Evidence of link to Regulations (ECSNR):
Evidence of link to NQS::
QA 2 E:2.3.2
Use and Storage of Hazardous Items
Version / Date / Author / Change DescriptionPolicy Objective
To ensure that all hazardous items (including children’s medications) are used and stored in accordance with directions. All hazardous items must be stored so that they are not accessible to children. Hazardous items must also be used in such a way as to minimise the risk of illness and injury to staff.
While the organisation aims to use environmentally friendly products there will always be hazardous items that may cause serious injury, illness, or death (if ingested by children). Such items may include medications, detergents, cleaning products and garden chemicals.
Storage areas must be inaccessible to children and may include high shelving, lockable boxes, lockable cupboards and cupboards with child-proof locks.
Staff must remain vigilant at all times and ensure that designated storage areas for hazardous items are used correctly at all times.
Relevant Legislation:
Education and Care Services National Regulation, 2012
Strategies and practices
- All hazardous items including:
-cleaning products, bleach, chemicals
-garden and pest control chemicals
-sharp utensils such as adult scissors, utility knives etc
-washing detergent, dish washing detergent
-any other items or products that may be hazardous to children
must be stored in areas that are not accessible to children.
- Children’s medications must be stored in a clearly labelled lockable container in the refrigerator.
- All first aid kits are stored in a purpose made container and kept on an adult height shelf in each room.
- All detergents and cleaning products must be stored in a designated lockable cupboard
- All chemicals and hazardous products used in the outdoor area are to e stored in a lockable cupboard in the outdoor storage shed.
- All hazardous items are to be clearly labelled.
- All hazardous items must be entered onto Safety Data Sheets.
- All staff must place handbags in staff lockers in staffroom.
- Parents will be reminded not to leave handbags here they can be accessed by children.
Education and Care Services National Regulation, 2011
National Quality Standards
Policy Written by: / Position: / Date:Approved by: / Approved Date: / Next review date:
Staff Sign:
Child Protection Policy1