Affiliate Business Partner Membership
Space Coast REALTORS®
105 McLeod Street, Merritt Island, FL 32953
1450 Sarno Rd, Melbourne, FL 31935
Phone 321-452-9490 Fax 321-452-1108
What is a Business Partner Affiliate Member?
A Business Partner Affiliate Member is a person or business who, while not a REALTOR®, provides a service to the real estate industry.
Why become a Business Partner Affiliate?
We are a trade Association of more than 3,200 licensed real estate professionals that you will have direct access to for networking and business contacts. These contacts will help increase your business.
Most people prefer to do business with a firm or person they are familiar with. Business Partner Affiliate Members become a part of the REALTOR® family by attending the membership meetings and serving on focus groups and committees.
Affiliate Business Partners participate in our annual fund raising activities. For 2016 we are supporting Brevard Children in Need, RPAC and others. In addition, the Affiliate Members sponsor education courses, and membership meetings which gets them nose-to-nose with REALTOR® Members.
What’s in it for Me?
All the Affiliate Members of our Association appear under the “Links” section of the Association website, You may supply a photo for the 1st affiliate contact, and a company logo, which will appear by your company name on the website. You may send out two e-mails to the membership each month, and download address labels and e-mail addresses for the entire membership at any time.
One Time Application Fee: $50.00
Jan.-Dec. April-Dec. July-Dec. Oct.-December
Annual Dues* $160.00 $122.50 $ 85.00 $ 47.50
Application fee $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Total $210.00 $172.50 $135.00 $ 97.50
Membership is for one location and two affiliate members per office. If you have more than one office and would like membership for an additional office, please submit a separate application and payment for each office.
Firm Name: ______Type of Business: ______
Firm Billing Address: ______
Street City State ZIP
Firm Phone: ______Firm Fax:______Web Address______
1st Contact: ______Email: ______
Cell______Last 4 digits of ss#______(required)
**2nd Contact Name: ______Email: ______
Cell: ______Last 4 digits of ss#______(required)
*$10 of the dues amount shown above will be used for an annual event sponsored by the affiliate committee
**This person receives a copy of the newsletter and emails from the Association and may represent your firm at meetings in case you can not attend. You may have one secondary contact person per paid membership.