D R A F T – Based on 11/21/02 Thursday Meeting of Information Collection Subcommittee

Basic Logistics:

1)All requests are to be submitted electronically and formatted in such a way as to facilitate tracking from the date of submission all the way to approval by the President’s Cabinet and the final disposition which follows. All data should be able to be easily retrieved by accessing the Web from any computer by anyone, including the originator of the request.

2)A “Gatekeeper” should be assigned from within Facilities Management to electronically log each request as it is submitted to ensure its proper routing to the next step in the review and approval process. The Gatekeeper, within certain perimeters, would check to see if the request falls within the definition of a “Special Services Request,” or whether it would be better addressed as a routine maintenance work order.

3)Each building should have at least one secretary serving as a local contact to 1) help someone properly complete a request; 2) answer general questions about the work order procedure as well as how to submit a “Special Services Request”. The local contact would serve as a liaison with Facilities Management helping in the detection of needed repairs or other shortcomings which may surface in their building’s more public and/or general use spaces.


  • Special Services Request – request to modify a space requiring significant modification in such things as wall and/or door placement, HVAC, and utility service.
  • Routine Maintenance Work Order –request to correct a minor problem in a space

Transition Page on Website

  • Demographic information would be keyed in here. Department name, name of person making the request, email, phone number, intra-campus mailing address, etc.
  • “Trigger Questions” to be used to ensure the proper routing of the request. With definitions showing, prompt requester whether this is a work order where they then could see the multitude of things we consider work order traffic. (Use U of M examples.) If the decision is a “Special Services Request”, then offer a pop up screen which would include options like: 1) public space (hallways, restrooms, staircases, grounds, etc.; 2) office; 3) roofs; 4) classroom; 5) Other______.

Special Services Request Detail

Stage 1 -

  • Detail is provided by requester. Area is specifically identified and description provided. Timetable is offered including completion date. Have ability to scan in any graphics.
  • Requester is asked to give a preliminary guess as to how the project should be funded from among these options: 1) Centrally Held M&E Funds; 2) Department Funds; 3) College Funds; 4) Division Funds: 5) Revenue Funds (Residence Hall or Student Union); 6) HPER Funds; 7) MnSCU Issued R & R (Repair & Replacement) Funds; 8) Student Activity Funds; 9) Federal, State, or External Grant Funds; 10) Parking Funds; 11) Other ______; 12) Special Matching between ______@ $______and ______@ $______; or 13) Unknown.
  • Sign off “endorsements” at Stage 1 include: 1) Department Chair or Administrative Service Unit Head; 2) College Dean or Division Vice President. Such an endorsement is viewed as authority for the document to be “Released for Preliminary Costs Estimates and Comment” by Facilities Management. Try for electronic signatures.
  • Requester chooses one of three processing tracks: 1) Work completed during Academic Year; 2) Work completed during Winter Break; or 3) Work Completed during summer.

Stage 2 –

  • Facilities Management reviews data and provides cost estimates, comments, and speaks to timetable needs. Facility Management staffer who provides estimate and comment has his/her name and date of comment showing on data base form.
  • Partially completed document is returned to requesting department and dean/division vice president.
  • College Dean decides whether to proceed with request or to withdraw support. Where administrative service units are concerned, the Division Vice President decides whether or not to proceed. At this stage, if preliminary approval is given by the College Dean, the Dean selects one of three processing tracks, prioritizes request, and recommends funding option. College Deans requests then go to Academic Vice President for review, approval, and prioritization among college lists. Administrative service unit requests simply go to the appropriate Division Vice President for prioritization within the Division.

Stage 3 -

  • Campus-wide board or commission is asked to comment on prioritized requests submitted by each Division Vice President. Group should include bargaining unit representatives, students, and contacts from the Planning Sub meet & Confer Committee as well as the Budget Sub meet & Confer Committee. The University Administration should provide on-going clerical support to the group to insure that they meet their calendar commitments. The Gatekeeper should be a part of this panel. Their recommendations should routinely be forwarded to the President’s Cabinet.

Stage 4 –

  • President’s Cabinet reviews recommendations of campus-wide board/commission and makes its decision. Final funding arrangements are then made with agreed to timetables listed as part of disposition. President’s signature and date should be shown if possible.
  • Options should be made to allow Cabinet to “defer” or “return” request; “deny” and “request additional information”. Why Cabinet took delaying or negative action should be explained at this juncture.