OrangeBritishAcademy Film Awards
Please read the rules carefully before completing all sections of this form
Print & post with supporting materials to: Shorts, BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LN
Entries accepted from Wednesday 1 September 2010
Submission deadline is 17:00 on Friday 29 October 2010
1/ / Film titleRunning time (minutes)
Format (please tick one) / 35 mm print Beta tape
Completion date / / / (dd/mm/yy)
2/ / Producer:
Daytime telephone number
3/ / Director:
Daytime telephone number
4/ / Writer:
Daytime telephone number
5/ / Print Source/Production Company:
Daytime telephone number
6/ / All correspondence should be directed to(please tick one*):
Production company
*By entering your film, you are giving permission – inthe event of the film being nominated for this Award – forBAFTA to disclose the primary contact details provided to any interested third parties. BAFTA will always use its discretion, and will never knowingly disclose them to anyone without an interest specific to this film.
7/ / Please state the nationality of:Production company/College
Principle cast & crew
8/ / Please confirm the nature, and date, of the film’s FIRST public exhibition (please tick and enter one):
Theatrical / on date (dd/mm/yy) /
Festival / on date (dd/mm/yy) /
Online / on date (dd/mm/yy) /
Television / on date (dd/mm/yy) /
Other (please describe) / on date (dd/mm/yy) /
9/ / 35mm print / Beta to be supplied by 24 December (if long listed only; BAFTA will informyou) and:
I agree to pay all costs for the return of my print / Beta
I do not want my print / Beta returned
10/ / I understand that all films will be judged via anonline viewingplatform and that I am required to upload a digitally encoded version of my film by 10 November 2010 – the entry deadline – subject to the specific technical requirements detailed in the Rules addendum (available online and on request).
Entry requirements (please tick to confirm that the following materials are enclosed):
Entry Form
1x DVD screener of show quality (PAL region 2/multi-region)
Short biographies of the Director, Producer and Writer
Brief synopsis of the film (approx. 50 words)
Front and end credit rollers
Proof of acceptance/screening at one of BAFTA’s recognised fesitvals
- I certify that the above particulars are true.
- I confirm that I am authorised to enter this film and that all rights and clearances have been obtained.
- Please tick if there are any rights NOT cleared for television or web broadcast of clips of this film and I attach to this application full details of all rights not cleared for these purposes.
- I give permission for BAFTA to select, transfer and broadcast a short clip of this film on television and on the BAFTA website, should it wish to do so.
- I accept that rights and clearances are not required for Award consideration by BAFTA but necessary should it wish to broadcast a short clip of this film.
- I hereby indemnify BAFTAagainst any and all actions resulting from any breach of this declaration, including all claims, suits, costs, damages, judgementsand expenses in connection with the usage of any clip of this film.
- I have read the rules of entry and confirm that the film complies with ALL of these rules.
- I enclose ALL the relevant materials requested.
Print name
Date / / /
Thank you. We will email you to confirm receipt of your entry.
If you do not receive an email by Friday 5 November, please contact Nick Williams on or 020 7292 5847.
Short Film Award 2010/11