Brookland Band Boosters Association Meeting Held 10/13/15
Minutes Recorded by Shelly White
Members Present
Allan and Rhonda Cochran---Candice Seaborn---Mecca Baxter---Beth Passmore---
Cassey Rodriguez---Rhonda Cochran---Donna Odom---Daphne Perkins---
Tabatha Brown----Jill Woodard----Michelle Cobb---Chad and Shelly White---
Terry Hogard(for a few minutes)
Meeting Agenda-No written agenda employed at this meeting.
Meeting was called to order by President Allan Cochran.
Mr. Hogard asked to address the Boosters about a few things before he left for Marching practice……
*Mr. Hogard gave a short talk concerning uniforms. He stated that he had approval from the administration to set up an activity account for the specific purpose to raise money for uniforms. He said his band budget had been cut so more money could go to uniforms. How much the school is willing to support the uniform project is unknown. Uniforms will need a partial payment when ordered and a final payment when they are delivered. Design samples for uniforms to be shown at next meeting.
*Mr. Hogard stressed that parent support was strongly needed at the Marching Competition at GCT on Tuesday. Will get exact show time tomorrow. Mr. Hogard also reminded the boosters that the band would need a U-Haul on Tuesday. Mr. Cochran said he would be responsible for renting and driving the U-Haul.
*Mr. Hogard hinted of a possible big trip in 2017. More information to come later.
*Mr. Hogard reminded the Boosters about Senior Night at the Football game on 11-5-15. He said that he was allowing the seniors to choose their favorite songs through their years in band for the half time performance.
September minutes were reviewed and motion made and second to accept them. All in favor.
Since the last meeting, Booster Secretary Kelly Webb, has asked to resign.
Nominations were taken. Motion and Second to elect co-secretaries Chad and Shelly White. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: No treasurer’s report. Treasurer not present. New Balance in Booster’s Acct. $2,093
September minutes were reviewed and motion made and second to accept them. All in favor.
*It was mentioned at the last meeting that we needed people with a CDL license were needed to help assist in driving a bus for band trips. Since then we have learned that that is no longer needed. You must be an employee of the school to drive a school bus.
*Candice Seaborn announced that a Fundraising Yard Sale was set for Saturday 10-24. Need Racks, tables, price list, signs, change, code enforcement contact. With that being the long weekend out of school many people had plans. Could not get enough commitment for yard sale. Motion and second to table yard sale until the spring. All in favor.
*Candice Seaborn and Jill Woodard had contacted Businesses for donations. They are in need of Letterhead. Mr. Cochran gave his permission to use his name and number on letterhead since school info or personnel was not allowed for booster use. Chad White said he would have letterhead for next meeting.
*Mecca Baxter suggested someone speak to Mr. Hogard about changing the band logo from “The Few The Proud” to something different. Something that signified that we were a larger group. No one volunteered.
*Tabatha Brown suggested a Beef stick fundraiser. It was noted that the kids were not able to sell food at school.
*Daphne Perkins suggested a blanket raffle. She would donated 2 handmade blankets to be raffled. It was decided one would be for Football and one for basketball. She would have the first one ready to go by the ballgame this Friday night. Chances are to be sold at the Boosters Booth. 1 for $1 or 6 for $5. Mecca Baxter volunteered to sell tickets at the football games. It was decided the drawing would be held at the Senior Football game, the last home game of the Season on 11-5. It was decided that we do this.
*Mecca Baxter discussed a fundraiser for basketball games. The Boosters would purchase hackey sacks to be used, and number them. People at the games would claim a numbered sack and toss it to center court. Closest to the center would win half the money collected for the night. The boosters would keep the sacks to reuse at every game. Mecca said thee sacks would cost approx. $7 per dozen and we would need about 5 dozen. We would need permission from Coach Richey to start. Mecca said she would head this up and contact who she needs to. She was given permission to move on with this project.
* Michelle Cobb spoke about a fundraising opportunity through ASU. She works for Sodexo. They provide concessions for all activities at ASU. They allow non-profit groups to work concession stands at events. One stand at a FB game earns $500 or 10% of profits, whichever is greater, At a Convo event, it earns $250 or 10%. Remaining FB games are 10-20 (the night of marching contest) 10-31(Halloween) and 11-7(some type of band thing going on that day, we think). They need at least 15 people per stand at games and at least 10 at Convo events. Band kids can do it, too. Note: Alcohol is served at most Convo concerts and at FB games, but not where we would be working. Games start at 6. 2-3 people will be needed to meet at 3 or 3:30 to train. Parking at Student Union and an ASU Bus will pick you up for the game. Concessions close at 4th quarter. 1 person needs to stay and count out money to Sodexo staff. Tabatha Brown volunteered to try to get enough people to work the game on 10-20, even with the Marching Competition at the same time. She needs an answer by Friday, 10-16. All Michelle Cobb needs is a W-9, she will mail it to S. White to get L. Scurlock to fill out tomorrow. Mecca Baxter and Candice Seaborn volunteered to help work the concession stand on 10-20.
*It was decided that we should try to pick one thing a month to do a concession stand at.
*Lanyards- Shelly White reported that Mr. Hogardcontacted her needing lanyards to hold the marching bands music. And agreement was made between Mr. H and the BMS PBIS committee to purchase some they had left over from a fundraiser. Mr. H said the band would purchase them, if the Boosters did not. Motion and second for boosters to purchase those.
* Senior Night. Shelly White spoke about Senior Night. After lots of discussion, it was decided that she would have a budget of $15, per student for the 6 seniors, for a total of $90. It was to be used to purchase flowers for senior’s moms and a small gift for the senior band members. Both to be given out at the Senior FB game on 11-5. Motion and second. All were in favor. Tabatha Brown also donated $20 to be used for this purpose. Shelly White is in charge of flowers and gifts.
*Allan Cochran stated that he needed a volunteer to work the Boosters Booth at the FB game on 11-5, so that he and Mrs. Rhonda could participate in the Senior activities for their son. Jill Woodward volunteered.
*Next meeting was set for 11-15 at 6:00.