For Immediate Release Contact: Gale Johnson
August 22, 2006 540-660-1849
This document contains links to MP3 audio files, JPG photo files and power point presentations. All files can be downloaded off the server from the links.
Please contact Cindy Zimmerman at 573-353-6118 if you experience any problems or would like audio files sent by email or in a different format.
Update Day One
Presentations from Species Working Groups (SWG)
1. National Animal ID System overview – Dr. John Wiemers (wee-mers)
USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services
Audio interview 6:53 nais-overview
2. Bison SWG – Lance Kuck (cook), National Bison Association
Audio interview 4:30 bison-kuck
3. Camelids SWG – Teri Neilson Baird, Camelmid Alliance
Audio interview 4:24 camelids-baird
4. Cattle SWG – Gary Wilson, Ohio Department of Agriculture
Audio interview 5:34 cattle-wilson
5. Cervids SWG – Dr. Glen Zebarth, North American Elk Breeders Assoc.
Audio interview 4:56 cervids-zebarth
(niaa-swg-zebarth-1.jpg) Dr. Zebarth answers a question from the audience, with other members of the group in the background. (Linda Campbell to the left and Dr. Patrick Webb to the right)
6. Goat SWG – Linda Campbell, American Dairy Goat Assoc.
Audio interview 3:30 goats-campbell
7. Horse SWG – Amy Mann, American Horse Council
Audio interview 5:12 horses-mann
Amy Mann responds to a question from the audience, with other members of the Species Working Groups in the background.
8. Poultry SWG – Dr. John Wiemers (wee-mers), USDA-APHIS
Audio interview 5:03 poultry-wiemers
9. Sheep SWG – Dr. Cindy Wolf, University of Minnesota
Audio interview 4:25 sheep-wolf
10. Swine SWG – Dr. Patrick Webb, National Pork Board
Audio interview 4:38 swine-webb
Members of the NAIS Species Working Groups take questions from the audience during a session at the ID/INFO Expo in Kansas City on August 22.
ID/INFO EXPO is an event held annually by the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) and has become one of the premier meetings on animal identification. TRI-MERIT™, a single-source animal tracking and verification program powered by Global Animal Management, Inc. (GAM) is sponsoring the pressroom at the event.
Coming up tomorrow will be audio, pictures and presentations from:
· Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns, Keynote Address – will include audio of his remarks, press conference, and interview.
· Dr. John Clifford, who is in charge of NAIS
Implementation at USDA’s, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/
Veterinary Services (APHIS/VS) on “Accomplishments to Date.”
· Orlando (Rich) Baca, APHIS/VS, CEAH, on the Animal Trace Processing System (ATPS.)
· With Neil Hammerschmidt, APHIS/VS, CEAH, on the Animal Identification
Number (AIN) Management System.
· Scott Stuart, Chairman of the NIAA Board of Directors, and CEO of the National Livestock Producers Association.
· With Robert Fourdraine, Chairman of the ID/INFO EXPO 2006 Program
Planning Committee, and Director of the Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium.
· Greg Ibach, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, on “State Legislation to implement NAIS.”
· Dr. George Teagarden, Kansas Animal Health Department, on “Legal Authority, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA.)
· Dr. Jennifer Greiner, Indiana State Board of Animal Health, on “Experiences with Premises Registration—A State Perspective.”
The Media Center is in the Penn Valley Room of the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City. It will be open from 4:00 p.m. Monday-Noon on Thursday.
The phone number there is 816-843-4828.
Cell phone numbers for NIAA Staff in KC are:
Gale Johnson, 540-660-1849
Cora Newsome, 812-661-2399
David Brown, 270-991-7125
ZimmComm New Media contact is:
Cindy Zimmerman, 573-353-6118
Following the meeting, contact:
Gale Johnson
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