PEIMS #: 13027900
Web Technologies Syllabus
COURSE TITLE / Web Technologies
CTSO: Business Professionals of America / One-Half to One Credit
Instructor: Rosalia Scogin
Telephone Number: (915) 937-3278 / e-mail:
Conference Time: 2nd period
I. / Course Description:
Through the study of Web Technologies, students will learn to make informed decisions and apply the decisions in the field of Information Technology. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and critical thinking and apply them to the information technology environment.
II. / Rationale:
The purpose of this course is for students to learn web animation, buttons, banners, plug-ins, navigation, and optimization. Scripting with HTML, XML, and CSS, Basic structure of HTML. Basic structure of XML, and styles to format web pages. Additionally, design basic client websites, project and marketing plans. Meet client web requirements, provide multiple design ideas, and create design comparables.
III. / College Preparation/Credit:
Web Technologies qualifies as 1 technology credit In Socorro I.S.D.
Articulated Credit with EPCC: Web Design I Course
V. / Assessment: Assessment consists of daily instruction, discussion, interaction, activities, presentations, projects and/or exams. Multiple strategies in lesson design such as: questioning, cooperative learning, manipulative, peer teaching, word walls, learning styles, and differentiated instruction aid in re-assessment of student work.
Weighted Average:
45% Daily Assignment/s
40% Exams and Projects
15% Nine Week Exam
VI. / Materials and Requirements:
One USB/Flash 4G thumb drive
VII. / Certifications:
Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Certification. Demonstrates basic, entry-level skills with Adobe digital media software. Local Competency Profile requires 85% objective attainment and 90% attendance.
VIII. / Brief semester outline of course of study :
1st Semester
- Covers topics related to employment, careers, and legal/ethical responsibilities. Additionally, students will learn to create, modify, and optimize a variety of digital images.
o Fireworks, using panel elements, structures, optimizing images, and setting export window
o Photoshop, understanding its interface, working with layers and layer styles, creating shapes, inserting text on images, applying filters to shapes and text, and saving images for the web.
o Illustrator, understanding its interface, creating vector graphics, drawing shapes, adding text, and exporting graphics for the web.
2nd Semester
- This semester focuses on creating and maintaining a web site for a client. Adobe Dreamweaver will be provided for the students to use to create, design, and connect the multipage web products. It may also be used for administration of the web site for example: Uploading the files to a server and testing it. Templates and Style Sheets may be used to create design consistency. Adobe Photoshop may be used for manipulating images and evaluating digital images. Flash may be used to create motion graphics. The student participation in the process of establishing a domain name and administering the actual client web site is essential.
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