Invasive terrestrial plants
Minnesota invasive non-native terrestrial plants - an identification guide for resource managers
Department of Natural Resources - Trails and Waterways - Revised 2003
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Amur maple
/ /Amur silver grass
/Birdsfoot trefoil
/ /Black locust
/ /Bull thistle
/Butter and eggs
/ /Canada thistle
/Common tansy
/ /Cow vetch and hairy vetch
/Creeping Charlie
/ /Crown vetch or axseed
/Exotic honeysuckles
/ /Flowering rush
/Garlic mustard
/ /Grecian foxglove
/Hoary alyssum
/ /Japanese barberry
/Japanese knotweed
/ /Leafy spurge
/Musk or nodding thistle
/ /Norway maple
/Orange hawkweed
/ /Oxeye daisy
/Perennial sow thistle
/ /Purple loosestrife
/Queen Ann's lace
/ /Reed canary grass
/Russian olive
/ /Siberian elm
/Siberian peashrub
/ /Smooth brome grass
/Spotted knapweed
/ /White and yellow sweet clover
/Wild parsnip
/ /Yellow iris