Confirmation Schedule: Second Semester
Class 14: January 7 / Communion of Saints: Universal Call to HolinessWhat is the communion of saints?
What is the difference between the church militant, suffering, and triumphant?
What does it mean to be holy?
What is God’s plan for my life?
Class 15: January 14 / Mary & the Saints
Who was Mary?
What are the Marian Dogmas?
What is Mary’s role in the story of salvation?
What does it mean to be a Saint?
What is our relationship to the Saints?
Class 16: January 21 / Liturgy & Liturgical Year
From where does the liturgy come?
What does liturgy mean?
What is the relationship between liturgy and God’s creation?
What is the relationship between liturgy in the Hebrew Scriptures and liturgy in the Christian Church?
What is the liturgical year and what is its purpose?
What is the meaning/significance of each season?
Class 17: January 28 / Intro to the Sacraments & Baptism
What is a Sacrament?
What role do Sacraments play in the life of the Church?
What is the purpose of a Sacrament?
What is the relationship between liturgy and sacrament?
What does baptism do?
Why do we need it?
Why was Jesus baptized?
February 4 / No Class
Class 18: February 11
With Sponsor
& Parents / If your sponsor lives in the area, please ask them to join you for this class.
What does Confirmation do?
Why do we need it?
Is it in the Bible?
What is the relationship between confirmation and baptism?
February 14 / Ash Wednesday: Attend Mass
Class 19: February 18
With Parents / Eucharist Part I: “Behold the Lamb of God”
What is the relationship between the Eucharist and Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross?
Is the Eucharist a sacrifice?
How does the Eucharist relate to sacrifices in the Hebrew Scriptures?
Why is the Eucharist celebrated within the context of the liturgy?
Class 20: February 25 / Eucharist Part II: “Do this in remembrance of me”
Why is the Eucharist the “source and summit” of our faith?
What role does the Eucharist play in my salvation and in the life of the Church?
Why is the Eucharist a foretaste of heaven or “pledge of the glory to come”?
Class 21: March 4 / Sacrament of Reconciliation
Why should I confess my sins to a priest?
What does it mean for God to forgive me?
Am I still punished for my sins after I die?
What does it mean to be reconciled to God and to the Church?
Sacrament of the Sick
What is the purpose of this sacrament?
Who should receive this sacrament?
How do we prepare for death?
Class 22: March 11 / Marriage
What is the purpose of marriage?
What does it mean for marriage to be a vocation?
What is the difference between a sacramental marriage and a civil marriage?
Why is it wrong to have sex outside of marriage?
Why is the Catholic Church against contraception?
Class 23: March 18 / Saint Report Due
Human Sexuality
What does the Catholic Church say about gender? Can I change my gender?
What does the Catholic Church say about homosexuality?
How should I relate to my gay, lesbian, or transgender friends?
March 25 / No Class: Palm Sunday! Start of Holy Week
March 29 / Maundy Thursday: Attend Mass; Start of the Easter Triduum
March 30 / Good Friday: Attend Mass
March 31 / Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil: Attend Mass
RCIA Participants received into the Church!
April 1 / No Class: Easter Sunday! He Is Risen!
Class 25: April 8 / Holy Orders
What are the “three degrees of holy orders”?
Why is the priesthood male?
What effect does ordination have on a man?
What does it mean for the priest to act in the person of Christ?
April 14-15 / Confirmation Retreat
Class 26: April 22 / All Confirmation requirements must be completed.
Catholic Social Teaching
What is the source of morality?
What makes an act good? What makes an act evil?
What is the difference between a mortal and venial sin?
What does it mean to be made for communion?
What obligations and responsibilities do I have as a member of the human family?
What does the Catholic Church teach about:
Capital Punishment?
Class 27: April 29 / The Four Last Things: Death, Purgatory, Hell, & Heaven
What happens when I die?
What is the last judgment?
How will I be judged?
What is purgatory?
What does it mean to be damned?
Who goes to hell?
What is heaven?
How do I get there?
What about people who don’t believe in Jesus?
May 5 / Morning of Reflection with your sponsor
Meet in SFX’s Fellowship Hall from 9am-noon
May 5 / Confirmation at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
Mass begins at 7pm; details about when candidates and sponsors need to arrive will be coming shortly.