")

Division 2. Large-cupped Daffodils. One flower to a stem; Corona ("cup")

more than one-third but less than equal to the length of the

perianth segments ("petals")

Division 3. Small-cupped Daffodils. One flower to a stem; Corona (“cup")

not more than one-third the length of the perianth segments.

Division 4. Double Daffodils. One or more flowers to a stem; With doubling

of the perianth segments, or the corona, or both.

Division 5. Triandrus Daffodils of Garden Origin. Characteristics of N.

Triandrus clearly evident; usually two or more pendent flowers to a stem: perianth segments reflexed.

Division 6. Cyclamineus Daffodils of Garden Characteristics of N.

Cyclamineus clearly evident; usually one flower to a stem;

perianth segments reflexed.

Flower at an acute angle to the stem, with a very short pedicel (“neck")Miniature. Blooms shown in this class must measure 2" or less when flattened out

Division 7. Jonquils

Classes l to 16:- Without foliage. Classes 17 & 18:- With own foliage

The D.T.Brown Cup will be awarded for the best exhibit in

classes 1-16.

The Eaton - Matthews Challenge Cup will be awarded for the most points in the show.


l. One vase, one bloom. Division 1, Trumpet.

2. One vase, 3 blooms of one variety, Division 1, Trumpet

3. One vase, 3 blooms, one each of three distinct varieties, Division 1, Trumpet.

4. One vase, one bloom, Division 2, Large-cupped.

5. One vase, 3 blooms of one variety, Division 2, Large-cupped

6. One vase, 1 bloom, Division 3, Small-cupped.

7. One vase, 3 blooms of one variety, Division 3, Small-cupped.

8. One vase, 3 blooms, one each of three distinct varieties, Division 3,Small-cupped.

9. One vase, three stems of one or more varieties, Division 4, Double

10.One vase, one bloom, Division 4, Double

11.One vase, 3 stems from Division 5, Triandrus.

12. One vase, 3 stems from Division 6, Cyclamineus

13. One vase, 3 stems from Division 7, Jonquils.

14. One vase, 3 stems from any other Division of daffodils, not scheduled.

15. One vase, one stem, Division 9, Pheasant Eye.

16. One vase, 3 stems of` miniature daffodils.

17. One vase, 3 stems tulips, one variety.

18. One vase, 5 stems tulips, not less than 3 varieties

19. A container of mixed daffodils arranged for decorative effect.

Additional foliage permitted.

20. One saucer, 5 blooms, hellebores.

21. One vase, 1 flowering stem, any other Spring flower.

22. One or more bulbs or corms growing in a pot or bowl.

23. Three Hyacinths grown in a bowl.

24. Single growing Hyacinth.

25. One or more plants of floral value growing in a pot or bowl.

26. One or more plants of foliage value growing in a pot or bowl.

27. An alpine growing in a pot or bowl.

28. One vase, mixed flowers.

29. One vase 3 sprays. Flowering shrubs or trees. (one variety or mixed)

30. One vase. 3 sprays Heaths.

31. Camellia. One bloom, not more than two leaves, in supplied container.

32. Flower arrangement in a basket (not more than 15” x 15” any height)

For Ladies Challenge Cup.

33. An egg cup arrangement between 4 and 6 inches overall.

For Marjorie Finlay Bowl

34. Make a Spring card for children up to the age of 11.

Card to be supplied by Elizabeth Holland.

35. A display of vegetables wholly within a seed tray. (l6" by l0" max.)

36. Three sticks of` rhubarb.

37. Chutney. One jar of not less than 3/4lb or 340g. Standard jar with white lid.

38. Marmalade. One jar of not less than 3/4lb or 340g. Standard jar with white lid.

39. Amateur Cup entries.

40. Junior Amateur Cup entries. For children aged 16 or under and open to non - members.

41. Spring related unmounted photograph, not exceeding 7x5 inches. Not shown before. Open to all. Maximum of 3 entries per exhibitor.


Entries will be received between 10.45 am. & 12.45 pm.

Any entries placed after 12.45pm will be disqualified by the steward.

Society vases will be provided

The show opens at 3.15pm.

Roses: Classes 1-8. HT now Large Flowered.

Floribunda now Cluster-Flowered.

The Arthur Aldridge Rose Bowl will be awarded for the best exhibit in

classes 1 - 7.

(A Jubilee Award will be awarded for the best exhibit in show (excluding open classes))


1. One Large Flowered bloom.

2. Three Large Flowered blooms of one variety, or mixed.

3. Five Large Flowered blooms of one variety, or mixed.

4. One spray of Cluster-flowered roses.

5. Three sprays of Cluster-flowered roses.

6. Miniature roses. Five or more blooms.

7. Three stems of any other rose.

8.Artistic rose arrangement. (Only rose foliage to be used).


For C.G.S. Cup

9. One pot containing one or more plants of floral value. (Max pot dia 9") Not shown before.

10. One pot containing one or more plants of foliage value.

(Max pot dia 9"). Not shown before.

