These services have been identified as educational related consultant, evaluator, speaker, lecturer, guest conductor or "honorariums" and have normally been contracted for on a FEE basis with travel, lodging and subsistence expenses, where applicable, reimbursed under a Travel Authorization. Basically this type of service is rendered from a platform of unusual experience or expertise in a particular field. Such expertise has usually been gained by education, training, hands-on experience, certification, licensing, publication, public acclaim, election or appointment. Oft times the professional is uniquely qualified to provide the requested service in the context of background, style and/or time which we require.

These procedures are not applicable to professional services for Business/Operational or Management evaluation/services; Architect/Engineer services; Land Surveying services; services to be obtained on an employer-employee relationship as defined in IRS regulations; or services of an individual who is a member of the South Carolina Retirement System. Requests for employer-employee relationships or SC Retirement System members are to be processed through Human Resources. (3-5512). Requests for other procurement actions are to come to the Procurement Office.

When personal, professional services are to be obtained under an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP, wherein the College elects away the RIGHT to DIRECT or CONTROL the professional in the method of performance or the end results of his/her efforts as defined in IRS regulations, then procurement must be accomplished as directed in the Consolidated Procurement Code 11-35-1270 and ensuing Regulation 19-445.2025. This contractual relationship must be proposed on CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ON A FEE BASIS and TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION at least thirty days in advance of actual performance. No contract in which the fee (exclusive of expenses) exceeds $2,500 may be officially "OFFERED" except by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs.

Departments/Activities requiring the services of a professional under a contractual relationship will specify the scope of the professional service needed, identify the individual required, explore the financial arrangements necessary to acquire the service, prepare "CONTRACT" and process for required approvals.

Professionals with fees of over $2,500 who are unique in their applicability to College goals/programs may qualify for "sole source" procurement action. Such determination can only be made by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs. The proposed "CONTRACT" (reverse side) in its approval process must be accompanied by full details, in memorandum form, of the unique qualities of the proposed individual which qualify him/her to best perform the services required. Proposed "CONTRACTS" which do not qualify as "sole source" will require competitive bidding as required by Regulation 19-445.2025.

Proposed "CONTRACTS" (reverse side) with a fee under $2,500 require approval of the Department Chairperson/Head and execution of the official "OFFER" by the appropriate Fund Manager. Proposed "CONTRACTS" with a fee of over $2,500 require the same approval signatures, but the official "OFFER" CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED BY THE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT FOR BUSINESS AFFAIRS. Route all over $2,500.00 requests through the Procurement Office for purchase method determination.

The Department "Contract Representative" will be responsible to see that the contract is complied with and that the fee is paid in a timely manner. An Expenditure Authorization for the professional fee will be honored by Accounts Payable when signed by the Fund Manager and accompanied by a copy of the approved contract. Settlement of the Travel Authorization may be accomplished between the Contractor and Accounts Payable or the Department "Contract Representative" may assist the Contractor in settlement with Accounts Payable, ie. forms, receipts, etc.



This contract between the College of Charleston, 66 George St., Charleston, SC 29424 (Agency) and (Independent Contractor) ______, Address:______

SSN:______for and in consideration of the mutual promises herein made, witnesseth:

1.  Contractor will provide to the Agency the following Education Related Professional Service:


(Brief description but attach detailed Appendix 1 if considered necessary).

This service will be performed personally by the Contractor.

2.  A fee of $______is total compensation for the professional service rendered and is to be paid as follows: [ ] One lump sum at completion of service; [ ] Progressive payment, half at 50% completion and the balance at 100% completion; or [ ] one lump sum in advance of service.

3.  Travel, lodging and subsistence expenses, not to exceed State Employee reimbursement rates, will be reimbursed direct to the Contractor upon receipted claim referencing an approved Travel Authorization (Appendix 2)

4.  Agency has NO RIGHT to DIRECT or CONTROL contractor in the way in which the professional service is performed, either as to the final results or as to the details of how the service is accomplished.

5.  Contractor is not a permanent State employee subject to Dual Employment restrictions or member of SC Retirement System. He/She is an independent contractor who is FREE TO PERFORM required professional service, outlined in paragraph 1 above, in accordance with the dictates of his/her profession/training/experience. Contractors performance/non-performance, for payment purposes, will be judged solely on the specifications set forth in paragraph 1 above, plus Appendix 1 (if attached) hereto.


A. Accounting Data: Department #/ / / / / / / - Object Code / / / / / Amount $______

B. PROPOSED BY: Department Representative______Date______

C. NEEDS CERTIFICATION: Fund Manager______Date______

D. PROVOST APPROVAL (OVER $1500)/Date______

Steps “E” and “F” are necessary ONLY when fee is over $2500.

E. CONTRACT FOR OVER $2500 and PURCHASE METHOD DETERMINATION/Sole/Exempt/Reject for Bid recommended by Director Procurement ______

F. OFFERED on behalf of the College:
Executive Vice President for Business Affairs/Date / ACCEPTED on behalf of the Contractor
Contractor/ Date
Please acknowledge acceptance on the original and return to the Department Contract Representative.

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2: Travel Authorization # (If applicable)

Note to Contract Representative: Accounting will honor an Expenditure Authorization signed by the Fund Administrator for FEE PAYMENT if accompanied by a copy of this contract.