11.One vase of sweet peas. Not more than 7 stems.

12. An arrangement of Sweet Peas and any foliage 9" x 9" any height.

13. One saucer of pansies. 5 blooms.

14. One delphinium.

15. Three vases of flowers, each different and containing 3 stems of one kind.

16. Flowering shrubs or trees. One vase, 3 sprays, one kind or mixed.

17. An exhibit grown from a cutting or seed within the last eighteen

months which has not been bought or previously shown.

For Alfred Baker Award.

18. One Lily (not day lily).

19. A Hosta - growing in a pot no larger than l0" diameter.

20. An Orchid or Symbidiurn growing in a pot.

21. Rose arrangement, 18"x18", any height, with accessories.

22.Cobham Gardeners Society "Top Vase" Shades of oranges and

lemons. See rules on Page 14

Top Vase Shield


23.A collection of three bunches of three varieties of cut culinary herbs, each in a small container, overall maximum height 6".

For the Centenary Tankard

24.A Hanging Basket.

25. Three sticks of rhubarb.

26. A plate of 10 gooseberries.

27. A plate of 6 strawberries, with plugs.

28. A plate of 10 raspberries, with plugs.

29. Two lettuces.

30. Six radishes.

31. Six pods of broad beans.

32. Six pods of peas.

33. Six pods of peas. (Mange-tout or Sugar Snap type).

34. Two of any other vegetable.

35. A plate containing six strings of currants. (Same colour)

36. A plate of six soft fruit. (Other varieties)

37. Lemon Drizzle Cake – See Recipe on Page 18

38. Make a papier-mâché bell and decorate. Children under 11.

39. Amateur Cup entries.

40. Junior Amateur Cup entries. For children aged 16 and under. Open to



41. A Planter. Not more than l8” long.

42. An unframed, but mounted, piece of Art Work of local interest.

Not exceeding 8¼ x 11¼ "

43. A buttonhole

44. Unmounted photograph not exceeding 4" x 4" of floral subject in

exhibitor’s own garden. Max. 3 entries. Not shown before.


Entries will be received between 10.45am. and 12.45pm.

Any entries placed after 12.45pm will be disqualified by the stewards.

Vases will be provided for classes where stipulated.

The show opens at 3.15pm.

The T.G.Jackson Cup is awarded for the best vegetable in classes 1 - 19.

The H.J. Couchman Cup most points for classes 1-19


l. Five white potatoes.

2. Five coloured potatoes.

3. Five "Novelty" potatoes. (Pink Fir Apple, Ratte, Blue etc.)

4. Three cylindrical beetroot.

5. Three globe beetroot.

6. Five tomatoes on a plate. Ordinary cultivars.

Coronation Tankard

7. Five tomatoes on a plate. Small fruited or novelty.

8. Five onions grown from seeds. Not sets.

9. Five onions grown from sets.

10. Two leeks.

11.Five shallots. (not over 2")

12. A pair of marrows. (Maximum length l5")

13. Five carrots.

14. Longest runner bean.

15. One cucumber. (outdoor)

16. One cucumber. (indoor)

17. Six runner beans.

18. Six climbing beans. (not runners)

19. Six French beans.

20. One culinary pumpkin or squash

21. Five Chillies of one variety.

22. Two of any other vegetable.

23. One vegetable oddity.

24. One of each of 5 different vegetables wholly contained within

( i.e. not overlapping ) a seed tray, no bigger than l6"x10".

Point value of vegetables as per RHS handbook No. accessories or

garnish. Eden Cottage Cup.

25. Cobham Gardeners’ Society " Top Tray ". See rules on page 13.

26. Five dessert apples (not to be polished).

27. Five pears.

28. Five cooking apples.

29. Five dessert plums on a plate.

30. A plate of 10 blackberries or hybrid berries plus stalks.

31. A plate of 10 raspberries with plugs.

32. A bunch of grapes

33. Two of any other fruit

34. One bloom chrysanthemum, any type.

35. One stem of spray chrysanthemum, any type.

36. One bloom dahlia, any type.

37. Three blooms ball dahlias, including pom-poms.

38. Three blooms other dahlias.

39. Five stems of annuals, mixed or similar.

40. One or more plants of floral value, (other than fuchsia), growing in a

pot or bowl. (Max. dia. 9").

41. One or more plants of foliage value growing in a pot or bowl.

(Max. Pot/bowl dia. 9").

42. One fuchsia in a pot, grown from your own cutting.

(Max pot diameter 9", max height above pot 18")

Jack Pye trophy.

43. Six fuchsia stems, any kind or mixed, container supplied.

44. Three blooms Large-Flowered roses.

45. One bloom Large-Flowered rose

46. One stem Cluster-Flowered roses.

47. Three sprays from shrubs or trees. One variety or mixed.

48. Heaths. One vase, three sprays.

49. Five stems of any other flowers.

50. Hedge Row Beauty arrangement 18” x 18” x 18” max.

Pickwick Cup

51. Grow the largest sunflower head. Children up to 11.

52. Apple Cake. See Recipe on Page 18.

53, Jam. 1 Jar of not less than 3/4lb or 340g. Standard jar with white lid.

54. Jelly. 1 Jar of not less than 3/4lb or 340g. Standard jar with white lid.

55. Largest pumpkin (girth).

56. Potatoes in a sack. Grow potatoes in a black sack ( both provided ).

Bring to the show between 10.45 and 12.45, for a weigh in to find the

heaviest crop. CGS Potato Challenge Cup

57. One "Giant" vegetable.

58. Amateur Cup Entries.

59. Junior Amateur Cup Entries. For children aged 16 and under and

open to non members

60. Autumn related photograph, not exceeding 7x5 inches. Open to all,

and exhibited on society felt board. Max. of 3 entries per exhibitor.

Note: Any remaining fruit, vegetables and flowers will be auctioned off at

the end of the show. Proceeds to go to Society funds. Any entrant who does

not wish their entry to be auctioned please indicate on entry slip.


a) There will be no entry fees.

b) The Judge’s decision will be final.

c) The Committee does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to

any exhibit or container.

d) All entries must be grown by the exhibitor - except in floral

composition classes.

e) On arrival, exhibitors will please complete a card with their name and

class number for each exhibit.

Failure to do so will mean that the exhibit will not be judged.

Also, if known, please state the names of varieties.

f) There is no limit to the number of entries which a member may

make in each class, unless otherwise stated. Please note that only

a member's best exhibit in a class will be added into the total in any

"points" competitions.

Please remember, always, that Presentation Counts!


Members are urged to bring as many entries of flowers, fruit, vegetables and plants as they wish to any of the meetings indicated in the programme (* in left hand column).

Points, awarded out of 10, are for a member's best entry and will be carried forward to an annual total.

Junior Amateur Cup. The rules are the same as for the Amateur Cup, but the class is open to children below the age of 16 and is only available at thethree shows.

It is not necessary to be a member of the Cobham Gardeners‘ Society to enter.


This award will be given for the maximum number of points gained in all three

shows. A first place scoring 3 points, a second 2 points and a third l point. (The points awarded for this award to be reviewed at the next committee meeting.)



1. The Cobham Gardeners ‘Society "Top Tray” class is for a display of three types of vegetables from the following list of eight. The quantity of each vegetable required for the display is given in brackets:

Carrots (3), Cauliflower (2),Onions (3), Parsnips (3), Peas (6),

Potatoes (3),Runner Beans (6), Tomatoes (6).

Each type of vegetables will be judged using a scale of 20 points split into three sections. 7 points are for size, shape and colour; 7 points for condition; 6 points for uniformity.

All vegetables are to be displayed for effect.

2.The vegetables must be displayed within an area measuring 18" by 24" without bending any part of them. No part of any exhibit may

exceed the size of the tray.

A tray or board measuring l8" by 24" (45 x 60cm) can be used to

display the vegetables or the area can simply be marked on the

staging. Where a tray has a lip or edge, the internal measurements must not exceed l8" by 24" (45 x 60cm)

3.A black cloth is permitted, and the tray may be painted. Parsley is

allowed for garnishing, but no other foliage or accessories, such as plates, backboards, sand, rings etc. may be used. Onion tops may be tied or whipped using raffia.

Notes for exhibitors and judges.

Carrots, beetroot and parsnips must have foliage trimmed back to l" or 2" (2.5-5cm) long. Peas and beans must be displayed with some

stalk attached. Tomatoes must be displayed with calyces.



I. The Cobham Gardeners’ Society “Top Vase" class is for a vase of mixed flowering stems containing a total of five to ten stems, taken

from a minimum of two different kinds of plants. Please note that it is two different KIND of plants; two varieties of the same plant are NOT two kinds.

2. The display will be judged out of a total of 35 points, split into: 25

points for the colour, form, condition, quality and freshness of the

flowers on display, and l0 marks for the overall presentation and effect of the flowers in the vase. The vase will be viewed from all directions.

Judging of the flowers should be to the normal rules used for other classes.

3. Stems used in the display must be showing flowers only; no seed heads or berries allowed.

4. The vase (no handles) can be any shape and size and made from any

material, but must be in proportion to the display. No marks are

awarded for the vase itself.

5. No accessories whatsoever - such as bows and additional foliage - will

be allowed. Foliage which is growing naturally from the flowering stem,

and is still attached to that stem, is allowed. Packing material -

including Oasis - to keep the stems in place is allowed.

6.Judges should use their discretion when judging the Top Vase class, bearing in mind that the entries may come from inexperienced


7. Any queries that may arise, regarding anything other than the above rules, shall be referred to, and decided by, the show officials.

Failure to abide by any of these rules will lead to disqualification.


As an affiliated Society we are entitled to the following main privileges.

a) Free advice from Wisley on gardening problems and plant identification.

b) One copy of RHS monthly journal for circulation amongst members